After hearing this, most people shut up obediently, but there were still a few who couldn't control their mouths and whispered secretly. However, they were all frightened by the instructor's words"Who muttered 100 push-ups and three laps of long-distance running?"

"You guys, get out of line!" The instructor pointed at the male students who refused to change despite repeated warnings.

"Yes, instructor."Several boys were so frightened that they ran to the instructor in silence.

"I told you guys from the first day of military training, don’t whisper to me during military training, you can come to the instructor to chat after class, but you must obey my orders during military training!!!" The instructor stared at the boys in front of him with a serious face and warned them sternly.

"Got it, instructor!"Several boys hung their heads and responded

"30 push-ups and 3 laps of running!" the instructor said coldly.

"Yes!" Several boys immediately did as they were told.


The class next to them couldn't help but drool when they saw this. Fortunately, their instructor was kinder and not as horrible as the instructor in the next row. Otherwise, they would have been in a worse situation.

"Why do you want me to treat you like that?" The female instructor frowned and glanced at them.

"Huh? No no no~ Instructor, you misunderstood. We are not……"The female instructor's majestic appearance frightened the people in the sixth row, and they hurriedly shook their heads to explain.

"Then stand up straight with your head held high! Otherwise, you won’t be allowed to rest in 30 minutes!"


The female instructor nodded in satisfaction and snorted at Ziyun's instructor, as if to say: See, I can make you obedient with just one word! Humph!

Ziyun's instructor glanced at the female instructor, ignored her, and continued to train the group of bastards in their class.

""Everyone, goose step!" The instructor blew the whistle.

Then, under the instructor's leadership, everyone in the class followed the instructor's instructions and marched in an orderly manner. However, there were always one or two who couldn't tell the difference between the main and the secondary, couldn't lift their feet, or had trembling legs.……

""Stop~" The instructor blew the whistle, and everyone stopped their movements instantly, standing up straight and waiting for the instructor's instructions.

The instructor walked in front of everyone, looked around, and then said coldly:"Everyone, take out your cell phones!"

Cell phones?

Everyone was confused, what did this instructor want to do?

But they still took out their cell phones obediently.

"Fourth brother, the instructor won't think……"Mo Zan lowered his voice and carefully guessed

"Well, that's what you want... put the phone on your toes and practice kicking……"Ziyun answered in a very soft voice.

Mo Zan opened his eyes wide in astonishment,"Fuck! This... instructor is really cruel!……"

Shangguan Yingrui, who had been looking at Ziyun, narrowed her eyes again, and a dangerous light flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"Okay, everyone has taken out their cell phones, right?" the instructor said again.

""Instructor...what are we going to do?" a boy asked weakly.

"Practice lifting your legs, so you can form muscle memory... OK, put your phone on your toes! Then slowly lift your feet and keep them at the same height, understand?"


As soon as the instructor finished speaking, everyone in the class put their phones on their toes and started practicing.

Ziyun did the same, putting his phone on his toes, and then slowly lifted the foot that was holding the phone.

Just like that, after half an hour, many people's faces were covered with sweat, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

Shangguan Yingrui saw the crystal clear sweat on Ziyun's face, and walked over to gently help Ziyun wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Feeling Shangguan Yingrui's soft palm touching his face, his body suddenly stiffened, and he almost lost his balance and fell down.

Shangguan Yingrui seemed not to notice, and continued to gently wipe the sweat off his face.

When the instructor wanted to stop it, he found that it was already too late. When the others on the side saw this scene, they were immediately envious and jealous, and wailed in their hearts: This world is too cruel! Why doesn't this kind of welfare fall on them? Woo woo woo~~

"cough cough……"The instructor cleared his throat and reminded them to be careful of the impact. Although it was normal for children of this age to fall in love, he could not stand the display of affection in front of him. He really could not stand this kind of stimulation.

Shangguan Yingrui heard the instructor's cough, but did not immediately withdraw her hand. She still gently wiped the sweat off Ziyun's forehead.

" need...thank you……"Ziyun felt the strange gazes coming from all around, and a blush appeared on his handsome face. He tried to push her hand away awkwardly.

Seeing Ziyun pushing her hand away, Shangguan Yingrui's eyes darkened, then she curled her lips and smiled, and took her hand back.

She folded the handkerchief that she had just used to wipe Ziyun's sweat and put it in her pocket.

This was used by Ziyun's younger brother, and it was full of the unique scent of Ziyun's younger brother. She liked it very much and was fascinated by it...

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes looking at Ziyun became more and more passionate, even vaguely mixed with a little obsession and madness.

Ziyun felt uncomfortable when she was looked at by her. He frowned and looked away from the distance.

Shangguan Yingrui restrained her emotions, turned back to the front of the team, and continued to watch Ziyun's military training.

The instructor looked at the time, then blew the whistle,"Stand at attention, at ease, and rest in place for ten minutes."

Hearing this, everyone quickly relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief, put away their mobile phones, sat down on the grass, panting, and sweating profusely.

"Damn, I'm so tired!" Yu Yizhi leaned against a tree and panted heavily.


Shangguan Yingrui walked up to Ziyun, took out a bottle of mineral water from her bag and handed it to him, and asked with concern:"Brother, drink some water and take a rest. Don't get too tired."

"Thank you, senior sister!" Ziyun took the bottle of mineral water from Shangguan Yingrui, unscrewed the lid and drank a few sips.

After that, they continued the military training for a while, and today's military training was over!

Shangguan Yingrui was about to go out for dinner with Ziyun's brother when she received a message on her phone. After reading it, she raised a strange smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Feather Falling Snow……"Shangguan Yingrui murmured these three words, then said something to Ziyun and left!!

""Eh? Fourth Brother, why did Senior Yingrui leave so suddenly? Didn't she say she wanted to have dinner with you?" Mo Zan saw Shangguan Yingrui leave, and hurried over to Ziyun, asking gossipingly.

"I don't know, maybe there's something urgent going on!" Ziyun shook his head and said lightly

"Let's go! I've got something for you guys, I think it's already been delivered to your dorm!!"

"What is that? Old Four!"

"You’ll know when you get back to the dormitory, let’s go!"

"Ah... what a bummer, you're keeping me in suspense like this"


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