"Wow…wow wow wow……"


A loud and orderly shout rang out, and everyone quickly gathered.

"Count down!" The instructor stood in front of the team with a stopwatch and shouted

"One, two, three, four... seven... eight... nine!!!"

When he finished counting, he shouted again:"Everyone, stand at attention, at ease!!!"

Everyone obeyed the order and acted immediately, standing up straight, with standard movements, and holding their heads high and chests out, waiting for the instructor's next order.

"Stand at attention for an hour, then proceed to the following training program!!"

"Yes! Instructor!"


Afterwards, the whole morning was spent standing at attention and marching.

At 11:40 noon, the military training ended on time.


With the instructor's order, everyone relaxed as if they had been pardoned, sat on the grass, and gasped.

"Finally free... I'm so tired……"

"Haha, I'm so tired.……"

"Oh my god... I've been standing for a whole morning and my legs are broken. I feel like they're not my own.……"Yu Yizhi touched his sore calf and said in an exaggerated tone

""Okay, second brother, third brother, hurry up! I'm starving!"

After the group was dismissed, Chai Hansong asked several people in the dormitory to walk quickly to the cafeteria.

Seeing this, Yu Yizhi hurriedly followed,"Hey! Boss, wait a minute!"

"Um... brothers? You guys go eat first! I have something to do later, so I'll go back to the dormitory first." Ziyun suddenly called Chai Hansong and the others.

""Ziyun, what are you going to do? Do you need us to go with you?" Chai Hansong asked.

Before Ziyun could say anything, Mo Zan said,"Don't disturb Lao Si. It's probably another senior who wants to invite Lao Si to lunch! Let's go quickly! Don't delay their date. Hehe, we understand, right?"

After that, he pulled Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi away without saying anything.

"Alas, no.……"Ziyun was about to say something, but Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi ignored him and disappeared from his sight.

Looking at the disappearing backs of his three friends, Ziyun smiled bitterly, sighed helplessly, and then walked towards the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory, taking a shower and changing clothes, Ziyun left the campus and went out of the college. He wanted to use this ten-fold board line card, otherwise he would forget it and lose it.

Just after leaving the school gate and preparing to use his mobile phone to take a taxi, he received a message from Shangguan Yingrui:"Junior, where are you now?"

Looking at this message, Ziyun was tangled in his heart, but he still replied:"Senior, I am at the school gate now, and I am going to the city to buy things."

"Oh, I'll come find you right away."


Ziyun responded with some hesitation, then put the phone back into his pocket and went to the school gate.

After waiting for a while, a red Maserati came speeding from a distance, and finally stopped steadily in the open space next to Ziyun.

The car door slowly opened, and Shangguan Yingrui, who was wearing a red dress, walked out of the car slowly, with long black hair draped over her shoulders, her exquisite and beautiful face with light makeup, and a pair of watery eyes looking around, she was so beautiful.

She walked towards Ziyun gracefully and calmly, wanting to reach out and hold Ziyun's arm, but he still avoided her.

Looking at this familiar move, Shangguan Yingrui's eyes flashed with a sinister light again, and then she returned to her usual gentle appearance in front of Ziyun.

She concealed the emotions in her heart, raised her lips and smiled lightly, and said,"Junior, let's go!"


The two got in the car and drove towards the city in silence.

Half an hour later, the car finally arrived at the mall. Ziyun took Shangguan Yingrui straight to the elevator entrance, pressed the elevator, and waited for the floor display to


The elevator door opened, and Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui stepped into the elevator together.

"With a"ding!" sound, the elevator door slowly closed and the elevator continued to rise.


The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. Ziyun took the first step, and Shangguan Yingrui followed behind him.

Ziyun walked to the computer counter and bought four high-configuration computers, all priced at around 30,000 yuan.

After buying them, he told the clerk that he would deliver them to Canghai University and left.

The moment he walked out of the store, he received a text message from the bank,"【Huaguo Bank】Dear customer: xxxx transferred a deposit to your account at 1:10 on September 4th.****The transaction was completed, the amount was 2,400,000 yuan.

Shangguan Yingrui thought that Ziyun would go shopping for other things, but she didn't expect that he would leave the mall after buying the computer.

So she followed him and walked out of the mall.

"Junior, where are we going now?" Shangguan Yingrui asked after getting in the car.

"Let's go back to school. We have military training at 2:30." Shangguan Yingrui started the engine, turned the car around, and drove towards the school.


The car fell into silence, the atmosphere was awkward and silent.

""Junior, um... why did you buy four at once?" Shangguan Yingrui asked softly after a while. Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then replied:"Buying four, of course, is to give one to each roommate!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yingrui's eyes instantly became gloomy, and the slender hands holding the steering wheel clenched tightly, her nails digging into her palms, leaving deep red marks.

She tried hard to suppress her inner anger, and spoke as calmly as possible,"It seems that, junior, you have a good relationship with the three people in your dormitory~"

When she said this, she deliberately emphasized the words, implying sarcasm and warning.

Ziyun did not notice Shangguan Yingrui's abnormality, but followed her words and replied:"Well, I do have a good relationship with them, we are brothers."

Hearing his words, Shangguan Yingrui's mouth corners outlined a morbid arc, and a dangerous dark light flashed in her eyes,"Hehe……"

""What's wrong?" Ziyun frowned, not understanding why Shangguan Yingrui sneered strangely.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yingrui quickly restrained her expression, shook her head, smiled, and said,"It's okay."

Then, Shangguan Yingrui stepped on the accelerator and drove the Maserati towards the school.

Although Ziyun thought Shangguan Yingrui was strange, he didn't pay much attention to it.

The car stopped not far from the school gate. After Shangguan Yingrui stopped the car, she turned her head and smiled sweetly at Ziyun,"Junior brother, I'll take you here."

""Yes." Ziyun nodded slightly and got out of the car.

Watching Ziyun's figure gradually going farther and farther away until he disappeared, Shangguan Yingrui's smile suddenly faded away, replaced by a morbid madness and cruelty.

"Brother Ziyun, why do you have to be so nice to others? If you do this, your sister will be sad~"

She murmured in a resentful tone.


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