Ziyun hesitated for a long time. Originally, he wanted to strategically say those four words so that she would let him go first, but for some reason, what came out were the words"I don't like you!" As soon as he said this, the whole room became quiet, and even the sound of the wind could not be heard.

Well, there is no wind here, after all, this is an underground secret room.

The air was filled with a strange atmosphere, like the calm before a rainstorm.

Shangguan Yingrui's face became very sick, her eyes instantly turned scarlet, and she clenched her fists, making a creaking sound.

Her chest heaved violently, her eyes were sore, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Shangguan Yingrui pursed her lips tightly, she suddenly stood up from Ziyun, untied the rope that bound Ziyun's hands, put her hands on his arms, and then, she heard a"click".

Ziyun's arm was broken.

""Hiss~" Ziyun gasped in pain as he felt a piercing pain in his arm. Ziyun gritted his teeth in pain, and his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat, which dripped onto the floor, emitting dots of fluorescence.

"You...you lunatic!" Ziyun gritted his teeth and said

"Haha, I am a madman, so what? Shangguan Yingrui smiled sickly, holding the dagger in her hand against Ziyun's neck.

"I will count to three. If you don't respond to me, I will kill you." Shangguan Yingrui had an evil smile on her face, her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

Hearing this, Ziyun trembled all over. He was very scared, but he knew that if he didn't compromise, he would definitely die today!

"three two……"

"Wait a moment"


"Senior...sister." Ziyun gritted his teeth and shouted:"I……"

Before Ziyun could finish, a violent shaking came, pulling Ziyun back to reality from his dream. He sat up and gasped for breath.

"Lao Si, what's wrong? Why are you sweating all over after sleeping?"

"Did you have a nightmare again?"

Chai Hansong asked after shaking Ziyun awake. Others also looked at him.

"Lao Si, you had a nightmare yesterday and today too? What did you dream about?"Mo Zan asked curiously.

"Yes! What did you dream about?"Yu Yizhi was very interested.

Ziyun rubbed his temples and tried to recall, but he still couldn't remember the content of the dream, so he shook his head and said,"I forgot."

""Hahahaha, Lao Si, you're not having an erotic dream, are you?" Mo Zan said with a wicked smile.

"You are the one having an erotic dream!"Ziyun glared at Mo Zan.

"I say, Lao Si, why are you so excited? You are not really having an erotic dream, are you?"Yu Yizhi raised his eyebrows and teased

"Get lost, who is having an erotic dream?"Ziyun retorted

"If you are not having an erotic dream, why are you sweating all over?" Chai Hansong also joined the battle and asked curiously.


Ziyun was speechless. He didn't know what was going on.

He just knew that he had a nightmare. As for what he dreamed about, he didn't remember it at all.

"Okay, stop teasing Old Four."

"Lao Si, hurry up and get out of bed and wash up. It's already 5:15. You'll be late for the military training at 6:00 in the morning." Mo Zan urged.

"oh……"Ziyun responded, subconsciously touched his arm, then climbed out of bed to wash up.


【Host, do you want to sign in?】

The cold mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded in Ziyun's mind.

Ziyun was stunned and almost forgot about it.

If it weren't for the system's reminder, he might not have signed in today!

"Sign it!"

Ziyun answered with his mind while brushing his teeth.

【Sign in completed, congratulations to the host for gaining 50 experience points and 300 points】

【Congratulations to the host, you have received a 10x cash back card. It can be used within seven days. If it exceeds seven days, it will be automatically scrapped.】

【Note: This 10x cash back card can only be used for one day, not all seven days】

"Ten times cash back card? I'm lucky this time."Ziyun grinned and continued brushing his teeth happily.

【Host, your score has reached 620, do you want to upgrade your skills?】

"If you don't level up and don't have good skills, what's the point of leveling up?" Ziyun said calmly.

【Host, please be careful with your words. The way you speak is very bad, very rude, and very barbaric. 】

The system's tone revealed a strong sense of disdain.

"………"Ziyun was speechless

"Open the personal panel."Ziyun was too lazy to pay attention to this arrogant guy. He ordered in his heart

【Daily sign-in system, now in level 1 status】

【Experience value: 390/10000 (9610 experience points are needed to upgrade)】

【Host: Ziyun】

【Age: 19】

【Height: 182】

【Value: 97】

【Strength: 87 (60 points is the passing line)】

【Force value: 85】

【Physical condition: Healthy】

【Personal assets: 1.2 million】

【Points: 620 (Points can be obtained through daily sign-in and random tasks)】

【Skills: Basic level of cooking proficiency, basic level of god-level singing voice (Note: The acquired force skills cannot be used on the lover locked by the system)】

【Permanently lock your lover: Hidden (Shangguan Yingrui) requires the system to reach level 6 to open】

【System backpack: a set of cosmetics, 10x cashback card】

【Mall subsystem: Not enabled】

【Lottery subsystem: not enabled]

Looking at the experience bar, Ziyun couldn't help but sigh. At this rate of progress, he didn't know when he would be able to upgrade!


"Lao Si, hurry up, it's already 5:30, if you're any later you won't be able to make it." Mo Zan urged

""I'm coming." Ziyun responded, brushed his teeth, washed his face, changed into camouflage uniforms, and hurried to the playground with Mo Zan and others.

Everyone on the playground arrived one after another, and the instructors performed their duties and began morning training.

""Everyone, stand at attention, at ease! Turn left and run."

At the instructor's command, all the students lined up in an orderly queue and ran towards the playground. After running three laps, everyone returned to their original positions and continued to stand at attention until 7:40, when the instructors announced the dismissal for a rest.

"Phew... I'm so tired.……"As soon as he was freed, Mo Zan collapsed on the ground, complaining

"Yeah...I'm almost exhausted too.……"Yu Yizhi, who was beside Mo Zan, echoed that he was also very tired.

"Stop lying on the ground, get up quickly and have breakfast, we will gather again at 8:30!" Chai Hansong kicked the two people lying on the ground and said.

Hearing Chai Hansong's words, Mo Zan and Yu Yizhi hurriedly got up and patted the dust on their buttocks.

Ziyun also stood up, put away his mobile phone, patted the dust on his body, and said,"Let's go!"

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the playground. There was no need to guess, it must be another senior student who came to deliver something to Ziyun.

Sure enough, not long after, Shangguan Yingrui, who was wearing a white dress, appeared in front of Ziyun. She was holding a bag and walked towards Ziyun slowly.

""Old Four, the three of us are going to have breakfast now. Just enjoy the gift that the school beauty gave you!" Mo Zan smiled and took Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi away.



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