As Ziyun closed his eyes, he slowly fell into a dream. When

Ziyun opened his eyes, he found that he was tied to a bed, with his hands and feet tied with chains.

The surrounding environment was also very unfamiliar. Unlike the dormitory of their school, this place was more like a basement, empty, with only him lying there.

Ziyun looked at the dark environment around him, and his heart was filled with panic. However, he still suppressed his fear and tried to calm himself down. However, the calmer Ziyun was, the more he realized that his current situation was not good.

""Squeak~~" The door of the room was pushed open.

Ziyun shuddered when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Then, a woman appeared in his sight.

She was wearing a black leather jacket, and the collar of the jacket revealed her fair and delicate neck, beautiful face, and exquisite facial features. It was obvious that she was a top-notch beauty. Looking at the person in front of him, Ziyun's pupils shrank, and the memory of the last dream reappeared in Ziyun's mind.

"You...what do you want to do?" Ziyun asked with trembling lips.

After hearing Ziyun's words, Shangguan Yingrui showed a triumphant smile on her face. She walked towards Ziyun step by step until she came in front of Ziyun and stopped.

"Brother Ziyun, you still can't escape from my grasp... You will always be mine, even in death, we are destined to be together.………"

Shangguan Yingrui finished speaking, and then she stretched out her slender jade fingers and stroked Shang Ziyun's handsome face.

Ziyun shuddered when he saw this.

However, he was powerless and couldn't even struggle.

Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun, and a satisfied arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She lowered her head and kissed him.

Ziyun's heart skipped a beat when he saw her move, and then he struggled desperately, but he had no room to resist.

Just when he was desperate, Shangguan Yingrui let go of his lips.

Ziyun couldn't help but breathe a breath of fresh air.

"Crazy???" Ziyun looked at her with anger in his eyes.

"Hehe~, are you crazy? Sister likes this name very much~" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun, her eyes full of admiration,"As long as brother Ziyun calls me that, sister likes it~!" When

Ziyun heard Shangguan Yingrui say that she liked him, suddenly, a feeling of nausea surged in his chest.

Ziyun suppressed the disgust in his heart and said,"No matter what, I will not like you, please let me go!!!"

"Haha~, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like me, one day you will like me………"Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun, a sinister look flashed in her eyes,"One day, you will fall in love with me~!"

Then, Shangguan Yingrui lowered her head and kissed Ziyun.

Ziyun looked at her, and the fear in his heart became stronger.

He struggled hard, but his struggle was of no use.


He felt as if his body did not belong to him. He twisted and struggled, but to no avail.

After a long time, Shangguan Yingrui finally let go.………

""Okay, brother Ziyun~, it's time for you to accept the punishment for running away~!" Shangguan Yingrui stood up and took the small electric saw from the table, then walked slowly to Ziyun. The electric saw in her hand flashed with a cold light.

Looking at the electric saw, Ziyun was so scared that he trembled all over.

Ziyun's forehead was covered with sweat.


With a tearing roar, Ziyun finally woke up from his dream.

He sat up suddenly.

He gasped, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Ziyun's forehead was covered with sweat.

He gasped, panting like a dying wild horse.

Ziyun's eyes were full of fear.

Just when he was about to recall, he still couldn't remember anything in the dream, whether it was people or things. He only knew that he had a nightmare.

Similarly, the roommate was awakened by Ziyun's tearing roar. Yu Yizhi rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then saw Ziyun.

""What's wrong, Ziyun?" Yu Yizhi asked confusedly.

"Ziyun, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare again?" Seeing Ziyun's appearance, Chai Hansong also looked completely awake.

"It's okay, I just had a nightmare!!"Ziyun looked at the two of them, shook his head, and said lightly

"Well, I'm glad you're alright. I'll sleep a little longer. Wake me up at 7:30!!" Chai Hansong said as he continued to lie down.

""Okay!" Ziyun glanced at the two of them, then checked the time and calmed down on the bed before getting out of bed to wash up.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ziyun couldn't help but sigh deeply. Forget it, I won't think about it anymore. I'll ask the system later. It should know. After all, in the novels he read before, the system generally has the ability to peek into dreams.

So, Ziyun called the system out.

【Host, hello, what can I do for you? 】The system voice sounded

"System, let me ask you, what did you see in my dream yesterday?" Ziyun looked at the system and asked

【No, I am just a daily system and cannot spy on dreams. I hope the host will understand.】

The system glanced at Ziyun and said

"Oh! That’s fine!"Ziyun was a little disappointed when he heard this. It seemed that dreams could not be seen.

"Then sign in!!!" Ziyun said to the system

【"Okay!! Host!!!"

The system replied after hearing this.

Then, a system prompt sounded in Ziyun's mind:

【Sign in completed, congratulations to the host for gaining 100 experience points and 220 points】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the basic skills of god-level singing voice, basic skills: singing skills, singing voice, singing skills, singing skills, playing and singing, dancing, stage performance, etc.! 】

Ziyun looked at the things in his mind and felt that they were not bad, much better than last time, but he couldn't use them. He studied design, not singing.………

【Host, your score has reached 320, do you want to upgrade your skills?】

The system's voice sounded.

Ziyun thought for a moment and replied:"Don't upgrade for now, keep it!"


After the system finished speaking, it disappeared


Ziyun looked at the time and found that it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. He quickly put on his military training uniform and told his roommates to get up quickly.

""Don't sleep, don't sleep, it's already 8:20, it's time to gather!" Ziyun looked at the three roommates who were still sleeping in the dormitory and shouted loudly.

Ziyun's voice made the three people get up from the bed in an instant, put on their military training uniforms in a hurry, and then ran to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

Three minutes later, the three people packed up everything.

The four of them walked out of the dormitory and ran to the playground.


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