Ziyun slept until noon, and then he woke up slowly.

When he woke up, he saw three roommates playing games. Seeing how devoted they were, Ziyun couldn't bear to disturb them, so he didn't speak to disturb them.

So, he stretched himself and prepared to get out of bed and go to the cafeteria for lunch, but when he thought of being watched by others, he stopped again.

So, he took out his mobile phone, opened the takeaway app, found a takeaway shop with better food and ordered a takeaway, and then he turned on the computer. Of course, he didn't play games, but to see if there were any business opportunities to make money.

After all, after living a new life, he always has to make himself comfortable, otherwise, wouldn't it be too aggrieved?

Ziyun browsed the web and found that the domestic stock market has been falling sharply recently, so he decided to play a fierce game in the stock market.

After a while, the takeaway came.

Ziyun opened the takeaway, put it on the table, and picked up the chopsticks to start eating.

For a meal, Ziyun only ate half a bowl of rice and couldn't eat anymore.

He packed up the lunch box and put it in the trash can.

Then, Ziyun sat in front of the computer and began to search for information.

It has to be said that the Internet is a magical existence. It can not only find all kinds of information, but even all kinds of evidence. Moreover, it can help investors analyze the market situation and provide reliable news so that investors can predict the market situation more accurately.

Ziyun spent a few hours to figure out the direction of the entire stock market.

Of course, Ziyun also knew what stocks he had to buy to make money.

So, he first chose a good one, and then he used his own account to register a sum of money.

After the registration was successful, he began to operate.

Ziyun was a little nervous at first, worried that his operation would fail, but when he saw the stock price, he felt much more at ease, because the stock price was exactly the same as in his previous life. Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was lucky.

So, he continued to operate.


Time passed slowly, and soon it was afternoon.

Ziyun turned off the computer, stretched his body, looked at his three roommates who were still playing games, and prepared to go to the bathroom to solve some personal problems.


When Ziyun came back from the bathroom, he found that the three people all looked unhappy.

Ziyun walked up to them in confusion and asked,"What's wrong with you?"

"It's because of the third brother that he got angry with us for using cheats, which resulted in both of our game accounts being blocked!" Mo Zan sighed helplessly.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Ziyun said with a smile,"What's the big deal? Just create a new account and play again!!"

"Lao Si, you don't understand how difficult it is to upgrade an account to the highest level again?"Mo Zan said to Ziyun speechlessly.

"Is it difficult?"Ziyun asked doubtfully.

"Of course it is difficult. Even the two of us, who are experienced, need a week to get the lowest level account. Moreover, each upgrade costs a lot of money. So it is difficult to get the highest level account in a short period of time!"Chai Hansong said

"Hmm... So that's how it is." Ziyun said, not quite understanding.

"Oh, forget it, Third Brother, let’s think of a way to restore the account first!" Mo Zan said

"Then you guys take your time and think about it! I'm going to eat first."After leaving this sentence, Ziyun was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by three people.

"Wait a minute." Chai Hansong stopped Ziyun and said

"What happened?" Ziyun stopped, turned around, looked at the three people in confusion and asked

"Lao Si, since you are going out, bring some food with you!" Chai Hansong said

"Well……"Ziyun hesitated for a moment, then nodded:"Okay"

"What do you want to eat?" He looked at his three roommates and asked.

Chai Hansong:"Whatever, as long as I am full, besides, we don't know what good food there is in school."

Mo Zan:"Whatever, I am free." Yu

Yizhi:"Me too."

Ziyun nodded, then picked up his phone and walked out the door.


On the other side, Shangguan Yingrui returned to her dormitory.

Su Xiaomo came over and asked with a gossipy look on her face:"Sister Rui, how was it last night?"

Shangguan Yingrui did not answer Su Xiaomo's question, but climbed onto her bed and then skillfully closed the bed curtain. Seeing this,

Su Xiaomo touched her nose awkwardly. It seemed that Sister Rui was unwilling to say.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaomo did not dare to continue asking, so she ran to her bed obediently.

After Shangguan Yingrui closed the bed curtain, she hugged Ziyun's life-size pillow and was about to send a message to Ziyun to chat, but found that she did not have his WeChat at all, so she had to find Ziyun's WeChat number from the new student registration book, and then entered Ziyun's WeChat number.

Soon, Ziyun's WeChat avatar popped up.

After seeing Ziyun's avatar, Shangguan Yingrui could not help but be stunned, and then a sweet feeling came over her heart.

Because Ziyun's avatar was the photo of their backs watching the sunrise when they were young.

Shangguan Yingrui couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated, so she couldn't help but raise a happy smile.

Then, she clicked on Ziyun's profile picture, added him, hugged the pillow, and immersed herself in Ziyun's WeChat profile picture.


When she was in primary school, she basically went home alone, whether going to school or going home after school. Occasionally, her grandparents would come to pick her up.………

In the minds of those classmates, the inherent impression of her is that she is a wild child without parents.

She is often ridiculed, insulted, and even isolated by other classmates. No girl in the class is willing to be friends with her.

When answering questions in class, classmates would say:"Let the wild girl without mother and father answer the questions first!!!"

No one is willing to team up with her in physical education class, spring outing, and autumn outing. This has gradually formed her withdrawn personality, silent, taciturn, and unsmiling.

Seeing her like this, those classmates hated her even more, and played some pranks on her from time to time, applying glue on her stool, accusing her of stealing, writing dirty words on the back of her school uniform, putting caterpillars in the desk, and cockroaches on her clothes... and so on.

But she didn't have anyone to talk to, so she could only endure it silently.

In this way, she was treated as a wild girl and bullied for four years.

Until the fourth grade, Ziyun's younger brother transferred in, like a beam of light shining into her dark world.

Brother Ziyun was already very handsome at that time, and was sometimes mistaken for a girl. Brother Ziyun was also a smart boy, and he became the top student in the class in just one week.

This also made many boys in the class dissatisfied and disliked brother Ziyun.

So they began to exclude Ziyun and bully Ziyun the way they treated her.

But at that time, brother Ziyun's father passed away, the company went bankrupt, and he was in a very bad mood, so naturally he would not let them do whatever they wanted to him.

Not only did he fight back, but he also used his wisdom to make those who looked down on him suffer so badly that they never dared to cause trouble to him again.

And she saw all of this. At that time, brother Ziyun was as dazzling as a shining star in the night in her eyes, which made her yearn for it.

But at that time, she knew that Ziyun was too outstanding, and she was too far away from him, so she could not get close to him at all.

Besides, he would not have any intersection with her.


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