When I arrived at Ziyun's house, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.………

Shangguan Yingrui parked the car, turned around and looked at Ziyun:"Let's go"

""Yeah." Ziyun replied calmly.

The two got out of the car together, and then Ziyun rang the doorbell. Soon, he heard footsteps.

Click- the door opened, and a woman in her forties or fifties walked out. When she saw Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun, she was immediately happy:"Ruirui, Xiaoyun, you are back? Come in quickly!"………"

In the room, Gong Yueke heard the sound of her son coming back and ran out quickly. When she saw Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun coming back hand in hand, her face changed slightly.………

"Xiaoyun, you're back? Are you okay? Gong Yueke took her son's hand away from Shangguan Yingrui and asked Ziyun with concern.

"I'm fine, Mom."Ziyun shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"I'm glad you're okay...Mom, I miss you so much...It's been so long since you came back to see me………"Gong Yueke held her son tightly, tears welling up in her eyes, and choked up.

Shangguan Yingrui watched this scene, her palms clenched into fists, her nails digging deep into the flesh... The morbid possessiveness in her heart grew wildly, she wanted to tear it all apart, wanted Ziyun to only have her in his eyes forever... But she couldn't………

"Mom, don't cry.……"Ziyun comforted Gong Yueke, but his eyes caught Shangguan Yingrui's increasingly gloomy face... He knew that Shangguan Yingrui was angry!

After Gong Yueke noticed Shangguan Yingrui's change, she curled her lips and smiled, and she would not let go of Ziyun anymore. She continued to bury herself in her son's arms and pretended to be sad.

Hehe~ Her son smells great!

She sniffed greedily, feeling very happy.………

Shangguan Yingrui gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to strangle Gong Yueke to death, and shouted,"Brother Ziyun~"

Wen Qingxi saw that his daughter looked strange, so he pulled her arm and asked her to calm down first... Shangguan Yingrui took a few deep breaths, and then she suppressed her anger.………

Ziyun felt a chill on his back and said,"Mom, okay, let me go and go inside first.………"

"oh………"Gong Yue reluctantly let go of her hand... and raised her eyebrows at Shangguan Yingrui.…………

Shangguan Yingrui suppressed her anger and twitched her lips.

After entering the house, Gong Yueke pulled Ziyun and chatted with him. Ziyun occasionally responded with a few words, and his eyes drifted to the side from time to time. Shangguan Yingrui, who had a gloomy face, was afraid that she would suddenly go berserk.………

At this time, Xinxin rubbed her sleepy eyes, put on her cute slippers, and walked out of the room. When she saw her brother coming back, her big eyes lit up. She happily called her brother and ran over with her short legs. Ziyun's godfather followed behind her, protecting the little girl from falling.

When Ziyun heard her sister's soft cry, the lines on her face softened immediately.………

He bent down, supported his knees with his hands, picked up his beautiful and delicate little sister, then pinched her pink face and asked softly:"Xinxin, are you awake?"

Xinxin giggled and put her arms around Ziyun's neck,"Brother, Xinxin missed you so much...Brother, why did you come back just now?………"

"Hehe...Brother was delayed this time by something……"Ziyun said with a smile,"Brother is back now……"

"That brother will sleep with Xinxin tonight………"Xinxin pouted her little mouth and looked at Ziyun expectantly... and Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui, as if asking her if she could do it.

Shangguan Yingrui raised her eyebrows, as if to say: Yes, you can, but you have to agree to one more condition.

Ziyun pursed his lips and finally nodded helplessly.………

Shangguan Yingrui smiled brightly... As for why she agreed so easily, there was naturally a reason.………

As for the reason, only Shangguan Yingrui knows.………

When Xinxin saw her brother nod, she immediately laughed out loud,"Haha...that's great!"…………Xinxin can finally sleep with her brother again………"

Ziyun looked at her sister's happy face and smiled dotingly.

Gong Yueke and Shangguan Yingrui's faces changed... Especially Gong Yueke, who suddenly became gloomy.………

Although Shangguan Yingrui felt very uncomfortable and wanted to kill Xinxin, she held back. However, when she saw Gong Yueke's gloomy face, she smiled.………

Gong Yueke was immediately furious when she saw her smiling face. She wanted to slap her hard, but her mind told her not to be impulsive! Otherwise, she would be the only one who would suffer! So, she could only clench her fists and try to calm herself down.………

Gong Yueke and Shangguan Yingrui each had their own thoughts...

Ziyun held Xinxin and went to play aside, while the man who came out with Xinxin went to cook.………

Shangguan Yingrui and Gong Yueke were sitting on the sofa in the living room, neither of them took the initiative to speak... However, the confrontation in their eyes was obvious.………

Wen Qingxi, who was standing by, was a little embarrassed. Why did these two ladies suddenly start making trouble again?

However, Wen Qingxi did not stop them. After all, this kind of scene has happened several times and she is no longer surprised.…………

After Ziyun played with Xinxin for a while, Xinxin felt tired and climbed into Ziyun's arms to rest. He didn't come over until Acheng prepared dinner.

"smell good……"Xinxin smelled the aroma of the dishes and her stomach started to growl.…………

"Xinxin is hungry?" Ziyun lowered his head and gently touched Xinxin's head.

""Yes!" Xinxin nodded obediently.

Ziyun smiled and���He put a dish in Xinxin's bowl and told her,"Eat slowly."………"

Xinxin responded obediently:"Yes!"

Ziyun felt the gazes of the two people next to him and opposite him, picked up the chopsticks and put a few pieces of vegetables in their bowls.

Obviously, Shangguan Yingrui was not satisfied.………

Then, while Ziyun had just put a piece of meat into his mouth, he put down his bowl and chopsticks, kissed Ziyun, and snatched the piece of meat from his mouth.………

"Well………Hmm……"Ziyun was caught off guard and Shangguan Yingrui took away his body. He was immediately angry and pushed Shangguan Yingrui, but she held Ziyun tightly and refused to give up.………

For a moment, several people were stunned.………

Gong Yue was so angry that her teeth itched, and she wished she could skin Shangguan Yingrui, that bitch!

Wen Qingxi had never expected that her daughter would be so tough and dare to kiss her child like this in front of their elders.………

Ah Cheng didn't react at all and just ate his meal.

Xin Xin stared at the scene with wide eyes, with a cute and ignorant expression...

Zi Yun pushed Shangguan Yingrui, trying to get rid of her, but he didn't expect Shangguan Yingrui to bite his lips and sucked them regardless of the pain.………

For a moment, his whole body stiffened.………

"Uh…uh…uh…uh…uh…uh…uh……"Ziyun struggled desperately, but he couldn't resist Shangguan Yingrui's crazy attack.………

At this time, Xinxin saw her brother being bullied, and immediately stood up angrily, ran to the other side of Ziyun, raised her chubby little feet and kicked Shangguan Yingrui.………

"Humph! Bad woman! Let my brother go!………"



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