[Master, you need to calm down!! ]

Lunhui kept yelling in Shangguan Yingrui's ear, trying to wake her up.

Shangguan Yingrui was unmoved. She held the scalpel tightly and approached Yu Xiaoxiao again,"If you don't tell me, I will cut your throat."

Yu Xiaoxiao was so scared that her face turned pale, her eyes were red, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

This feeling of being on the verge of death is really terrifying.

"I really don't know the Ziyun you mentioned.……"Fish cried and shouted

"Don't tell me?" Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes, and a bloodthirsty arc appeared at the corner of her mouth,"Then go to hell!" Shangguan Yingrui raised the scalpel in her hand without hesitation, ready to cut Yu Xiaoxiao's carotid artery and send her to the west.

【Master, calm down, maybe she really doesn’t know?】

""Shut up!" Shangguan Yingrui scolded it impatiently.

Samsara fell silent.

"Since you don't want to talk, I'll send you on your way!"

Before she finished speaking, Shangguan Yingrui slashed at Yu Xiaoxiao's neck without hesitation.

Blood gushed out immediately.

Yu Xiaoxiao widened her eyes, covered her neck in pain, fell to the ground and twitched, the bright red liquid dyed her clothes red, the dazzling red made her seem to fall into purgatory, her body kept spasming.

She wanted to ask for help, but she couldn't make any sound. She could only open her eyes wide, looking around in despair, watching her life slowly disappear.

She was unwilling to die like this, she hated it so much, so unwilling!

This woman must be seriously ill, I have already said that I don't know Ziyun... Why is she still so aggressive and must put her to death!!

She can't figure it out... Maybe she will never figure it out………

She had never associated Ziyun in the woman's mouth with her little brother, because they looked completely different and were not the same person at all!

Shangguan Yingrui put away the scalpel, stood up, and looked down at Yu Xiaoxiao's death. Her eyes were full of madness and her face was twisted and hideous.

Her eyes were full of killing and excitement, as if killing Yu Xiaoxiao was as easy as crushing an ant.

The system appeared, looked at Yu Xiaoxiao's body, and sighed.

It felt sad for her.

She had to contact the host's man, she was really looking for death!!

【Master, you shouldn't………】

Shangguan Yingrui ignored Lunhui's advice. She turned around and left, leaving a message: [Get rid of it... Remember, don't make too much noise like last time.]

Lunhui looked at the host's back and sighed. If she could untie him, she would definitely do it without hesitation, but it was obviously just his wishful thinking.………

Then, he opened the reincarnation backpack, took out the medicine powder from it, squatted down, and rubbed it on her wound. Not long after, Yu Xiaoxiao's wound gradually healed.

Then he stuffed a pill into her mouth, set the system to die naturally in seven days, and deleted all memories of Ziyun and all the bad memories before.

After doing all this, he disappeared.

The incident of several girls suddenly dying at home that had caused a lot of noise before was also solved in this way………But they were startled when they saw their daughter suddenly wake up, thinking it was a ghost.………

Lunhui followed Shangguan Yingrui's steps and reported: [Master, everything has been done, please rest assured】

""Yes." Shangguan Yingrui responded softly, her tone was cold, without any warmth.

"Start range search! Keep searching………"Shangguan Yingrui ordered

【Yes, Master!

Shangguan Yingrui looked at the dark street ahead, her eyes flashing with a strange light, her mouth curled up slightly, revealing her perverted smile.

Brother Ziyun, you can't escape... Sister will catch you………

On the other side, in a hotel room

【I see, host, you are so pitiful.………】After listening to Ziyun's experience in the past two days, the system little Loli said sympathetically.

Ziyun smiled indifferently and said,"System, you have reached level five, right?"

He had to buy a skill to guard against Shangguan Yingrui before the shielding was over.………

【Yes, host.】

"Then open the mall and see what's inside?"

【All right~ Host.】

The little system girl quickly opened the store. Ziyun glanced at the things inside and was speechless. They were all daily necessities, not a single one was useful!!

【Host, you can refresh it!】 The little system girl saw Ziyun's face full of disgust and hurriedly explained.

Hearing this, Ziyun raised his eyebrows and asked,"How to refresh?"

【It requires 50,000 points, but the host does not have enough points now.

After listening to the little loli of the system, Ziyun could not help but curse inwardly, this is a pitfall system.

He only has more than a thousand points now.

"I'll pay you back when I have accumulated 50,000 points."

【No, host.】

"Forget it."

Ziyun shook his head and exited the system. He went into the bathroom to rinse off, took out a clean robe from the system space and put it on.

After drying his hair, he lay down on the bed. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he remembered something and called out to the system's little Lolita,"Please transfer 130,000 yuan to an account for me."

【OK, bank card account? 】The system little girl asked

"Wait a moment……"

Ziyun took out the clothes he had just changed from the system space and searched his pockets but found nothing... Where was the note?

He searched his pockets thoroughly to make sure it wasn't there.

Could it have fallen?

He frowned.

【What's wrong, host? 】The system little Loli asked curiously

"Nothing, I won't transfer it. I forgot the account. I will go to Miss Nan to give the cash tomorrow."Ziyun said

【Oh~ Then I will quit~] The little system girl said, and then disappeared.

Ziyun also turned off the light, lay down, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.………

There are 12 hours left until the blockade is lifted………


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