The little girl took light steps and approached Ziyun step by step. Her face was full of strange expressions. She opened her lips slightly and uttered a voice as cold as that from the abyss of the underworld:"Hehehehe... Hehehehe...………"

It was raining heavily, and Ziyun couldn't see the little girl's face at all. He could only see a vague outline.

As the girl approached, Ziyun saw her face clearly and was shocked.

Because this girl was none other than Yu Xiaoxiao!

Yu Xiaoxiao?!

How did she catch up so quickly?

Ziyun's heart pounded a few times, and then he forced himself to calm down.

"Little girl………"

He needs to first determine which personality Yu Xiaoxiao is now!!

""Ha~" Yu Xiaoxiao saw Ziyun's frightened look, and she chuckled softly,"Little brother, what, are you afraid of me?"

Ziyun looked at the girl in front of him, trying to suppress the fear of Yu Xiaoxiao in his heart, and then said as calmly as possible:"Which personality are you now?"

After hearing Ziyun's words, Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a second, and then she suddenly smiled strangely:"Little brother, guess~"

Ziyun frowned, this Yu Xiaoxiao seemed to be more dangerous than the previous two.

Because he saw clearly what she was holding in her hand?

A silver-white dagger.

Yu Xiaoxiao saw the flash of panic in Ziyun's eyes, and felt an inexplicable pleasure in her heart.

This feeling of being feared made Yu Xiaoxiao feel very good, and she liked this feeling.

Yu Xiaoxiao grasped the dagger and slowly approached Ziyun

"Little brother, stand still and let my dear blade pierce your chest.……"

Yu Xiaoxiao had a cold smile on her lips, her face was twisted, her eyes glowed red, and she looked very creepy.

Ziyun swallowed his saliva and saw Yu Xiaoxiao's right hand clenched the dagger and rushed towards him. Ziyun gritted his teeth, prepared himself, and then quickly dodged Yu Xiaoxiao's attack, grabbed Yu Xiaoxiao's right hand holding the dagger, took the blade from her hand, and threw it aside.

Yu Xiaoxiao saw that her dagger was taken away by Ziyun, and immediately broke free from Ziyun's control, waving her fist and attacking Ziyun. It was more like trying to tear off Ziyun's clothes than an attack.

Ziyun watched Yu Xiaoxiao attacking him and kept retreating. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and wanted to grab Yu Xiaoxiao's shoulder, but Yu Xiaoxiao had already noticed his intention and quickly avoided his attack.

Yu Xiaoxiao's fist hit Ziyun's left arm at once.

Ziyun groaned and covered his left arm. The pain made a thin layer of sweat appear on his forehead.

Yu Xiaoxiao took advantage of this gap to attack Ziyun again. Ziyun dodged sideways and Yu Xiaoxiao's fist hit Ziyun again.

Ziyun dodged Yu Xiaoxiao's fist again and took the opportunity to kick Yu Xiaoxiao.………

Of course, Ziyun didn't use much strength in this kick, or she didn't use any strength at all, but just gently kicked Yu Xiaoxiao in the abdomen.

But even so, Yu Xiaoxiao still cried out in pain, covered her stomach and bent over.

When she looked up again, her eyes were full of tears. She said aggrievedly and sadly:"Little brother, you bullied me!"

Ziyun was stunned when he saw her crying.

I don't know if it was tears or rain.………

Is this the six-year-old personality?!

Yu Xiaoxiao continued to cry:"Brother, why do you treat me like this! Do you know that I am in so much pain! Come back with me, okay? Woohoo!~~"

Ziyun frowned at her, but still did not relax his vigilance. He said,"Little girl, I'm sorry, I really have something to do and I have to leave... Go back quickly! You will catch a cold if you get wet in the rain!"

She thought to herself: I finally escaped. If I go back with you, will you soak me in formalin?

When Yu Xiaoxiao heard what Ziyun said, she burst into tears. Her cry was sad and desolate."Woo wa wa!"


Yu Xiaoxiao:"Please don't leave anymore, okay? Let's go back, okay? Woohoo~~ Ignore me! Don't leave me! I'm so pitiful all alone!"

"Okay, little girl, stop crying. Ziyun said helplessly.

""Wuuuwaa!" Yu Xiaoxiao didn't listen to Ziyun's words at all, and cried even harder.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao crying so sadly, Ziyun sighed, then squatted down, touched Yu Xiaoxiao's wet head, and gently coaxed Yu Xiaoxiao,"Little girl, if you really have something to do, can you go back? You will really catch a cold if you get caught in the rain here. When I am free, I will come to see you, okay?"

After hearing Ziyun's words, Yu Xiaoxiao stopped crying, blinked her eyes and asked Ziyun,"Will you really come back to see me?"

Ziyun nodded solemnly:"Really!" Yu

Xiaoxiao burst into laughter,"Then I'll wait for you, you can't lie to me, little brother!"

Seeing that Yu Xiaoxiao finally stopped crying, Ziyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: This personality is still easy to talk to………

"Well, brother won't lie to you, go back! It's raining too hard outside." Ziyun said.

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes,"Then you have to remember, don't lie to others~~"Fish Xiaoxiao looks innocent

"Hmm~" Ziyun nodded.………

"Can I hug you for a while?" Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly tilted her head and looked at Ziyun, staring at him with a pair of wet eyes.

"………"Ziyun hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded,"Okay."

Although he didn't understand why Yu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to ask him to hug him, Ziyun agreed.

Seeing that Ziyun agreed, Yu Xiaoxiao smiled happily, then flew over and hugged Ziyun.

Then the two bodies, soaked, hugged each other in the rain.………

Yu Xiaoxiao hugged Ziyun's neck tightly, buried her face in Ziyun's neck, greedily sniffing the smell on his body, she sniffed and murmured to herself:"Little brother, it smells so good~"

Ziyun did not dare to move, letting Yu Xiaoxiao hug him.

If Shangguan Yingrui saw this scene, she would definitely kill him, right?

The only thing Ziyun was thankful for now was that Shangguan Yingrui hadn't discovered him yet.

After an unknown amount of time, Ziyun patted Yu Xiaoxiao who was hugging him and said,"Little, little girl...are you okay? Can you let me go?"

Yu Xiaoxiao shook her head and muttered,"Little brother~ let me hold you for a while longer~"

Ziyun had to give up and let her go.

Suddenly, while Ziyun was not paying attention, Yu Xiaoxiao took out a dose of medicine from her body and stabbed it into Ziyun's neck.

By the time Ziyun reacted, he was already paralyzed all over, and the whole person lost consciousness and fell straight back.


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