Ziyun swallowed hard, trying to suppress his inner fear, and said calmly:"Little girl, do you know that what you are doing is illegal? You are only 16 years old, and you still have a lot of youth to squander. Why do you do something that is against the moral bottom line?"

He tried to persuade the girl in front of him to stop such vicious behavior. Although he knew that there was little hope, he still wanted to try.………

However, what made Ziyun even more horrified was that the innocent girl in front of him looked at him with a smile, then tilted her head and said,"I know I'm breaking the law! But what can you do to me?"

"Besides, little brother, I did this because I like you too much and want to keep you by my side forever, so I did this! You should be happy!"

As she said this, the little Lolita stretched out her white and smooth jade fingers and gently stroked Ziyun's cheek...

The expression on her face was as sacred as if she was stroking the most perfect work of art in the world, filled with infinite piety.………

"I have never seen such a beautiful face, it is simply the most perfect work of art in the world………"The little girl exclaimed in admiration. As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and gently drew circles on Ziyun's handsome face. Her pair of dark and bright eyes flashed with crazy and mad light.………

Ziyun looked at the little girl's eyes, which were exactly the same as Shangguan Yingrui's. He suddenly felt cold all over, goose bumps instantly covered his body, and a huge panic rose in his heart.………

"Xiaoxiao, you... calm down!! Haven't you ever thought about your father?! He will be so sad if you do this. You will only kill yourself if you do this.………"

This time, Ziyun growled with gritted teeth. His voice was extremely hoarse, as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth, revealing his extreme anger!

"Father? Haha... He doesn't deserve it! From the moment my mother died, he is no longer worthy of being my father!"The little girl suddenly changed her personality and screamed. Her delicate face was filled with gloom and cruelty. Her originally pure and flawless eyes turned scarlet, as if stained with blood, revealing a strange aura.………

Ziyun was so frightened that he was stunned………

He was shocked to see the little girl suddenly become ferocious in front of him, and for a moment he forgot to react.………

After a long time, he came back to his senses.………

However, he did not refute immediately, but asked:"Little girl, who instilled the wrong idea in you? Why do you think your father doesn't love your mother? I don't think uncle is such a person.……"

"Humph! Not that kind of person?! I know best whether he is that kind of person or not! He is simply a hypocritical bastard!"The little Loli said, with deep hatred in her eyes.……

"Little brother, you don't understand! You stinky men, you don't understand at all! You men are all heartless scum!"

"You always say one thing and mean another. You use sweet words to deceive girls outside, but once something happens, you put the blame on others and avoid responsibility! You are all scum!!"

"You men are all bad! You are all heartless!!"

The more the little girl cursed, the more excited she became, and she fell into a state of madness.………

Ziyun frowned, looking at the crazy little Lolita, not knowing how to comfort her.………

After a long while, Ziyun slowly said,"Little girl, calm down for a moment, okay?"

When the little girl heard what Ziyun said, she gradually calmed down, and then slowly restrained the ferocity on her face, and returned to her usual gentleness, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing that the little girl had calmed down, Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that she would get excited and do something weird again.………

The little girl looked up at Ziyun and smiled sweetly,"Little brother~~"

Seeing this sweet smile, Ziyun couldn't help shivering, and he felt a chill.…….

Ziyun muttered to himself, he really couldn't understand how this girl could have a sad face one moment and a smiling face the next?

"Little brother, don't take what I just said seriously~~ That was just what my sister said casually!"The little girl showed her signature sweet smile again………

Seeing the sweet smile of the little girl, Ziyun felt creepy and dared not look at this smile anymore.………

The little girl's smile was too creepy!!

The little girl looked at Ziyun's vigilant expression, she pursed her lips, as if she was very aggrieved………

She said softly:"Little brother, don't worry, I won't hurt you. After all, you are my little brother. I won't hurt you like my sisters did.……"


Hearing what the little girl said, Ziyun asked in surprise:"Who are your sisters?"

The little girl smiled and explained:"The one you just saw, the one who said she wanted to soak you in formalin is my eldest sister, the other one who cried to you is my second sister, and as for the third sister... I won't tell you~ Hehe~~"

"Split personality disorder?!"Ziyun blurted out in surprise.

Upon hearing this, the little girl looked at Ziyun in confusion, blinking her big eyes and asked in confusion:"Little brother, what is split personality disorder? Can I eat it?"


What the hell? Shouldn't people with split personality disorder know that they can split?

"Little girl, how old are you now?"Ziyun took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm. He tried to ask in a normal tone.

"Well, I am six years old.……"The little girl started counting on her fingers.

Six years old?

Shouldn't she be 16?!

"You mean, you are 6 years old this year?" Ziyun confirmed again.

"Yes, what's the matter? Little brother?"The little girl tilted her head and looked at Ziyun in confusion.


She probably knew that the little girl had developed schizophrenia when she was six years old because of something.

As for what it was, it should be related to her parents, right?!

Thinking of this, Ziyun couldn't help shaking his head. This was someone else's family matter, what did it have to do with him?

The main thing was to escape from here!!

"Little girl, can you untie me? Let me leave here?"Ziyun looked at the little girl and asked.

Ziyun thought that the third personality should be easier to talk to, after all, this personality was only six years old.………

When the little girl heard Ziyun say this, she tilted her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head and rejected Ziyun's request,"No! The sisters said they can't let you go... You were captured by the sisters to accompany us.………"


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