After eating and drinking, Ziyun followed the middle-aged uncle back home.

The middle-aged uncle lived not far from his small restaurant, and it took about ten minutes to walk there.

Ziyun followed the middle-aged uncle into the house, which was decorated very simply.

The middle-aged uncle led Ziyun to a bedroom and said,"Let's sleep here."

""Yes, thank you, uncle." Ziyun thanked

"You're welcome. You can go to bed early and help me at the restaurant at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning."The middle-aged man said

""Okay." Ziyun thanked again.

"Well, then you should go to bed early. I will also go to rest."The middle-aged uncle turned and left.

After the middle-aged uncle left, Ziyun looked around. Although it looked a bit simple, it was very clean and tidy.

Ziyun took off his coat and lay on the bed.

Because he was too tired, Ziyun fell asleep not long after lying down.

The little girl secretly looked inside from the crack of the door, and after confirming that Ziyun was asleep, she tiptoed in.………

The little girl walked to the bedside table, stretched out her hands and held her head, tilted her head and looked at Ziyun's handsome face, her eyes blinked, and her eyes gradually became sick.

"Hehe~ Little brother, I like you... I liked you the first time I saw you on the street.………"The little girl stared at Ziyun's cheek infatuatedly and murmured.

The little girl stretched out her white and tender fingers and poked Ziyun's heroic face. With a sickly and sweet arc at the corner of her mouth, she continued to stare at Ziyun infatuatedly.………

"My dear brother, you are so beautiful... I wonder what it will look like when you make a specimen of me.………"

"Hehe~~" The little girl smiled sinisterly, revealing two sharp fangs.

""Hehe~~" The little girl's weird smile suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a gentle smile.

The little girl stretched out a hand and stroked Ziyun's face, as if touching a beloved baby, full of pity and attachment.………

Ziyun, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to notice something, frowned slightly, and turned over.………

The little girl quickly retracted her finger and quietly left the room.

After leaving Ziyun's room, the little girl returned to her own room, turned on the light, locked the door, and saw that except for her bed and wardrobe, computer desk, and bookshelf, the rest of the place was filled with various animal specimens she collected, ranging from small insects, butterflies, and bees to large cats, dogs, and rabbits... etc.………

It makes people feel creepy.

She sat on the chair, looking at these specimens, with a weird smile on her face, and said:"I will be able to add a new member to you soon.………"


At night, a cold wind blew, and the leaves rustled.

Ziyun woke up from a nightmare, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

He took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

With his eyes open, looking at the dark ceiling, Ziyun could not speak for a long time.

"Huh~ Huh~"

Ziyun took several deep breaths before he calmed down his fear and panic... Then he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


At 6:30 in the morning, the sun shone through the window into the house and onto Ziyun's face. He slowly opened his eyes, washed up, and got dressed.

After walking out of the room, he found that the middle-aged uncle had already prepared breakfast.

"Young man, you are up. Come and have breakfast."The middle-aged man greeted Ziyun when he saw him coming out.

""Okay, thank you, uncle." Ziyun nodded in thanks.

Then he walked to the dining table, sat down, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Little Lolita also came out of the room. She changed into a pink T-shirt, denim shorts, and a ponytail. She looked very cute, like a girl next door. She sat opposite Ziyun, picked up her bowl, picked up a chicken leg, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Girl, haven't I told you many times? Girls should eat more politely!"The middle-aged uncle saw his daughter eating and immediately scolded her.

"oh……"The little girl pouted.

After breakfast, the middle-aged uncle told the little girl to be good and do her homework at home, after all, school was about to start... Then he took Ziyun to the market to buy various ingredients.

After buying almost all the ingredients they needed, Ziyun and the middle-aged uncle returned to the restaurant and started today's busy day.

As it was still early before noon, there were only a few customers in the store. Ziyun sat in the store, flipping through the newspaper and reading the news out of boredom.

Ziyun had just picked up the newspaper and flipped through a few pages when he saw a missing person notice.………

It's your own………

I felt a little sad for no reason, but I resisted the urge to call back.

After all, who knows if Shangguan Yingrui will find out if I call back.………

"Little brother, what's wrong with you?"At this moment, the little girl walked to Ziyun and looked up at him.

"Uh... nothing." Ziyun put down the newspaper and replied lightly, then took the notebook and pen and walked towards the two diners. The little girl looked at Ziyun's back as he left, scratched her head in confusion, and then looked at the newspaper.

Her eyes also fell on the missing person notice.………

I looked at the photo, and then looked at Ziyun again. I felt that they looked a bit like him, but not like him either.………

The little girl thought about it and shook her head, thinking that it must be her illusion.

However, the person in the photo was quite to her liking. If she met him someday, she could make him into a specimen.………

After Ziyun asked the two guests what they wanted to eat, he turned around and saw the little girl looking at the newspaper with a weird expression. He was so scared that his whole body trembled.

Oh my god, is it true? I can't be so unlucky to meet another one?

I think her family is pretty happy! It shouldn't be the one I thought.………

Then Ziyun shook his head again, thinking that he was thinking too much.………

How is it possible? There are not so many psychopaths.………

However, after thinking about it, I decided to try it out for safety.………

"Little girl, what's wrong with you?" Ziyun swallowed and asked tentatively.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, I just looked at the handsome model above………"The little girl raised her head and instantly showed an innocent and cute expression.

Ziyun listened to what the little girl said, then glanced at her sideways and was indeed looking at the model.

"oh……"Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief and looked away.

But he still felt a little weird.………

But his instinct told him to run quickly, this girl was dangerous!


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