"Xiao Rui, that's enough.……"

Shangguan Yingrui heard this and walked inside without saying anything... Wen Qingxi followed with Xinxin in her arms, a little further away from her daughter.

When Ah Cheng heard this, his face suddenly changed and he looked at Shangguan Hong:"Hong, what's going on? What happened to Xiaoyun?"

"Cheng, listen to me, don't get excited, listen to me and explain slowly.………"Shangguan Hong pondered for a moment, then began to tell Ah Cheng about what happened that day.………

Of course, I cut out the parts about my daughter Shangguan Yingrui.………

""Have you found it?" Ah Cheng asked nervously, his voice revealing a strong sense of anxiety.

"We haven't found her yet. However, we can be sure that Xiaoyun is not dead, but we don't know exactly where she is... We are still trying our best to find her.……"Shangguan Hong sighed and replied.

After listening to Shangguan Hong's words, A Cheng took two deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

Then he said to Shangguan Hong:"Hong, take care of Yue Ke. I'm going out for a while."

Shangguan Hong nodded. He knew that A Cheng was going to contact his brothers to help find Xiao Yun's whereabouts.

"Then be careful on the road."

""Yeah." Ah Cheng nodded, and then left in a hurry.………


When Ah Cheng went to contact his brothers to find out where Ziyun was, Ziyun was also recovering in the hospital, but his injuries had almost healed.

The girl sat beside the bed, supporting her cheeks with both hands, looking at Ziyun lying on the bed with his eyes closed, muttering to herself: This guy is really hard to deal with, he has been unconscious for so long and he is still not awake………

At this time, a nurse pushed the door open and saw the girl who was staring at Ziyun with her cheek in her hand, so she smiled and said,"Little girl, what are you looking at?"

""Ah? Nothing." The girl came back to her senses and smiled sweetly at the nurse.

The nurse also smiled sweetly at the girl and began her daily work of examining Ziyun.

After the examination, the nurse chatted with the girl for a few words before leaving the room.

Not long after the nurse left, Ziyun's fingers moved slightly, but he did not wake up, but soon returned to normal.………

When the girl noticed this, she quickly stood up and walked to the head of Ziyun's bed. She observed him carefully and found that his eyelashes trembled.………

Seeing this, the girl jumped up happily. She reached out and grabbed Ziyun's hand, and shouted in surprise:"Hey! You're awake!"

But Ziyun on the bed still didn't respond. Seeing this, the girl shook him tentatively a few times, and then called out:"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

Seeing that he still didn't respond, the girl was happy for nothing.

But she still didn't give up. She clenched her other hand into a fist and gently hit Ziyun's chest a few times, and then continued:"Hey, wake up!"

But no matter how the girl hit, Ziyun still didn't respond.………

Seeing this, the girl was a little discouraged. She loosened her grip on Ziyun's wrist, turned around and sat back on the chair, holding her cheek and looking at Ziyun in a daze.………

At this time, Ziyun on the bed seemed to feel pain, his brows knitted, and a painful expression flashed across his face, but he still did not open his eyes... It seemed as if he was experiencing some horrible nightmare again.………

Seeing this, the girl moved closer and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead... but it still had no effect.………

In this way, the girl wiped his face and neck again and again without getting tired of it.………

Gradually, Ziyun, who was originally frowning and sweating all over, finally relaxed his tense body.………

This also shows that Ziyun entered the next dream.………

""Huh~, I'm scared to death." The girl exhaled.

How terrible could his dream be? It was always like this... Every time he would sweat profusely, as if he had just been baptized, his face was pale, as if he might die at any time.………

The girl reached out and raised the pillow a little, then made herself more comfortable, and then sat next to him to accompany him.

Time ticked by, the sun outside the window became brighter, and the ward was also warm, looking particularly cozy and beautiful.

If such a scene was filmed, it would definitely be very beautiful, right?

At this time, Ziyun's family was filled with gloom and the atmosphere was frozen to the freezing point.………

"Shangguan Yingrui, where is my son? Where did you hide him? Gong Yueke's eyes were red, and she stared at Shangguan Yingrui with gritted teeth and asked.

"Auntie, didn't you just hear it? My dear, your son fell off the cliff.………"Shangguan Yingrui said slowly with a faint smile on her face.

"You are talking nonsense! How could Xiaoyun fall off the cliff? It was you who caused him to disappear!" Gong Yueke roared angrily,"Give me back my son!………"

Gong Yueke rushed towards Shangguan Yingrui, but was stopped by Wen Qingxi.………

""Keke, don't worry. Xiaoyun is a lucky person. Nothing will happen to her." Wen Qingxi comforted the furious Gong Yueke and persuaded her.

Shangguan Hong, however, carried the still crying Xinxin away from here to avoid being affected.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill this stinky girl!"Gong Yueke glared at Shangguan Yingrui fiercely, her eyes full of resentment.

Wen Qingxi didn't expect Gong Yueke to suddenly explode because of Ziyun's disappearance, and from the look on her face, it seemed like she wanted to put her daughter to death.

This couldn't go on.………

Wen Qingxi thought to himself, so he quickly stopped Gong Yueke and said,"Keke! Calm down, let's���Xiaoyun will be back sooner or later in a few days.

Gong Yueke struggled for a few times, but because her strength was no match for Wen Qingxi, she finally stopped.

Wen Qingxi took the opportunity to hug her, making her unable to move and preventing her from making any more violent moves.

"Keke, Xiaoyun will be fine. We'll find her if we wait a little longer.………"Wen Qingxi continued to comfort Gong Yueke, and at the same time, she signaled to her daughter who was smiling brightly.

Wen Qingxi hoped that her daughter could understand her eyes and told her not to anger Gong Yueke again, otherwise her marriage with Ziyun would be ruined.………

However, Shangguan Yingrui ignored Wen Qingxi. She continued to look at Gong Yueke with a smile, not afraid of the hatred in Gong Yueke's eyes.………

Gong Yueke's face became extremely distorted and ferocious, as if she wanted to tear Shangguan Yingrui to pieces.………

Shangguan Yingrui was not panicked or afraid. She continued to look at Gong Yueke with a smile, and even raised her eyebrows provocatively, as if she was not afraid of Gong Yueke at all.………

Gong Yueke was so angry that she couldn't speak. She could only clench her fists tightly, digging her nails into her flesh, leaving blood marks that were bright and juicy.………

Wen Qingxi saw this and quickly took out a tissue to wipe Shangguan Yingrui's wound.………

"Okay, Coco, no matter what, the first thing we need to do now is to find Xiaoyun."


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