"Don't just stand there like idiots! Think of a way quickly. We have sent so many people this month and still haven't killed Yun Rui!" The man sitting in the main seat slammed the table and stood up, his face extremely ugly.

The men and women sitting below him fell silent after hearing this.

The man sitting in the main seat was named Mohabi Branddo Aisente, the current leader of the assassin organization.

The men and women sitting below him were members with a certain say in the assassin organization.

"Boss, we don't have any way. Yunrui is too powerful. The people we sent out are no match for her."One of the men said helplessly.

Hearing this, Mohabi glared at him angrily:"Waste! A bunch of waste! Why should I keep you?!"

The man was scolded so much that he lowered his head and dared not breathe.

Mohabi became more and more angry. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground, shouting:"A bunch of cowards, waste!"

Everyone dared not make a sound.

Mohabi took a deep breath, then looked at a man wearing a silver fox mask next to him:"Jerald, what do you say we should do?"

"I think we should stop! Yun Rui will wipe out the entire assassin organization if this continues."Jellard reminded calmly. He never spoke with emotion, as cold and without temperature as a machine. When

Gerard said this, the other members were shocked.

They didn't expect Gerard to say such a thing.………

Hearing this, Mohabi looked at Jellal with a gloomy face, his eyes flashing with dangerous coldness,"Jellal, what do you mean by this? Do you want to betray me?"

"Boss, I definitely don't mean that." Gerald spoke slowly, his tone still calm.

"Since you didn't betray me! Why did you persuade me to give up!"Mohabi asked.

Gerald took a sip of tea and said,"Boss, Yun Rui is very powerful. Even if more of us go to assassinate her, the result will still be failure. If we continue to waste our energy, it will only be a waste of effort."

""Oh, really?" Mohabi snorted coldly, he narrowed his eyes, stared at Jellal sharply, and said:"What do you mean? Let me let go of the hatred and pretend that nothing happened? Then my brother died in vain!"

Jellal's eyes moved slightly when he heard it, and then he said lightly:"I am just suggesting, as for how to choose, it all depends on the boss's decision."

Jellal's attitude seemed to have been expected. Mohabi's pupils shrank, and he stared at Jellal, as if he wanted to see through Jellal's inner thoughts.

After a long time, Mohabi looked away.

Jellal's words were not false. With Shangguan Yingrui's current strength, they were indeed not opponents, but Mohabi was unwilling to let Yunrui go.

After all, she killed his own brother.………

At this time, a wounded young man rushed into the room and said,"Boss, it's bad! Yun Rui is here! She has killed all the brothers outside."………"

"Snap……"The teacup that Mohabi had just picked up suddenly fell to the ground.


After a burst of smoke dissipated, Mohabi looked at the messy tea set on the ground with a grim face, then slammed the table hard:"Bastard!"

"Boss, let's retreat quickly! Shangguan Yingrui is too strong, we are no match for her. If this continues, I'm afraid all of us will die there."The young man said hastily.

Mohabi gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and had a complicated expression.

Finally, he uttered three words one by one:"Retreat first."

Before they left, Shangguan Yingrui's figure had appeared in front of them

"Haha...want to escape?" Shangguan Yingrui laughed sarcastically,"too late!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shangguan Yingrui instantly appeared in front of Mohabi

"Bang!"Mahbi was caught off guard and flew backwards, hitting the wall, leaving a shocking crack.

This scene frightened the other members. They stared in disbelief, standing there as if struck by lightning.

Mohabi struggled to support his body and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shangguan Yingrui stepped on Mohabi's chest and looked down at him.

""Yun, Yunrui… I’m going to kill you!" Mohabi struggled to get up, he raised his hand and attacked Shangguan Yingrui, but unfortunately his speed was far inferior to Shangguan Yingrui’s, Shangguan Yingrui didn’t dodge, Mohabi was kicked to the ground by her.

"Puff………"Mohabi opened his mouth and spat out a lot of blood.

"Boss!" The other members panicked and wanted to help Mohabi, but they were afraid of Shangguan Yingrui's strength and did not dare to get close.

Shangguan Yingrui sneered and then walked towards Mohabi step by step. With every step, Mohabi felt a sharp pain in his sternum, causing beads of sweat to ooze out of his forehead.

"you………"Mohabi swallowed the sweet taste in his throat with difficulty. He looked at Shangguan Yingrui with fear on his face. She didn't even have the ability to resist. Her current strength was beyond his understanding.………

"Oh, it's really weak, no different from the previous lives………"Shangguan Yingrui shook her head, she squatted down little by little, stretched out her hand and grabbed Mohabi's neck.

"Mmmmm………"Mohabi's eyes widened, and he struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled coldly, and then threw Mohabi to the ground with all her strength.

Mohabi lay on the ground, twitching constantly.

"Snap……"A crisp sound came from the place where his sternum was broken.

Mohabi's whole body was stiff, and his face turned extremely gray.

He stared at Shangguan Yingrui with wide eyes.

"cough cough………"

A trace of scarlet blood���Watching the tears flowing down his lips, he trembled, and after a long while, he finally squeezed out three words with difficulty:"You...what are you going to do?……?"

"Of course I’m going to kill you." Shangguan Yingrui shrugged and said nonchalantly,"You sent people to hunt me down, shouldn’t I take revenge?"

"The most important thing is that you almost prevented me from catching up with my baby. If it weren't for the traffic jam, my baby would have run away.………"

Then she took out a dagger from her body, walked up to him, and stabbed him with the dagger again and again.

Mohabi's eyes widened, his pupils gradually dilated, and finally, he was dead.

Shangguan Yingrui glanced at his body indifferently, and then at the others. She curled her lips and smiled, her voice full of bloodthirsty cruelty:"Who else wants to kill me?"

After hearing this, the rest of the people lowered their heads in unison, not daring to look her in the eye, and even shrank back a few inches in fear.

Shangguan Yingrui raised her eyebrows,"You're not going to tell me? Then I'll have to send you to hell.………"

Hearing this, everyone knelt down in front of Shangguan Yingrui, kowtowed and begged for mercy,"Young Master Yunrui, please don't kill us! We are willing to follow you!"

"I don't need trash, kill them!" Shangguan Yingrui ordered the girl (system) who just walked in. Her voice was cold and ruthless, like a cold devil.


The girl nodded, and quickly killed all the killers in the room without even a scream.

When the system was about to kill the expressionless man, she shouted to stop,"Stop! Let's go!"

Hearing the master's order, she also stopped and followed Shangguan Yingrui out of the room.

But when she reached the door, Shangguan Yingrui stopped and said to the man without looking back:"If it weren't for the face of the old master, you would have to die today!"

"After all, the old man doesn't have many days left to live! Go back and spend more time with him!"

After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui left


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