Ziyun looked in the direction of the sound and saw his sister wearing a pink princess dress, with a bun on her hair, and flying towards him with her short legs.

Ziyun bent down, opened his arms, and firmly hugged the little person who flew towards him.

""Brother~" Xinxin called in a baby voice, staring at Ziyun's handsome profile with her big black eyes.

Ziyun looked down at Xinxin and rubbed her soft head lovingly,"Xinxin, be good, have you listened to your godfather recently?"

"Xinxin is the best!! Xinxin likes brother the most, brother, you will also love Xinxin the most, right?"Xinxin raised her head and asked expectantly. Ziyun scratched her nose, smiled slightly, and said affirmatively:"Yes, brother loves Xinxin the most."

Hearing her brother's promise, Xinxin grinned foolishly.

Shangguan Yingrui, who was standing aside, watched this scene, her silver teeth were about to break. She clenched her fists tightly, forcing herself to divert her gaze from the brother and sister, otherwise, she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and strangle Xinxin to death.

It seems that she has to find a chance to warn her baby.

Shangguan Yingrui thought secretly.

Gong Yueke saw that Shangguan Yingrui looked like she was trying hard to suppress her anger, and she suddenly felt very relieved, so she showed Shangguan Yingrui a provocative look and raised her eyebrows demonstratively.

Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes, looking at Gong Yueke's provocative eyes, and a raging anger suddenly surged in her heart. She wanted to rush forward and tear Gong Yueke's face apart!

But she had to hold back.………She kept telling herself that they were her precious mother and sister, so she couldn't do anything for now and had to be patient.………

Shangguan Yingrui muttered to herself.

Finally, after three or four minutes of agony, she suppressed her anger and a gentle and friendly smile appeared on her face.

""Xinxin is so cute." Shangguan Yingrui smiled and praised Xinxin.

Hearing this, Xinxin glanced at Shangguan Yingrui, snorted twice, and ignored her, but continued to twist and turn in Ziyun's arms, rubbing against him.

"Brother, can you hug me?………"Xinxin said coquettishly.

Ziyun smiled dotingly and hugged Xinxin tighter.

"Xinxin, you've gained weight again." Ziyun looked at Xinxin in his arms and shook his head and said,"If you continue like this, you'll become a pig~"

Xinxin pouted and said unhappily,"How is Xinxin fat? Xinxin is not fat at all! Brother is lying, Xinxin hates brother!"

Hearing Xinxin's words, Ziyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing Xinxin pouting and sulking, he couldn't help laughing.

""Xinxin, please stop making trouble, okay? Brother is wrong." Ziyun coaxed

""Brother is not wrong! Xinxin is not wrong!" Xinxin said unwillingly, poking Ziyun's shoulder with her little finger, trying to use brute force to make Ziyun let her go.

But Ziyun's shoulder was as strong and hard as a piece of iron plate, so that Xinxin couldn't push it at all even with all her strength.

Seeing this, Ziyun curled the corners of his mouth helplessly, glanced at Xinxin's round cheeks, stretched out his hand to pinch Xinxin's smooth and fair little face, and said softly:"Brother is wrong~ Xinxin, don't be angry, okay?""Huh! Xinxin is not angry!" Xinxin turned her head away proudly, muttering softly:"Who told brother to bully Xinxin!"

"Well, it's my brother who's wrong."

"By the way, Xinxin, where is your godfather?" Ziyun looked at Xinxin and asked softly.

"Dad said he had some things to take care of, and then asked godmother to bring me over, saying my brother was here."Xinxin answered crisply.


Then she looked up at the door, and sure enough, she saw Wen Qingxi standing there dignified and elegant, smiling at them. Of course, she saw her daughter's sinister expression just now!

But fortunately, her daughter endured it, otherwise she didn't know what would happen?

"Auntie? Ziyun called politely.

""Yeah." Wen Qingxi responded softly, then walked to Xinxin and squatted down, touched Xinxin's hair, turned around and called Shangguan Yingrui's nickname,"Ruirui."

Shangguan Yingrui ignored Wen Qingxi, and didn't even give her a glance, her eyes were still on Ziyun.

Being completely ignored by Shangguan Yingrui, Wen Qingxi smiled awkwardly, then walked to Gong Yueke, holding Gong Yueke's hand,"Keke, how are you? Ah Cheng called me and said you were sick, which scared me. Are you feeling better now? Are you still feeling bad?"

"Much better." Gong Yueke turned her gaze away from Ziyun and the others and said with a faint smile

"That's good." Wen Qingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Gong Yueke looked at Xinxin sitting on Ziyun's lap, and a hint of envy and jealousy flashed in her eyes, but soon returned to normal.

Wen Qingxi noticed her change and asked in confusion:"Keke, what's wrong with you?"

"Uh, nothing. Gong Yueke shook her head and smiled to hide her feelings.

Although Wen Qingxi thought she was weird, he didn't think much about it.

""Coco, this is the lunch that Ah Cheng asked me to bring for you. Eat it while it's hot." Wen Qingxi put the lunch box on the table, then opened the food and continued,"Coco, I think Ah Cheng is very good to you. You can try to let go of the grudges in your heart and get along well with Ah Cheng?"

Gong Yueke lowered her eyes and said nothing.

How could she accept the person who caused the breakdown of her family? She didn't kill him because she was giving face to her son and dead husband.

Seeing Gong Yueke's silence, Wen Qingxi guessed what she was thinking. He didn't try to persuade her, but just sighed and didn't mention the matter again.

"Coco, Ah Cheng likes you very much, but he just doesn't dare to express it."Wen Qingxi added one more sentence, and then stopped talking.

She could see that Ah Cheng's feelings for Coco were real.

But she knew that Coco was unwilling to accept him.


Gong Yueke lowered her head, not saying a word, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Ziyun glanced at her mother, then looked at Wen Qingxi and blinked.

Without thinking too much, he thought it was probably something Aunt Wen said that made his mother think of something?

Then he continued to play with Xinxin, and when Xinxin was tired, he put her on the sofa and patted her back to let her rest. As soon as

Xinxin fell asleep, she fell asleep immediately.

Ziyun sat on the other side of the sofa, looking at his sister's quiet and sweet sleeping face, his heart was filled with ripples.

"Brother~" Xinxin suddenly shouted in her sleep

""Good boy, Xinxin, did you have a nightmare?" Ziyun came closer, stroked Xinxin's red nose, and asked softly.

""Brother~ Xinxin wants to eat candied haws~ Xinxin wants to eat candied haws~~" Xinxin opened her eyes and looked at Ziyun with her big watery eyes.

Ziyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly,"Okay, I'll buy candied haws for Xinxin."

Xinxin grinned with satisfaction,"Brother is the best~"

Ziyun smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pinched Xinxin's pink cheeks,"Be good."

Xinxin closed her eyes again and fell asleep peacefully.

Then, Ziyun stayed with his mother for a while, and then said goodbye to his mother and Wen Qingxi and left.


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