Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi also looked over and felt a chill down their spines when they saw this scene.

They felt that this perverted behavior was too cruel.………

"I think we should find a way to escape! If we continue like this, we will be tortured to death sooner or later!" Mo Zan said with a bitter expression.

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi nodded in agreement.

They all felt that since the woman brought them to this dungeon, she would not let them escape so easily.

Mo Zan said and walked to the right.

However, before he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

Because he stepped on a puddle of water.

Mo Zan looked down and saw a pool of bright red liquid.

"Is this... blood?"Chai Hansong said in surprise.

He took a closer look and saw that it was indeed a pool of blood. He couldn't help but gasp.

"Here……"Yu Yizhi's trembling voice sounded, and he pointed to a pile of flesh and blood on the ground with a face full of fear, as if he had seen some extremely horrifying scene.

Mo Zan and Chai Hansong looked towards the place he pointed at.

They saw that the floor under their feet was covered with large lumps of flesh and blood.………

Mo Zan:…………

"Ugh... Ugh………"

They covered their noses and vomited violently, almost throwing up the food they had eaten the night before.

"Ugh! Damn it! Who made this?"

Chai Hansong vomited and cursed.

Mo Zan and Yu Yizhi also looked painful.

"Never mind, let's get out of here!" Chai Hansong said.

The three of them quickly left this disgusting dungeon.

"call………Finally freed!" Mo Zan took a long breath.

"That guy is such a pervert!" Chai Hansong said,"The torture instruments in this room are more than ten times more than those in the dungeon, and there are also these bloody corpses. How many people did this guy kill?!"

"This kind of perverted behavior will be punished sooner or later!" Yu Yizhi gritted his teeth and said

"Let's go quickly, it stinks here!" Mo Zan urged, enduring the pungent smell.

""Okay!" Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi said in unison.

Soon, the three of them walked through a long corridor and finally reached the end. A heavy iron door blocked their way.

"With a"click", Mo Zan opened the iron door, and a strong gust of cold wind blew in his face.

"ah………"Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi screamed and held their breath.

""Fuck! How can this room be so cold? This is too weird!" Mo Zan rubbed his arms and said.

This room is not an ice room, but the temperature is lower than that of an ice cellar.

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi endured the great coldness and followed Mo Zan slowly into it. Finally, they found the stairs leading to the next room. The three of them walked up the stairs, and soon, they passed through a dim passage and finally came to another room.

This room is different from the ice room. Although it is still extremely cold, it is much better than the previous environment, but it is still creepy.

The three held their breath and stared at every move around them cautiously.

They didn't dare to touch anything, for fear of touching any mechanism and causing any danger.

In this way, the three of them moved forward slowly and finally reached the end. At the end was an iron door with a groove on the iron door. A candle was inserted in the groove, burning with a raging flame.

Mo Zan and the other two immediately stepped forward to investigate, but in the end, they gained nothing.

""Is there no lock here?" Chai Hansong asked in confusion,"Such a big room, but there is no lock.……"

"I'll try to see if I can open it." Mo Zan said, and then he put his palm against the wall and pressed hard, and heard a"bang".——"The iron door made a crisp sound.

Then,——"With a sound, the iron door opened.

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi widened their eyes in shock.

This... is too exaggerated.………

"What are you staring at? This is a fake lock!" Mo Zan glanced at the two of them calmly, then stepped into the iron gate. Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi also hurriedly followed in.

The three of them passed through the iron gate, and suddenly, the view in front of them was clear.

What caught their eyes was the abandoned factory they had entered!

""'s out!" Mo Zan said with a long sigh,"I thought I was going to die in there!"

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi were also very grateful.

"Hurry up and leave, hurry up and leave, I don’t want to stay here for a second!"Mo Zan said as he ran towards the factory gate.

"Oh, Lao San, call the police and tell them what's going on here." Mo Zan suddenly turned around and told Yu Yizhi.

Yu Yizhi was stunned for a moment, then took out his cell phone and called the police.


Afterwards, Yu Yizhi briefly told the police what happened.

"We know, we'll be there soon, you wait for us there." The police officer said seriously.

Yu Yizhi hung up the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and then met up with Mo Zan and Chai Hansong.

"What did the police say?"Chai Hansong asked

"They said they would be here soon, so let's wait a little while."Yu Yizhi said.

The three of them stood outside the abandoned factory, waiting for the police to arrive.

"Tell me, who is the pervert who brought us here and did all those things inside?" Yu Yizhi suddenly frowned and pondered

"Who knows! Maybe it was done by some pervert who hasn't been caught yet!" Chai Hansong guessed

"Yeah, I think so too!"Mo Zan nodded in agreement. He never thought that all this was Shangguan Yingrui's masterpiece.………

As they were chatting, they heard the sound of cars roaring in the distance.

The three looked in the direction of the sound and saw several���The car came at high speed and arrived in front of the three people in the blink of an eye.

After the police car stopped, five or six policemen in ordinary uniforms came out of the car. One of them explained the details to them, and the others entered the factory to investigate the scene.

They found that there were only some very realistic props of escape rooms and haunted houses, and they were speechless.

Kids nowadays, ah~~

Then, several policemen carefully checked the surroundings again, confirmed that nothing suspicious was found, and left the factory.

After hearing the results of the investigation by those policemen, the three of them were dumbfounded.

""Shit! This is too much!" Mo Zan couldn't help but swear.

Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi were speechless.

The police sent them back to school, and they would continue to investigate their kidnapping.

After all, the impact of students being kidnapped is too bad! Although it was just someone else's prank.

After returning to the dormitory, Mo Zan, Chai Hansong and Yu Yizhi washed up and lay on the bed to rest.

This four o'clock in the morning was destined to be long and difficult.

Because they couldn't sleep, they could only keep their eyes open, staring at the ceiling, with a thousand thoughts in their minds.

"Who on earth could have done this?" Yu Yizhi muttered to himself.

At noon, they packed their luggage and left school and went home.


Villa, Ziyun opened his eyes tiredly, stretched out his hand and rubbed his waist. He had just woken up and his whole body was sore.

""Hiss~" He took a breath of cold air. He had been crazy all night last night, and now his body felt like it was falling apart.

He was about to get up when the person next to him woke up. Shangguan Yingrui hugged his waist, buried her head in his arms, and took a deep breath of his unique smell:"Brother are awake……"Her voice was heavily nasal.

Ziyun didn't say anything, but just hummed softly, holding back the disgust in his heart, and patted her shoulder to comfort her. Shangguan Yingrui hugged him for a long time, and only let go after she gave him a kiss on the lips, and then she carried him to wash up. After taking a shower, Shangguan Yingrui blew Ziyun's short hair, and the two changed their clothes and sat at the dining table to eat breakfast.

When Shangguan Yingrui was feeding her baby, her cell phone rang again. She looked down and saw that it was her mother calling.

Although she was a little unhappy, she still pressed the answer button:"Hello, what's the matter again?"

"Ruirui, please ask Xiaoyun to come to the hospital immediately, his mother is in the hospital!"


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