Ziyun ignored her and closed his eyes in silence.

Shangguan Yingrui was not annoyed and forced the medicine into Ziyun's mouth,"Brother Ziyun, I have to tell you, this medicine tastes very bitter, you must take it as soon as possible.………"

There was a hint of weirdness in her eyes. She knew the effect of this medicine very well.

When the effect of the medicine came on, Ziyun would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

This medicine can make a person's hands and feet sore and weak, unable to move.

After Ziyun was stuffed with the medicine, he opened his eyes, and anger was revealed in his eyes.

Damn, what did this woman feed him? It actually made his hands and feet unable to move.

He struggled desperately, but it was still useless.

"Hehe...Brother Ziyun, don't be afraid, this is a tonic, sister won't hurt you."Shangguan Yingrui said with a smile, her eyes filled with morbidity. She slowly squatted down and licked Ziyun's neck with the tip of her tongue.

Feeling the wetness on his neck, Ziyun's whole body stiffened, and a huge fear surged in his heart. He knew what this woman wanted to do again, but he couldn't resist.

He glared at her fiercely, his eyes seemed to want to tear her apart, but he couldn't move, because the effect of the medicine had taken effect. At this moment, he was exhausted and could not do anything except stay awake.

"Hehe... so good, brother Ziyun, do you know? The better you are, the happier your sister is~" Shangguan Yingrui said with a smile, she leaned down and gently stroked Ziyun's handsome face.

Deep in her eyes was a strong possessive desire, Ziyun belonged to her alone, even if only his soul was left, it belonged to her.

Shangguan Yingrui murmured in a low voice,"Brother Ziyun, sister will make you fall in love with sister forever, you belong to sister alone."

After that, she suddenly kissed Ziyun on the lips.

Her movements were very gentle, and she nibbled his lips gently.

Ziyun wanted to dodge, but he couldn't move at all. He could only let Shangguan Yingrui kiss him. He even hoped that Shangguan Yingrui could kiss him more crazily, so that he could be free sooner.

However, Shangguan Yingrui only kissed him for a while, and then she let go of Ziyun. There was still a trace of crystal clear on her lips... She smiled, then moved her lips to Ziyun's ear and bit his ear ambiguously.

"Brother Ziyun, you smell so good.……"After Shangguan Yingrui finished speaking, she reached out and touched Ziyun's skin as delicate as snow, then picked him up and walked towards the bathroom.

She gently put Ziyun into the bathtub, and then helped him wipe his body.

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui with a cold face, his eyes full of disgust.

Shangguan Yingrui did not care about the look in Ziyun's eyes, but continued to wipe his body.

After taking a bath, Shangguan Yingrui covered Ziyun with a bath towel, then helped Ziyun up from the bathtub and let him sit in the wheelchair.

After doing all this, she pushed Ziyun's wheelchair and walked towards the bed.

""Brother Ziyun, go to sleep first. I have things to do." She patted Ziyun's shoulder and gently admonished him.

Ziyun didn't say anything, but just looked at her coldly.

"Hehe... Good night, brother Ziyun." Shangguan Yingrui said, and then left the basement to do her own things.

After she returned to the study, she immediately dialed a number.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Young Master, do you have any instructions for me?"A respectful voice came from the phone.

"Is there any new news from the organization?" Shangguan Yingrui asked

"Yes, young master, the organization knew that you killed the person who wanted to take you back, and they were furious! They decided to kill you no matter what the cost!"The man on the other end of the phone spoke very quickly, and every word fell into Shangguan Yingrui's eardrum.

When she heard that the organization was going to send someone to assassinate her again, Shangguan Yingrui's mouth curled up with a sneer

""Haha... I get it. Let them do it! No matter how many people come, kill them all! I want to see what they can do to me!" Shangguan Yingrui said, her voice became cold.

The assassins from the organization were all top-notch, but so what? Shangguan Yingrui could still handle them.

"Yes, young master."

When the person was about to hang up the phone, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly shouted,"Wait!"

"Young Master, is there anything else?"The person on the other end of the phone said respectfully.

"Those medicines are helping me prepare some"

""I understand, young master!"

After Shangguan Yingrui ended the call, she went back to the basement and fell asleep with Ziyun in her arms.

The next morning, Ziyun woke up with his hands and feet still tied up. He couldn't move at all and couldn't use any strength at all.

After signing in at the system, he closed his eyes again. He decided to play it badly and wait for the ten consecutive draws to see what skills would appear before deciding to escape.

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui came in with breakfast.

"Brother Ziyun, are you hungry? I'll feed you some porridge."

Shangguan Yingrui said as she opened the lid and scooped a spoonful of soup to cool it down.

""Brother Ziyun, open your mouth." She called softly.

Ziyun opened his mouth as he was told and swallowed the soup in the spoon. He did not refuse, because the current situation did not allow him to refuse.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled with satisfaction, then scooped another spoonful of soup to feed Ziyun.

Ziyun ate several bowls of porridge in a row and finally stopped eating porridge.

Shangguan Yingrui put the empty bowl on the table and took out a handkerchief to wipe the residue from the corners of his mouth.

Every move she made revealed a warm atmosphere, as if she was really just a good sister who loved Brother Ziyun.

Shangguan Yingrui cleaned up the dishes, then picked up a towel and gently wiped the sweat from Ziyun's forehead:"Brother Ziyun, sister will go wash the dishes first, and come to accompany you later."

Ziyun hummed lightly.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled, then turned and left


In the inn, Yu Yizhi woke up and saw Su Xiaomo lying on her little white rabbit without any image, rubbing it from time to time. Her face immediately turned red again. She couldn't help coughing twice to attract her attention,"Senior Sister Su, you...you should get up……"

Her voice is small

"Don't make noise... let me close my eyes for another five seconds." Su Xiaomo opened her sleepy eyes, rubbed them, and then lay on the little white rabbit to continue sleeping.

Yu Yizhi had an expression of wanting to cry but had no tears, and cursed in his heart: It turns out to be a rogue senior sister.

Although he was complaining in his heart, he still let Su Xiaomo lie on her chest and continue to sleep.

After about forty minutes, Su Xiaomo finally woke up.

She stretched and stood up.

Her sight slowly fell on Yu Yizhi. When Yu Yizhi saw her looking at him, he immediately used both hands to block the spring light on his chest,"Su...senior sister, you...don't look around.………"


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