When Ziyun ran to the gate of the community, he was already exhausted and out of breath, with beads of sweat oozing from his forehead... However, he did not stop, and continued to run wildly, fearing that if he was a second slower, Shangguan Yingrui would catch up with him.

When he was about to step out of the gate of the community, he was stopped by two security guards. When the two security guards saw that it was Ziyun, they immediately asked respectfully:"Sir, I have already told you that Miss Shangguan has ordered you not to leave here, please go back!"

""Oh~, okay then!" Ziyun did not make things difficult for the two security guards, and turned around and left.

He just wanted to see if he could leave the community without using the 'random skill', but it seemed that he could not, so he could only use the 'random skill'.

He found a blind spot in the surveillance where no one passed by, and then let the system use the 'random skill'.

The next second, Ziyun disappeared from the spot and appeared on the other side of the wall.

Ziyun did not delay in hailing a taxi and got in.

The taxi driver looked at Ziyun sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror and asked,"Young man, where are you going?"

Ziyun gave an address in the suburbs:"Excuse me, master, where are you going?""

""Okay!" the taxi driver said, and stepped on the accelerator to speed up.

"Thank you."Ziyun thanked him.

As for why he didn't choose to go home or go back to school, it was because he was afraid that he would run into Shangguan Yingrui at home or at school. If he was caught by her, he would inevitably suffer.

The taxi driver smiled naively and said,"You're welcome." The taxi driver was an honest migrant worker. His family was not rich, and his wife and children depended on his hard work every day to make a living, so he cherished his current job very much.

The taxi sped past, and Ziyun was nervous, looking out the window intently.

Suddenly, the taxi stopped by the side of the road. Ziyun frowned and looked at the taxi driver in confusion:"Master, what's wrong?"

"There seems to be a car accident ahead, and there is a traffic jam. It will probably take half an hour to clear the road."The taxi driver explained.

Ziyun took a look at the situation ahead, and it was indeed a traffic jam, and it was a long queue. It was estimated that it would not be evacuated for a while, so he could only wait patiently.

This period of time was definitely a hundred times more difficult for Ziyun than before.

Fortunately, after half an hour, the traffic was finally cleared, and the car slowly started. Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief, for he was afraid that Shangguan Yingrui would suddenly come and capture him.

""Little brother, are you okay?" The driver saw the sweat on Ziyun's forehead through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

""It's okay, master." Ziyun waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. He touched his head and found it was sweating profusely.

The driver looked at Ziyun's embarrassed appearance, sighed helplessly, shook his head, and said nothing.

The car fell into silence, and the car was driving fast on the road.

Suddenly, a girl in a black dress appeared in front. The girl was wearing a huge hat that covered her entire face, making it impossible to see her appearance. However, even so, the girl had a good figure with curves in all the right places. She stood in the middle of the road, blocking the way of the taxi.

The driver hurriedly braked and almost hit the girl. He was immediately startled and then yelled:"Hey! Girl, are you going to die?"

But Ziyun in the car's pupils shrank sharply. Through the car window glass, he saw clearly the face of the girl who blocked his way. His body stiffened involuntarily, and he secretly said in his heart,"Oh no!"

That girl was none other than Shangguan Yingrui!

The taxi driver honked the horn, reminding Shangguan Yingrui to get out of the way quickly.

But Shangguan Yingrui was not affected at all. She still stood quietly in the middle of the road, as if she didn't hear the taxi driver's voice.

The taxi driver honked the horn for a while and found that the woman didn't respond at all. He immediately felt strange, so he pushed open the door, got out of the car, and walked to the girl,"Hey! Girl, it's very dangerous here, you'd better get out of the way!"

The taxi driver was a little annoyed when he saw that the girl ignored him, and his tone became a little stern:"Hey, girl, I'm calling you, are you deaf?

Shangguan Yingrui remained indifferent, and continued to look at Ziyun in the car with a smile on her face. Ziyun felt uncomfortable under Shangguan Yingrui's possessive gaze, and wanted to run away immediately, but thinking of Shangguan Yingrui's abnormal fighting power, Ziyun could only endure it for the time being.

Besides, it seemed that he could not run away, so Ziyun simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Hey! I called you!"The taxi driver became even angrier when he saw Shangguan Yingrui still ignoring him, and wanted to reach out to pat Shangguan Yingrui on the shoulder.

Shangguan Yingrui glared at the taxi driver coldly, and the taxi driver suddenly felt a chill on his back and dared not to be presumptuous anymore. The taxi driver could only retract his hand angrily, and then he noticed that the girl had been looking at Ziyun in the car. The taxi driver immediately understood why the girl suddenly appeared in the middle of the road to stop his car from moving forward.

He couldn't help but sigh, young people nowadays! It's so crazy! Loving someone can be so crazy, what else can't you do.

The driver shook his head and stepped aside. He wanted to see what the girl wanted to do.

After a long time, Shangguan Yingrui finally moved. She walked slowly towards the car. When she came to the window, Shangguan Yingrui raised her hand and knocked on the window:"Brother Ziyun, how long do you want to sit in it? Go home with your sister!"

Shangguan Yingrui's voice was gentle as water, without any anger in it, but Ziyun knew that there was a danger like a storm hidden under such a calm expression.

The driver looked at Ziyun, then at the girl, secretly guessing their relationship.

Ziyun took a deep breath. A real man can bend and stretch. Since he couldn't avoid it, he would just take it calmly, and then find other ways.

Then, he slowly pulled down the window, showing a flattering smile, and said with a laugh:"Haha... I'm sorry, sister, I'm not running away, I just wanted to come out for some fresh air and forgot to tell you... haha………"Ziyun tried to use the most relaxed and bright smile to hide his embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Really?" Shangguan Yingrui raised her eyebrows,"You really weren't running away, you just forgot to tell me?"

"Uh... yeah, yeah... hehe... sister……"Ziyun laughed dryly a few times, trying hard to maintain his smile

"Oh, so that's how it is. I misunderstood.………"Shangguan Yingrui nodded with a smile

"Yeah, yeah... hehe……"Ziyun scratched his head awkwardly, his smile was uglier than crying

"Since you are not running away, then just come home with me obediently!"


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