After Yu Yizhi came out after changing clothes, everyone in the backstage was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that a boy wearing women's Hanfu would look so good... Especially her face. Although it was a little worse than Shangguan Yingrui and Su Xiaomo's, she had delicate features and snow-white skin. Wearing this ancient dress, she looked even more delicate. Even if she didn't have such a stunning appearance, she could win the love of many young men with her classical charm and quiet temperament. If they hadn't known that Yu Yizhi was a boy, I'm afraid the boys present would have gone up to chat with her.

"Wow! I didn't expect that our junior brother Yu would look so good in women's clothes!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! If we didn’t know you were a man, we would have almost mistaken you for a girl!"

"She's just like a little fairy."


Yu Yizhi's cheeks were already red as he listened to the compliments from the people around him. He lowered his head, a little shy and didn't dare to look at everyone's eyes.

Su Xiaomo, on the other hand, looked at Yu Yizhi with interest.

Yu Yizhi was wearing a light blue female Hanfu embroidered with green bamboo patterns. The belt was tied up, outlining her slender waist. The hem of her skirt was decorated with white lotus leaf lace, which set off her exquisite curves, but her chest was a little small. She had a black and shiny wig tied up, wearing a jade hairpin, and two bangs on both sides of her forehead.

Yu Yizhi looked at Su Xiaomo staring at him straight, his face became redder and redder, and finally the blush spread to the roots of his ears, and even his ears were covered with crimson.

Hehe~, isn't Yu Xuedi too cute? It

's so fun, isn't it?

"Okay, stop looking at other people like that. Didn't you see that his face is almost bleeding? Go do what you need to do? The activity will start soon!"Su Xiaomo clapped her hands gently and shouted to the members who were admiring Yu Yizhi.

Her voice was soft, but there was a hint of deterrence, so the members present did their own things obediently.

Yu Yizhi was relieved to see this.

""Come on, Junior Yu, I'll help you put on some makeup~" After saying that, Su Xiaomo took Yu Yizhi's fair little hand and dragged him to the dressing room.

After a while, in the dressing room, in front of the mirror,

Yu Yizhi sat on a chair, looking at his face, blushing, and letting Su Xiaomo put on makeup for him.

"Oh my! You're still shy~" Su Xiaomo looked at Yu Yizhi's appearance and couldn't help laughing,"Xiao Yu, you are so thin-skinned~"

Yu Yizhi became even more shy after hearing Su Xiaomo's teasing. He lowered his head, not daring to look up, and his face flushed.

Seeing this, Su Xiaomo stopped teasing him and started to put makeup on him seriously.

Yu Yizhi's foundation was originally good, so he would look good no matter how he put on makeup?

A quarter of an hour later.

A young girl with delicate features, creamy skin and bright eyes appeared in the mirror. The girl's facial features were extremely delicate, her eyebrows were like ink painting, her nose was small and her lips were pink and attractive, just like the petals of a rose bud in spring, moist and plump, and so delicate that it could be blown away.

""Does the painting I drew for you look good?" Su Xiaomo looked at Yu Yizhi and asked.

Yu Yizhi stared at himself in the mirror blankly, and didn't react for a long time.

""Xiaodi Yu?" Su Xiaomo saw that Yu Yizhi was reluctant to speak, and thought that her painting was not good enough. She frowned in worry.

At this time, Yu Yizhi came back to his senses.

"Hmm...very nice………"Yu Yizhi blushed and stammered in reply.

She didn't expect that the makeup Su Xiaomo put on for him would be so beautiful. Her technique was very skillful. Not only did she make his face delicate and beautiful, but she even carefully modified the light makeup at the corners of his eyes, making him look more lively and elegant.

This was also the first time she saw herself putting on makeup... So beautiful!

Yu Yizhi's heart was beating fast, and he felt his face was burning. He didn't know where to put his hands.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment~" Su Xiaomo smiled sweetly at him

"You're welcome………"Yu Yizhi's voice was still very hoarse. He didn't dare to look at Su Xiaomo any more and lowered his head.

Yu Yizhi's voice was very soft, but it was clear enough for Su Xiaomo to hear.

Su Xiaomo looked at his red face and felt that he was particularly cute. She suddenly leaned closer, blinked her eyes, and said playfully:"Junior brother, why are you so cute? You are becoming more and more lovable~"

Yu Yizhi looked at Su Xiaomo's face approaching, and she hurriedly moved her eyes away.

"Senior sister, you... don't get so close." Yu Yizhi said hesitantly, his face full of embarrassment and shyness, looking very cute

"Huh? Are you shy? Junior, let me tell you, it’s okay for girls to be intimate with each other.………"Su Xiaomo smiled evilly and said,"After all, we are both women.………"

Yu Yizhi became even more shy after hearing this. His face flushed red, and he wished he could find a hole to hide in to avoid Su Xiaomo's gaze.

"Phew~ Junior, you are so funny………"Seeing him like this, Su Xiaomo couldn't help but burst into laughter.

She reached out and touched Yu Yizhi's furry little head.

""Senior sister!" Yu Yizhi exclaimed, and quickly dodged Su Xiaomo's clutches.

Su Xiaomo pouted,"Tsk tsk tsk, you're quite sensitive.………"

She checked the time and said,"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Get ready. The activity is about to begin."

Yu Yizhi blushed and nodded gently.


Ziyun, who just returned to the villa, was pressed against the wall by Shangguan Yingrui, who stood on tiptoes and started biting him wildly!

"" Ziyun struggled, but how could his strength withstand Shangguan Yingrui's attack?

"Hey~ Xiao Yunyun~ You smell so good~" Shangguan Yingrui licked the corner of her mouth and said with unsatisfied feeling:"You are so sweet~���~"

As she spoke, she moved closer to Ziyun and took a deep breath.

Shangguan Yingrui rubbed Ziyun's neck with her nose, and her soft and slippery tongue slid across his skin, causing Ziyun to tremble all over.

Shangguan Yingrui felt Ziyun's slightly trembling body, she narrowed her eyes and revealed a wicked smile.

She stretched out her tongue and slowly traced Ziyun's elegant Adam's apple,"Brother Ziyun, how do you think we should punish you for running away~" Her tone was ambiguous, like a cat nibbling on the end of the sound

"I...I didn't run away. Didn't I tell you? I just wanted to get some fresh air and take a walk. I didn't want to run away.……"Ziyun argued, he swallowed nervously, his body tense

"I naturally believe what you say, but you left the villa without my consent, which is wrong!" Shangguan Yingrui pinched Ziyun's jaw and forced him to look up and look at her.

"So what?" Ziyun sighed helplessly.

"So, sister must punish you well today~"


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