Ziyun took a deep breath, ignored the little girl's complaints, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.………

Seeing this, the system stopped talking.………

In the following days, Ziyun was locked in the house by Shangguan Yingrui again, and the days were almost the same.

Ziyun also tried to escape, but every time when he was about to act, he would be caught by Shangguan Yingrui.

Ziyun was very depressed.

Until one day, he found a miniature camera in the room, and then he realized that his daily behavior was under the surveillance of Shangguan Yingrui.

He suddenly dared not to move. Since

Shangguan Yingrui knew what he was doing every day, no matter how many tricks he had, it would be useless.

Therefore, Ziyun could only choose to endure temporarily, and then wait for an opportunity to find a way to escape.

On this day, Ziyun was still lying on the bed dozing as usual.………

Shangguan Yingrui also kissed Ziyun on the lips as usual, and then dressed neatly and walked out of the bedroom.

After Shangguan Yingrui left, Ziyun, who had closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up from the bed, walked into the bathroom, washed up briefly, changed into a set of clean clothes, and called the system,"System, use the shielding skill."

This skill was obtained by signing in yesterday, but it can only shield the camera and other things for one minute, but it is enough.

【Ding, blocking successful】

"Well, use 'Random Skill’!!"Ziyun continued to order

【Host, are you sure? Continuous use will shorten your lifespan~] The system little Loli wants to persuade him again

"Never mind. You don't know that I'm going crazy staying here. I can't play computer games or use my cell phone. I'm tortured every day. I really can't stand it! I'd rather shorten my life than stay here."Ziyun looked determined not to change his mind.

【All right then!】

The next second, Ziyun teleported out of the room and appeared in the living room.

He glanced around and found that Shangguan Yingrui was not there, then he walked towards the door.………

As expected, the door was locked, and he took out a wire that he had prepared and pried the door open.

The day before yesterday, the system reminded him that he had accumulated ten draws, so Ziyun immediately turned it ten times and obtained this useless lock picking skill.

After opening the door, the sunlight outside poured on Ziyun's body, and the warm feeling was very comfortable. He looked up, took two deep breaths of fresh air, and then left the villa and walked out.………

Shangguan Yingrui, who had just driven out of the Moyun Villa area, heard the sound of her cell phone ringing, so she stopped the car and took out her cell phone from her pocket. She saw Ziyun had already run out of the villa, and a strange smile appeared on her face. It seems that the baby couldn't help but run away~


Since brother Ziyun wants to run away, sister will not be polite.………

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes flickered slightly, and she said something to the security guard of the villa area, and then drove the car back.

On the other side, Ziyun finally reached the gate of the villa area, but when he was about to step out of the community, he was suddenly stopped by two security guards.

"Sir, Miss Shangguan has instructed that you cannot go out, please go back."One of the security guards, who was burly and had a face full of flesh, said coldly.

Ziyun raised his eyebrows. The two security guards were hired by Shangguan Yingrui to stop him from escaping, which meant that the senior sister already knew that he had escaped from the villa.

He should be on the way back now, right?

Ziyun pursed his lips and thought to himself.

He knew that he would not be able to escape today, so he simply did not resist for the time being and made a long-term plan again. So, he nodded and walked back.

Seeing Ziyun's cooperation, the security guards were relieved. After all, if Ziyun did not cooperate, it would be difficult for them to deal with it. However

, Ziyun did not walk for long before he was startled by a sharp and piercing brake sound.

Ziyun looked up and saw a black Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in his footsteps. The window was lowered, and what came into Ziyun's eyes was a charming, gorgeous and charming face.

The woman took off her sunglasses and showed a charming smile:"I was wondering why it looked so familiar... Ziyun, do you live nearby too?"

Her voice was very sweet, with a special temptation that made people's bones soften.

"Who are you?" Ziyun frowned and asked, because he didn't remember the existence of this woman at all.

"Haha, who am I? Have you forgotten?"The woman glared at him coquettishly.

"I don't know her." Ziyun replied indifferently. He really didn't know her.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across the woman's face, but she quickly recovered."I'm Yu Yao... We were in the same class in elementary school. Have you really forgotten?"

Hearing this, Ziyun frowned. What did he remember?

Yu Yao?

Wasn't she the leader of the group that bullied Wen Rui in school back then?………

Ziyun remembered it, but still didn't show much emotion. He said lightly:"It turned out to be you."

Although he was not familiar with Yu Yao, Ziyun had often retaliated against her for what Yu Yao had done in the past.

When she was in elementary school, Yu Yao bullied others by taking advantage of her power and often bullied the weak. Ziyun had often punished her.

But he never took it to heart. After all, Yu Yao was just an ant in his eyes.

However, after all these years, Yu Yao has become like this.

This is really surprising. Did she take the wrong medicine? Ziyun was puzzled.


Yu Yao's current appearance was completely different from what he remembered. No wonder he didn't recognize her.

"hehe………"Yu Yao smiled awkwardly, and then said:"We haven't seen each other for many years after graduating from elementary school. You don't even remember me. It really hurts my heart~"

As she said this, she covered her chest with her hands, looking heartbroken.

"Really? Sorry, my memory is not very good."Ziyun said lightly

"Forehead……"Yu Yao choked.

She just wanted to get Ziyun to talk.

Unexpectedly, he interrupted her directly.

However, Yu Yao did not give up. She continued,"How come you live in such a place? The people living in this villa area are all super rich tycoons or celebrities. I remember that your family conditions are very good, but not top-notch. How can you afford a villa here?"

Ziyun glanced at her and ignored her. Instead, he continued to walk forward towards Shangguan Yingrui's villa.

He had to go back to the villa before Shangguan Yingrui came, otherwise it would be troublesome if he was caught by Shangguan Yingrui.

Seeing Ziyun ignoring her, Yu Yao's expression became a little embarrassed, and a trace of anger flashed quickly in her eyes.

Then, Yu Yao stepped on the accelerator and accelerated suddenly to block Ziyun.

Ziyun was forced to stop. He squinted at the car blocking him and asked in a somewhat unfriendly tone,"Miss Yu Yao, what do you want to do?"


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