In reality, Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun who was sleeping in agony, and wiped the sweat from his forehead distressedly. His face was pale and his breathing was rapid, as if this nightmare was terrible.

She sighed, what on earth did brother Ziyun dream about?

How could brother Ziyun be in so much pain... She gently patted his back to help him calm down.

Suddenly, Ziyun coughed violently, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even more bleak.

"Brother Ziyun, what's wrong with you? Brother Ziyun, wake up, don't scare your sister.………"Shangguan Yingrui called out in a hurry, but the person in her arms was still unconscious.

Shangguan Yingrui quickly called the family doctor and asked him to come and treat Ziyun immediately. Not long after the call was hung up, the doctor came to Shangguan Yingrui's bedroom with a medical box.

""Miss, are you looking for me?" the doctor asked respectfully. This doctor was called Doctor Chen, an apprentice of my grandfather. He was about 40 years old and had worked in the International Hospital. Later, because of his excellent performance, he was appreciated by my grandfather, so he resigned from the International Hospital and concentrated on studying medicine with my grandfather.

"Well, for some reason my husband suddenly vomited blood while sleeping." Shangguan Yingrui frowned and looked at Ziyun on the bed with concern.

Doctor Chen heard this and looked at Ziyun on the bed. Ziyun's face was as pale as paper, and his lips were still stained with bright blood.

Doctor Chen was silent for a moment,"Let me check him first." After that, he sat next to Ziyun and carefully checked his condition.

"Miss, don't worry too much. This gentleman must have been vomiting blood because of some strong stimulation. Doctor Chen put away the medicine box and explained.

Shangguan Yingrui was puzzled,"Stimulation? What do you mean?"

Doctor Chen smiled and said,"Maybe he dreamed of something terrible? After all, dreams and reality are always different.………"

Shangguan Yingrui was slightly startled. Did she dream of unpleasant memories? Could it be that she left him at that time? She frowned and said,"I know. Thank you, Doctor Chen."

"This is my duty." Doctor Chen stood up and left.

Shangguan Yingrui walked to the bedside and sat down, staring at Ziyun quietly.

As she looked at him, she couldn't help but bend down and gently stroke Ziyun's face. His skin was very white and soft to the touch.

A certain picture suddenly emerged in her mind. In the picture, two people were playing and frolicking on the beach.

She suddenly remembered that picture.

It was on the last day of the third year of junior high school graduation, and it was also the day before she left him.………

That day, Ziyun took her to the shore of the sea.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the sea surface, sparkling and beautiful like a fairyland, as if in a fairy tale world, making people yearn for it.

The sea breeze blew gently, Shangguan Yingrui had long black and shiny hair, wearing a pure white knee-length dress, and the whole person was like a painting, beautiful and moving.

She looked up at the red sun in the sky, with a satisfied look on her face.

Ziyun was watching her not far away.

"Brother Ziyun, the sunset is so beautiful………"Shangguan Yingrui tilted her head slightly

"yes…………"Ziyun nodded.

She turned around and hugged Ziyun, looking up at Ziyun with a sweet smile.

"Brother Ziyun, don't forget me………"She stood on tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his cool lips.

Ziyun frowned, not knowing why she said that. He didn't think much about it. After all, she had said it countless times in his ear.

But he didn't refuse. He put his arms around Shangguan Yingrui's slender waist and bent down to kiss her lips affectionately.

She closed her eyes, enjoying his tenderness and pampering.

She felt very happy and comfortable.

She liked and was greedy for his taste.

She couldn't help but deepen the kiss.

Gradually, she felt a little breathless.

Ziyun slowly let go of her lips. He lowered his head and looked at her seriously,"Silly sister, I will never forget you, never."

She raised her chin slightly and smiled faintly,"Brother Ziyun, remember what you said, don't regret it.………"

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui solemnly and said firmly:"I will never regret it!"

She smiled with satisfaction, and a red light flashed in her eyes.

The next day, she was sent abroad by her parents who only cared about her family, and she did not tell Ziyun at all. Perhaps she dreamed of leaving without saying goodbye, so she was so sad that she vomited blood.

Shangguan Yingrui was thinking about it, and suddenly saw Ziyun woke up from his sleep, gasping for breath, cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and his expression was very terrified.

Shangguan Yingrui saw this and hurriedly took a towel to wipe his sweat, but Ziyun subconsciously avoided her touch. He hugged himself with trembling hands and looked at her vigilantly.

At this time, he thought he was still in a dream.………

""Brother Ziyun, what's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare?" She asked worriedly.

He was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyebrows, and shook his head,"It's okay.………"

She breathed a sigh of relief, then asked again,"Did you dream about me?"

He shook his head again, indicating that he didn't know.╮(╯_╰)╭

He didn't know what he dreamed about, but he knew it was a nightmare. When he woke up, he was soaked and gasping for breath.

Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask any more questions. She gently moved closer to Ziyun and hugged his waist.

Ziyun, who had just escaped from a nightmare, felt a strong sense of resistance in his heart again, but after a moment, he let her hug him like this.

She put her face on his strong chest and listened to his strong heartbeat. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she fell asleep.��………

Ziyun felt that the person in his arms seemed to be asleep, so he gently pushed her away, put her on the bed, covered her with a blanket, went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, and changed into clean clothes.

Ziyun looked at it and saw that it was still past five in the morning, so he also lay down to catch up on his sleep.

System Space………

"Whirring whirring………I am so tired! Finally I suppressed it!!"

"I must blackmail the host later and ask him to buy me lots of snacks."The little system girl was lying on the ground, panting. Her body was covered with dense beads of sweat. Her face was pale and she was obviously very weak.

The little girl with her beautiful eyes closed sensed something and suddenly opened her eyes."The main system seems to be waking up! ?"

"Why so fast?"

"The awakening of the main system means that the perverted woman Shangguan Yingrui is going to recover her memories of Wanshi!!"

"I am miserable too.………"The little Lolita wanted to cry but had no tears.

Then she felt that the main system's awakening progress was still 8%, and she was relieved. Now she has only reached level three, not level five. If she is discovered this time, she will definitely not have any ability to protect herself. After all, the host of the main system is a pervert. God knows how she will torture her after being caught. It is estimated that her soul will be reduced to ashes.

"Alas, I hope the main system wakes up later. When I reach level 5 and have a certain self-protection ability, it won’t be too late for you to wake up.………"The little girl prayed secretly in her heart


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