"That guy's dunk just now was so handsome! I wonder how handsome his face is under the mask?" A girl said with a crazy look on her face. She was completely immersed in the scene of Ziyun's dunk just now. She had never seen such a brave man before.…………

"I think he's super cool too~" another girl echoed

""Haha, you two fools! Didn't you notice? The man wearing the mask is the freshman, the new school idol Ziyun!" said a girl with a relatively ordinary appearance, watching Ziyun playing basketball.

"Wow………He is Ziyun, I have heard of him a long time ago!!"Several other girls exclaimed

"Why does he cover his face?" a girl asked in confusion.

"I don’t know, maybe the school hunk has his own reasons!"

"Stop talking, stop talking, the school hunk dunked again, so handsome!

Suddenly, a girl exclaimed

"Ahhhh…………My girlish heart!!"Many girls shouted like crazy


Shangguan Yingrui, who was standing by, became more and more gloomy when she heard this. She wished she could kill them all immediately. She held the dagger tightly in her bag, and tightened her grip even more, as if she would stab them to death without hesitation if they said anything.………

Brother Ziyun is hers, she is hers………

Then, the last sentence of the girl under the shade of the tree completely touched Shangguan Yingrui's last nerve. She turned her head and shot a vicious look at the girl. A cruel smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then she stood up and walked over slowly.………

At this time, the girl in the sports skirt was sitting under the shade of the tree, drinking water from a kettle. Suddenly, she felt a sharp gaze sweeping across her body. She couldn't help but shudder, and then she looked in the direction of the gaze, but she only saw a slender back.…………

The girl frowned, and had a vague feeling of uneasiness in her heart, but she couldn't catch this feeling. She could only shake her head, thinking that maybe she was too sensitive!

Then, the girl retracted her gaze, and when she saw the game was over, she picked up a glass of mineral water and ran over, thus escaping.

Shangguan Yingrui saw the girl running over, and the dagger in her hand loosened. She wanted to see if her brother Ziyun would take the water from that woman?

If he took it, she would kill that woman, and then imprison her brother Ziyun forever.

No matter how he acted coquettishly and promised her, she would never let him out again, and she would punish him severely.

On the other side, Ziyun, who had just finished playing ball, looked around blankly.

Just now, he clearly felt a very strong murderous aura, but when he turned around, he saw nothing.

He only saw Shangguan Yingrui looking at him with love in the distance, and he couldn't help but frowned.


"Is this his illusion?"Ziyun murmured to himself

"Hey, Lao Si, what's wrong with you?" Wiping the sweat off his face, Chai Hansong walked over and asked in confusion.

"Nothing!" Ziyun said lightly, and then subconsciously picked up a corner of his clothes and wiped the handsome face under the mask.………

This action caused a group of girls nearby to scream and swallow their saliva.

What a nice figure, she looks thin when she is dressed, and has flesh when she is undressed! It really makes people bleed from the nose~~

Shangguan Yingrui heard all kinds of sounds coming from her ears, her brows slightly frowned, and the expression on her face became more and more hideous and terrifying………

Brother Ziyun, you are great, great!

See how I punish you tonight? You don’t have to come out again. I will never let you leave the villa again!

After wiping the sweat off his face, Ziyun once again felt someone’s cold and terrifying eyes. He shuddered in his heart and looked in the direction of Shangguan Yingrui again. He only saw her looking at him with a smile on her face. Then, Ziyun withdrew his gaze.………

I saw the girl in the sports skirt handing me a bottle of water,"Student Ziyun, drink some water!!!" Her voice was sweet, soft and clear, and it made me feel comfortable. She was also very beautiful, with fair and delicate skin, exquisite facial features, and a height of about 1.6 meters, which was considered a standard lolita. However, her chest was flat, as if it was not fully developed.………

""Thank you!" Ziyun thanked him politely and was about to take the water, but he retracted his hand for some reason, scratched his head and said with a laugh:"Haha...well...I'm not thirsty...you should keep it for yourself!"

When the girl heard Ziyun's refusal, a look of loss appeared on her face, but she still raised a bright smile and said:"Okay then!!" Then, she put the bottle of water down and did not continue to ask Ziyun to drink it.

Seeing the girl's well-behaved appearance, Ziyun felt inexplicably apologetic.

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui came over, took Ziyun's arm, and said with a smile:"Brother Ziyun, just accept the water given to you by other girls. Sister will not be jealous. Besides, sister did not buy you water.………"

Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun with a smile on her face. Although her smile looked warm and sunny, Ziyun could sense a strong sense of danger from her smile. Moreover, more importantly, she was holding him with such great force that he could not pull his hands away.………

Ziyun couldn't help but sweat a few drops on his forehead. His heart was beating violently. He reminded himself secretly: Stay calm.………

So, Ziyun took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then said,"No need…I’m really not thirsty!!���"

"Oh? Not thirsty? Okay then! Let's go home.………"Shangguan Yingrui was still smiling, not showing any signs of abnormality. She then pulled Ziyun away from the basketball court.

Ziyun was pulled away by Shangguan Yingrui, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.……… go home………

"Wait...sister, I still have two classes to go to.………"Ziyun struggled and said

"Oh, sister forgot, let's go to the classroom………"Shangguan Yingrui suddenly realized, and then pulled Ziyun to the teaching building.………

The girl looked at their backs as they left, bit her lip, then lowered her head and left the basketball court.………

It seems that the fourth brother has hurt another girl again.………

After chatting with the students who had just played ball for a few more words, she picked up the clothes that Ziyun had placed on the chair and left the playground.

Then, after finishing two classes in the afternoon, Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui returned to the villa. Ziyun took a shower, changed clothes, and went downstairs to see Shangguan Yingrui bringing the prepared meals to the table.

Shangguan Yingrui smiled and said to Ziyun,"Come and eat quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold.……"

Ziyun glanced at her, then walked to the restaurant silently and sat down. Seeing Ziyun sitting down, Shangguan Yingrui also sat down, and the two began to eat.

Halfway through the meal, Shangguan Yingrui suddenly raised her head and called out,"Brother Ziyun~"

"What's wrong?" Ziyun put down his chopsticks, looked at her and asked

"Nothing, I just want to call you………"


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