"Oh, okay then." Shangguan Yingrui snorted, then took the barbecue skewers on the table and handed them to Ziyun's mouth,"Come on, brother Ziyun, sister will feed you~"

Ziyun still hesitated for a moment, and finally opened his mouth obediently, allowing Shangguan Yingrui to feed him.………

Seeing Ziyun's obedient appearance, Shangguan Yingrui's mouth corners curled up even more, and the gloom in her eyes disappeared.

Soon, she picked up another skewer of lamb, stuffed it into her mouth, and then passed it to Ziyun.………

Ziyun couldn't help but feel a little disgusted and nauseous when he saw this, but he still endured and didn't show it.

After Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun still obediently finished the mutton skewers she handed to him, the smile on her face became even brighter.

Hehe~ Brother Ziyun ate the mutton skewers covered with her saliva~ So happy~ So happy~

Ziyun saw Shangguan Yingrui's smile become weird again, and the ominous premonition in his heart came again. He knew what he should do, otherwise, he didn't know what consequences would happen later?

"elder sister……"

"What's wrong, Ziyun? What do you want to say? Shangguan Yingrui looked at him with a smile, her tone intimate.

Ziyun swallowed his saliva, avoiding Shangguan Yingrui's eyes.………

"Do you want to say something to me? Shangguan Yingrui continued to ask

"you you……"Ziyun stammered for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Wen Rui watched the interaction between the two of them, with a deep light flashing in her eyes. Why? Why? Why is the son of the murderer of her father so happy? And she can only serve dishes and barbecue for others?!


Nine years ago………

Ziyi, who was at home with his wife and children, received a call from his brother and drove away in a hurry. It was also after this that the originally innocent and romantic Gong Yueke seemed to have become a different person.………

When Ziyi arrived at the outskirts of the city, he saw his brother fighting with another assassin organization, and the other party brought many gang members with them. His brother was covered in wounds and blood, and it was obvious that he could not hold on for much longer.………

Ziyi quickly got out of the car and rushed forward to join the battle………

Ziyi's joining in barely managed to hold off the opponent's attack, but he would be defeated sooner or later.………

""Go! I'll hold them back!" Ziyi yelled.

"Ziyi……"The man called Ziyi worriedly

"Go! Go! Go!"Zi Yi turned his head to look at the man and shouted hoarsely

"Walk………"The man gritted his teeth and spat out a word, and took a few brothers away.

After the man left, Ziyi's pressure was reduced. Although he was still no match for the opponent's joint attack, they could not do anything to him for the time being, so he could still hold on.………

Then he saw a gun on the ground. He quickly picked it up, pointed it at the leader, pulled the trigger, and a bullet instantly shot through the leader's head.………And this person is the father of"Wen Rui"………

After getting rid of one leader, the remaining three killers were also eliminated.………

After defeating the enemy, Ziyi panted and looked at his brother,"Acheng, how are you?"

"fine………"Ah Cheng shook his head weakly, then smiled at Ziyi,"Thank you... Ziyi... If you hadn't come to help me, I would have died here.………"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are brothers.………"Ziyi smiled.

At this moment, suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded.………

Ziyi was stunned, then looked at his brother………

Inside the white Bentley, the man glanced at them coldly, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.………

Seeing the car rushing towards him like lightning, Ziyi's pupils shrank violently. Then he rushed over, pushed his brother away, and was knocked away.………

When he fell to the ground, Ziyun felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and the piercing pain spread throughout his limbs.

Then he lost consciousness.………

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the hospital, dying. After saying a few words to his brother, he fell asleep.…………

Wen Rui only knew that her father was shot dead by Ziyun's father. She didn't know what happened.………

Wen Rui secretly clenched her fists, her nails dug into her palms, blood dyed her fair skin red, and the pain made Wen Rui a little more sober.

Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun seemed to be hesitant to speak, so she smiled and moved closer to Ziyun, her soft red lips pressed against his ears, and whispered to him in an extremely ambiguous tone:"Ziyun... do you have anything to say to your sister? Hmm?"

""No... nothing, I just want to say, sister, don't just feed me, eat something yourself~" Ziyun forced himself to suppress the fear in his heart, and then pretended to be calm and composed. Ziyun originally wanted to say,"Can you calm down?" However, when the words came to his lips, he changed his words to this.

Because he was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would anger her. After all, he couldn't beat her. If he really angered her, it would be bad.………

Shangguan Yingrui smiled after hearing this, then opened her mouth and bit the unfinished kebab in Ziyun's hand, chewing it with relish. After finishing it, she licked the greasy corner of her mouth with her pink and tender tongue.

Seeing Shangguan Yingrui's action, Ziyun's body froze instantly, his face flushed, and he subconsciously moved to the side.………

Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes dangerously when she saw this. A cold light flashed in her eyes. Then she suddenly stretched out her right hand and grabbed Ziyun's arm, pulling Ziyun one step closer to her.………

"What are you doing?"Ziyun stared in panic and struggled subconsciously.………

However, no matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of Shangguan Yingrui's bondage.………

"It's nothing, it's just that there's some chili sauce on the corner of your mouth, so I'll wipe it off for you~" Shangguan Yingrui hooked her red lips in a charming way, then slowly stretched out her hand, rubbed Ziyun's thin lips with her thumb, and then lingered on it for a few more times before withdrawing her hand.

Ziyun heard this and blinked blankly.………Is there chili sauce on the corner of his mouth?

Seeing Ziyun's stunned look, Shangguan Yingrui felt even happier in her heart. She fed Ziyun the remaining skewers of barbecue. After Ziyun had eaten and drunk enough, Shangguan Yingrui helped Ziyun wipe his mouth as usual.………But during that time, Shangguan Yingrui did not forget to tease Ziyun.

Afterwards, she paid the bill and left.…………

Wen Rui saw the two people leaving, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes.………


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