"Huff huff huff... huff………"

Ziyun woke up from a nightmare, his body soaked with sweat.

It was already bright outside the window, Ziyun wiped the sweat off his forehead, lay on the bed to calm down for a while, looked around, and found that Shangguan Yingrui was no longer there, picked up the phone on the bedside and checked the time………

Oh no, it’s time for class!!

Ziyun quickly threw off the quilt and got out of bed. He ran into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and changed his clothes. He turned the door handle and found that it was locked!

He didn’t have to guess. It must be Shangguan Yingrui who locked him in the room. As for why she locked him up, he didn’t know.

Ziyun quickly took his phone and called

Shangguan Yingrui, but found that her phone was turned off. He sighed helplessly, and then thought about calling other people, and found that there was no one in his phone book except Shangguan Yingrui.

Then he opened the chat software and found that there was only Shangguan Yingrui.

It seems that the senior sister deleted all his contacts. This possessiveness is too strong.………

Forget it, the first thing to do now is to get out. I can't miss my professional class this morning. Then I'll talk to her later, Ziyun thought to himself.

Then Ziyun tried to use brute force to unscrew the lock, but unfortunately he couldn't open it after twisting it for a long time. Damn, this door lock is too strong, right?

Ziyun had no choice but to try to jump out of the window, but found that the window had an anti-theft net, and it was the kind with electricity.


Ziyun had no choice but to give up and lay back on the bed, waiting for Shangguan Yingrui to unlock the door herself. Then, he suddenly sat up as he thought of something.

Oh, why did I forget this? I think I can use the"random skill"!

Ziyun called out the system and used the"random skill". In an instant, he disappeared from the spot and appeared in the living room.………

Shit! I thought this skill could teleport me to school, but it can only teleport me to the living room!

Forget it, let's go to school first!

So, Ziyun hurried to the gate and found that it was also locked.………


Ziyun wanted to use the"random skill" again but found that he couldn't use it. He was very depressed.

What the hell is this skill? It can't be used again after using it once! This is a bummer!

"System, won't you come out and explain?" Ziyun was lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, and said depressedly.

【Host! I just want to ask you if you are blind? When you used the random skill just now, didn’t you see the cooldown time below the random skill?】

The little girl floated in the air and said to Ziyun.

Ziyun opened the panel and squinted his eyes to look at the bottom of the skill, but still didn’t see the cooldown time!!

Just when he was about to get angry at the little girl, the little girl threw him a miniature magnifying glass: [Here, use this to see………】

Ziyun caught the mini magnifying glass that the little girl threw to him, and was stunned for a moment, then picked up the magnifying glass and looked at the bottom of the skill, and sure enough, it showed the cooldown time.

The cooldown time was 24 hours!!!

"Damn it! System, tell me who can read such small words? ?"Ziyun rolled his eyes in frustration and really wanted to punch the system hard.

【Uh... I forgot that your human eyes can't see such tiny words... I'm sorry.……】The little girl said embarrassedly.



Ziyun was completely speechless!!

Forget it, then Ziyun turned on the TV and started watching TV.……

【Host, I want to eat, I'm hungry…………】The little girl complained to him in grievance.


Ziyun was speechless.

Finally, he couldn't stand the little girl's nagging anymore, so he took out a lot of snacks from the refrigerator and put them on the table.

When the little girl saw the table full of snacks, she immediately cheered: [Wow, so many delicious... Thank you host^_^】

Then it excitedly floated over, turned them all into data, and started eating them.

"well………"Ziyun shook his head helplessly and continued watching TV.


In a classroom at school, Shangguan Yingrui turned on her phone again and saw Ziyun calling. She didn't answer the call but just smiled.………

""Sister Rui, what were you looking at just now?" Su Xiaomo looked at Shangguan Yingrui in confusion.

Shangguan Yingrui said indifferently:"Oh... nothing"

"………"Su Xiaomo blinked her beautiful eyes."By the way, Sister Rui, someone from Ziyun's dormitory just sent me a message asking me to ask you why Ziyun didn't go today? I can't get through on the phone, and I can't send messages.……"

After listening to Su Xiaomo's words, Shangguan Yingrui's eyes darkened. She was silent for a second and said lightly:"Tell them that Ziyun was too tired yesterday and asked for leave, so he didn't go to class.………"

""Ah? Asked for leave? What did he do last night? Why is he so tired?" Su Xiaomo murmured in confusion, and suddenly a strange feeling rose in her heart.

Did Junior Brother Ziyun do something bad? Otherwise, why would he be so tired?………

Shangguan Yingrui heard Su Xiaomo's muttering, but did not show any unusual emotions. Instead, she said lightly,"Well... yesterday... he was too excited.………"

"Oh... I see. I will send a message to tell them that Junior Ziyun has asked for leave." Su Xiaomo nodded thoughtfully, and then went to play mobile games.

Soon, the bell rang, and the class suddenly became quiet. After the bell stopped, the teacher walked into the classroom slowly. He looked around at everyone, then cleared his throat,"Ahem... Before class, let me introduce to you the new exchange student in our class. His name is Kaszhu.……"


Shangguan Yingrui frowned when she heard the name. He came to school. He should be completing the mission assigned by the organization! Then her eyes were filled with murderous intent. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, a blond and blue-eyed handsome boy walked into the classroom. He was wearing simple casual clothes, but it still couldn't hide his noble temperament.………

"Hello everyone, I am Kasizhu, nice to meet you all. Kasizhu showed everyone a gentle and gentlemanly smile.………

"good……"Everyone answered………

Kasizhu stood on the podium, with a faint smile on his lips. He glanced at everyone. When he saw Shangguan Yingrui and Su Xiaomo, he was slightly startled, but quickly returned to normal. A hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.………

He didn't expect that such a beautiful person existed.………

I don't know why, but he always feels that one of them looks familiar.………

"Okay, Kasu Zhu, please find a seat, we are about to start the class."



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