Yan Muxi thought she had deceived Yun Hua and the people behind Yun Hua, and she did not know all her thoughts, and she had already been clearly understood.

The release of Yan Muxi now is not about letting the tiger return to the mountain, but to lead the snake out of the hole.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the person involved in the PN operation is Yan Muan, who has nothing to do with Yan Muxi, and has not found evidence that can convict Yan Muxi. Therefore, we need to continue to investigate and obtain evidence.

Yan Muxi is different from Yan Muan. Yan Muxi said that she is cautious and cautious, but the most likely problem is her, because she is a real social personality, she inherits her parents ’abnormal genes perfectly, and she cannot be like a true core member of PN. With such restraint and caution, her urge to kill in the bones will not disappear because of the end of this operation.

What’s more, no one died in this operation. This is so uncomfortable for killers such as Yan Muxi, so as long as they are given a chance, they will definitely start again.

Yun Hua is now giving Yan Muxi this “opportunity”.

Sure enough, just before Yun Hua left, Yan Muxi tried to ask the nurse to be discharged. The nurse said that she could be discharged, but she had to wait for the doctor to prescribe some medicine.

Sure enough, no one stopped her from leaving the hospital!

Yan Muxi ticked her lips, and it really was a bunch of idiots, she easily deceived.


Leiden Middle School’s 2009-2010 mid-term semester mid-term exams are held as scheduled.

Yun Hua took the exam with other students.

Leiden’s problem is as difficult as ever, at least one level higher than the others.

After the exam, many students mourned, and this time they failed again.

“Squad leader, what did you do?” A classmate asked Gong Xijin.

Gong Xijin scratched his head: “I feel OK.”

“Well, your okay is the top ten!”

“No, I’m not so sure this time,” Gong Xijin said, “the question is a bit difficult.”

“You are not sure who is sure. Shen Lian Shen Lian, how about you? What about your test?” The classmate looked towards Shen Lian again.

Yes, the students in the class now accept Shen Lian. Her personality is completely different from Shen Yiyi. She is very cheerful. Previously, Shen Yiyi did not like to be one with her classmates. But now Shen Lian is very enthusiastic about playing with classmates and even going to Internet cafes together.

In the past, Shen Yiyi had a long black straight hair and long hair Piaopiao was extremely cold. Now she is in love, with short hair, and does not wear any white skirts, either school uniforms or sports T-shirts and shorts. For sports, volleyball, badminton, and basketball.

Oh, and one of the things she’s very passionate about recently is learning the rules of football when refereeing! Yesterday afternoon, there was an intra-school competition. Their 7 class was in a high school 9 class. The performance is pretty good too!

Although the classmates in the class were very entangled at the beginning, this young lover who said Shen Shen was Shen Yiyi, what attitude should they use to treat Shen love?

But now, no one has any questions. Shen Lian is very enthusiastic and cheerful, and has good contact. She has a completely different character from Shen Yi.

How do you say, everyone still likes girls with a personality like Shen, and no one cares about her relationship with Shen Yiyi anymore. Everyone will not talk about Shen Yiyi tacitly.

Zeng Xuechan was relieved and told Yun Hua, “It looks like you made the right decision.”

“It’s her own, she wants to change herself.” Yun Hua laughed, “I told her at the beginning that she had no goals anyway and was boring anyway. It was better to play a game and play another person. That person was Shen Love, cheerful and lively, keen on various sports … At first, she may be acting, trying to play Shen Lian, but now, I think she has started to enjoy life as Shen Lian. “

“Well.” Zeng Xuechan was nodded, “Yes indeed. If she only plays the role of indulgence in completing the task, she would not be so proactive and enthusiastic, and the smile on her face will obviously increase, and she will mingle with the students. Very Ok.”

“Yeah, whether it’s Shen Yiyi or Shen Lian, it’s her life. How happy and how come, it’s good.”

Zeng Xuechen thought about it, “I just don’t know if she is still willing to restore Shen Yiyi’s identity.”

“It’s okay, wait until she figured it out. Anyway, she doesn’t have to worry about her depression anymore.”

“More than that, I think she’s about to be cured by you!”

“How could I be cured?” Yun Hua laughed. “It was herself. At best, I just helped her find a way, it was herself, who found the lifestyle she wanted, that’s all. That’s what she deserves of.”

Zeng Xuechen laughed and didn’t speak.

A person like Yun Hua is so rare that she will unknowingly change your life …

In the second year of high school, the arts and sciences had been divided into subjects. All the examination time and subjects, examination time and methods were in line with the college entrance examination.

After the last exam, the results of the previous exam have come out.

It’s just the school exam. When changing the test paper, it will not be as strict as the college entrance examination. Even Teacher will pick out the test papers of some students to take the lead in revising.

For example, from Yun Hua, she finished the test of The last battle, the results of the previous three games have already come out, and the Teachers of the teaching and research group all know, that’s just not announced that’s all.

When a classmate asked about Shen Lian’s grades, Gong Xijin said, “Why don’t you ask Yun Hua whether you did well in the exam?”

“Do you still need to ask?”

“Why don’t you ask, she hasn’t had much lessons this semester, okay.” Gong Xijin said, “Full play, she came to a week’s class? Each and everyone will play with her before the test, after the test Why did you ask? “

“Don’t, it’s not me who’s playing the war.” The classmate quickly waved his hand. “Whoever gave her the battle is giving away people, it’s too bad.”

Gong Xijin chuckled.

Coincidentally, Shen Zhiyi came over, Gong Xijin stretched his hand on Shen Lian’s shoulder, “Lianlian, how are you doing, can you kill Yun Hua?”

“I can kill you, get up, don’t get in the way.” Shen Lian shook her shoulder, shook off Gong Xijin’s hand, walked quickly back to her seat, twisted the water cup and started to fill.

Gong Xijin was not angry. When he saw Yun Hua coming over, he immediately caught Yun Hua: “How was the exam?”

Yun Hua smiled, “I can probably hear a lot of barking.”

Before she just returned to school, whether she wanted to occupy the first throne of the grade again, the school posted a debate on it, and then it reached the point of the next war.

Yun Hua also made a hilarious and opened a separate post. If she can’t continue to occupy the first throne, she is a puppy and learns to bark. If she can … then all the followers will learn to puppies. …

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