“Mind control is simple and easy, and difficult to say.”

“According to the description, in the specific situation at that time, the degree of psychological suggestion needs to be deepened … It’s not clear, it can’t be far away, it can’t be tough enough …”

“In that case, either the party’s psychological control will be deepened to an unbreakable level, or it will collapse, and all previous psychological hints will collapse, and the party will completely escape from psychological control.”

“As far as it is said, this Zheng Young Lady should be further deepened in psychological control.”

“It is certain that there must be key figures at the time, such as the core character who gave psychological hints to Zheng Young Lady, and the distance from Zheng Young Lady will not be too far, at least Zheng Young Lady can fully see the other person, Able to recognize each other in such a chaotic situation and receive deeper psychological cues from the other party. “

Zhou Sheng Beiqian’s speaking speed at a moderate pace, very organized.

Yun Hua looked towards Bo Siqing: “This is similar to our inference. There must be someone from the PN organization at the time. But we don’t understand how the other party deepened the psychological control of Zheng Kexin? To imply, we must have So Stunt Team, contact, or look, or words, or something else … anything that Zheng Kexin can receive. “

“Are there any billboards you can see around?” Zhou Shengbei Qian asked.

Chu Yu is taking photos.

Yun Hua thought about it and shook his head: “No. There are small advertisements everywhere on the side of the bridge and on the pier below … but I didn’t pay attention to the content. But this should not be possible. Under the night vision conditions at that time, even the pier There are small ads on it, and they should not be visible. After all, they will not glow … the billboards are even less, at least in the position where Zheng Kexin is located, except for the bridge, no billboards can be seen. “

Thin Division Qing lips.

“The best way is to mix in the tramp.” Chu Yu said.

Yun Hua shook his head, “I read the transcript. Although these people are all homeless people and have high mobility, they also know each other. Newcomers are going to be bullied and recognized at a glance. The other party It is impossible to anticipate this day in advance, nor is it possible to lurk here many days in advance. “

“Yun Hua is right.” Zhou Shengbei Qian nodded, “In psychological cues, distance is also important. Similar to Zheng Kexin’s brainwashed evil spirits, their control of believers tends to be biased toward God and people. That is, The one who hinted to Zheng Kexin and the one who controlled her was in her mind the existence of the true god. The true god must have the distance of the true god and the identity of the true god. If mixed with the tramp, his identity and status would not match. Now. “

“Well, in other words, they will find a person for themselves, and their behaviors must conform to this person’s design, especially in the stage of giving psychological hints to the other party, the person’s design must not collapse. When the other party completely becomes the most fanatic After the believer, it doesn’t matter. At that time, the believer will naturally beautify all the actions of the “True God”, ignore all the weak spots, and only believe what they are willing to believe! “

Yun Hua understands.

Bo Siqing kept silent, and he took one out of a lot of scene photos washed out.

Yun Hua glanced over and was a little surprised.

“This angle …” Yun Hua’s brows frowned. After a moment, she couldn’t help but said, “From this angle, looking up, you can see that the nearest place is the side of the bridge. Outside the bridge guardrail, there is about 20 The width of the centimeter. I remember one time someone threatened to jump off the bridge by turning over the guardrail and standing on the edge of this 20 centimeter! “

Boss lightly nodded.

Chu Yu’s eyebrows also frowned tightly: “If the other party really stands here, from the insulted position of Zheng Kexin, she can see the other party as soon as she looks up. That is to say …”

Yun Hua’s voice was very cold. “That is to say, the other side looked at Zheng Kexin and was insulted … It was more desperate than the other side did not come to rescue her, wasn’t it? But why Zheng Kexin was deepened in psychological hints and controlled More thorough? “

Zhou Sheng Beiqian was helpless.

Bo Siqing took the photo from Yun Hua and handed it to Chu Yu: “Psychological abuse-a kind of treatment. The other party must have done something to Zheng Kexin Stunt Team. After all, the position, eyes and voice are difficult to communicate. , The easiest to convey to Zheng Kexin is the limb Stunt Team! “

Yun Hua frowned.

Zhou Shengbei Qian said softly, “For the enthusiastic believers, a Stunt Team, even an eye made by someone who believes in them, is enough to drive them crazy! In many religions, there is self-abuse- The thing to be treated is to achieve spiritual satisfaction through the abuse-treatment of the fleshhy body. They do not think that this is the abuse-treatment. They think that their soul has been sublimated from the body, and the more suffering the body suffers, The cleaner their souls will be washed! “

Yun Hua understood, “So at that time, the person who controlled Zheng Kexin appeared and made a Stunt Team to Zheng Kexin to make Zheng Kexin think she was … What should I say, do you kill her? Let her think it was a test for her ? “

Yun Hua was helpless.

This is the essence of evil spirits controlling people.

Distorts the true human nature of people, deprives people of normal thinking …

“Our undercover did not capture useful information.” Chu Yu checked after a while and said, “And the police also searched the bridge at that time, and the bridge got on and off because there were sidewalks and non-motorized lanes, plus At that time, it was also the night shift at some of the company’s factories … no useful information was found. “

Bo Siqing was nodded, “Unexpectedly, if it was really so easy to find, the PN organization would have been removed long ago. Well, Chu Yu remembers writing the report, and so far, so far.”

Bo Siqing explained to Chu Yu the monitoring strategy over Zheng Kexin, and Yun Hua was talking to Zhou Shengbei Qian.

“Beijing Brother, you seem to have a few sets of clothes in your guest room, and you are not short of clothes. I didn’t bring them over, and I can use them next time I live there.” Yun Hua laughed, “But this me Bring it for you. I remember you said that this pen is a relic of The Only One that you left to your father. When I was looking for a book on the shelf the day before yesterday, I saw it in the gap under the shelf. “

Zhou Sheng Beiqian took the pen and was quite surprised: “Thank you, I have been crazy this time … I thought I could never find it again … Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Yun Hua laughed.

Bo Siqing happened to explain to Chu Yu. He came over and held Yun Hua’s hand, and looked towards Zhou Shengbei Qian: “You still use this pen? It’s not good for antique collection, it can be lost. I remember When you were a kid, you were bullied and did not resist, but a classmate took your pen and dropped and stomped it. Your little universe broke out, and you almost bit a piece of meat on your arm …

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