Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 89: Mother-in-law is fierce

You have promised to keep chapters as much as possible, and come directly with a 4D chapter, and the fun is over.

If you don’t add changes separately, the top three chapters in one chapter are okay, right?

(The monthly ticket increases by 300 plus more; the leader: Wulongna 1 reincarnation plus more)



At nine o'clock the next morning, Xu Xiaoqian ran to Qi Lei's house.

Because it is the weekend, although Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun are not free today, they have not yet gone out at this point.

Seeing Xu Qian entering the hospital, Guo Lihua immediately began to file a complaint.

"Qianqian! As soon as you left, the stone threw the book away, without even looking at it. Auntie doesn't care about him, you have to keep an eye on it!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Didn't make Qi Lei angry, my mother is not violent anymore, right?

Besides, have you taken care of me lately? Telling nonsense when you open your eyes?

In response, Xu Qian smiled heartily, "Auntie, don't worry, leave it to me!"

"Don't worry, Auntie is most relieved." When Guojun Qi went out, he also told Qi Lei, "You can make Qianqian something delicious at noon. They will do your homework for you every day, so I'm tired and thin."

As soon as the couple left, Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Yang Xiao didn't know where they came out.

Yang Xiao also learned Guo Lihua's tone, "make Qianqian something delicious at noon, I'm tired and thin!"

Talking about Qi Lei and Xu Qian, they both covered their foreheads.

If you change your usual time, this would be an ordinary joke, but after Xu Xiaoqian was poisoned by Kou Zhongqi, even if there was nothing wrong, she could still hear something wrong.

Moreover, if Yang Xiao said so, there must be something wrong.

This product is dysfunctional, usually cold and cold, but in fact, it's not a big deal than anyone who sees hot.

"Xiao!" Xu Qian was speechless, "You are gone!"

Yang Xiao smiled and put on the keyboard box on his back, also free and easy, "Go!"

She went back to Harbin today because school is about to start.

Qi Lei and Xu Qian wanted to send her off, but Yang Xiao refused, "The mother-in-law is so upset, I don't need you two, get out!"

It's coming, still the signboard, "See you later!"

Sending off the three people, Qi Lei and Xu Qian locked the door and walked towards the second middle.

I saw Zhang Nan immediately, during which Xu Xiaoqian not only discouraged, but discouraged Qi Lei.

"You're done! It's hard for my mother, you're really done!"

Qi Lei said he wants to die, is there anyone like you?

At ten o'clock, Qi Lei arrived at school on time.

Xu Qian was afraid that Zhang Nan would see it, and waited outside the school.

Qi Lei entered the school and went straight to the fourth floor of the main building, where the principal's office was located.

At this time, there are still two or three days left to study. Although the students have not reported yet, the teachers are already busy.

I met many teachers along the way, and they all looked at Qi Lei with weird eyes.

Well, a provincial and Taiwanese newsletter made Qi thoroughly famous. Especially in the second middle school, the students of their own school, of course, should pay attention to it.

And Qi Lei didn't even think about dealing with the teacher, and he was full of words, "Fight! What can I do? The big secretary is done, I'm still afraid of a principal?"

There are no classrooms on the fourth floor of the main building, except for the administrative office, which is the sound room.

In fact, it is a place for teaching aids for music lessons, as well as supplies for sports lessons.

Anyone who understands, understands, not to mention the thick layer of ash falling inside, the door lock is about to rust to death.

No way, the music teacher and physical education teacher have been sick for many years!

Standing in front of a door with the principal's office sign hung, knocked on the door.


Well, just like the noise on the phone, the mother-in-law was right.

Qi Lei took a deep breath and pushed in. Apart from Zhang Nan, there were two other people in the office.

A Qi Lei knows the old man Dong, the old vice-principal of the second middle school.

Not to mention that Qi Lei was there when he entered the second middle school. It is said that this one was there when Qi Guojun's three brothers were in the second middle school.

The other, a military uniform with the rank of colonel. Moreover, Qi Lei also knows.

In the news, the officer saluting to the camera is him.

When the three saw Qi Lei coming in, Old Man Dong quickly stood up and introduced Zhang Nan and the officer.

"This is classmate Qi Lei, the kid taught by our second high school!" He was very proud of his words.

As soon as this remark came out, whether the officer or Zhang Nan was stunned for a while, they looked at Qi Lei.

Needless to say, the officers, they are fighting on the front line, but they did not expect that it will be a junior high school graduate who will bring the largest wave of social support and public opinion praise.

And Zhang Nan...

Zhang Nan is much more complicated.

The stunned kid who smashed his own cabbage...

I gave my husband the culprit of the ecstasy...

The precocious teenager who refused the invitation of Harbin No. 3 Middle School...

The scheming boy who planned provincial and Taiwan reports...

In short, he is a calm, mindful, precocious, and a little sense of justice and responsibility, but a little **** who is not doing his job properly!

Here in Zhang Nan, Qi Lei has many titles, and most of them are negative.


The officer is named Zou Hongming, deputy captain of the Provincial Armed Police Corps.

At this time, he was the first to react and solemnly salute Qi Lei, "Little classmate Qi Lei, thank you for your support against Hong Rescue, and your understanding and praise of the People's Army!"

"On behalf of all the armed police officers and soldiers of Longjiang Province, I would like to express my sincerest respect to you!"

As he spoke, a pennant flicked out in front of him, with eight large characters and one line of small characters, "Aspiration is in the youth, and the young man has ambition."

Raising both hands in front of Qi Lei, handed them over to him.

Qi Lei: "..."

This, this is over?

Okay, Qi Lei thought he had to go to the school gate, the teachers, principals, etc. gathered together to take a set of photos!

Is this over?

In fact, he thinks too much, if other units send the pennants, it may be more important. The status of the army is special, and this trip is really to express gratitude, not to show.

So, everything is low-key and simple, that is, the old Donger took a film camera, took a few photos, and then posted it to the school's reading room as a commemorative day.

From beginning to end, Zhang Nan didn't participate, just quietly observing Qi Lei from the side.

Zou Hongming could not leave in a hurry when the pennants were delivered, he had to sit down and chat for a while, otherwise it would be too perfunctory.

Of course, the target is Lei Qi, mainly thanks.

Because of that report, it did bring them considerable social support and understanding.

Although there is no substantial help, for the front-line commanders, spiritual encouragement is the greatest support.

In fact, it is really simple to serve as soldiers. As long as the people don't call them stinky soldiers, even if they don't stand behind them and shout, just show understanding and care like Qi Lei, they will willingly sacrifice their lives.

In short, Qi Lei really played a big role this time.

Zou Hongming is naturally not stingy with beautiful words, and exaggerates Qi Lei.

The exaggerated Qi Lei was a little fluttering, and a little panicked.

Because Principal Zhang Da has always been a bystander and didn't say much, Qi Lei didn't know what she was thinking.

How could the old mother-in-law feel more terrifying to him than the old mother-in-law?

Finally, when Zou Hongming saw that the time was almost up, it was time to say goodbye, but Zhang Nan spoke.

"Deputy Captain Zou may not have any impression, right? We have met."

Zou Hongming was startled, "Yes, is it? It's... I don't remember much."

Zhang Nan pushed his glasses, “Captain Zou forgets things, it’s normal! In Harbin No. 3 Middle School last year, the team was a joint construction unit of No. 3 Middle School and was responsible for the military training of freshmen. I remember that Captain Zou led the team at that time. Bar?"

Zou Hongming remembered, "That said, I have some impressions. President Zhang was originally in the third middle school, right? How did you transfer to Shangbei?"

Zhang Nan glanced at Qi Lei subconsciously, and he was a little flustered when he saw Qi Lei. Shouldn't you have much to do with me when you transfer back to Shangbei?

Zhang Nan: "I'm from Shangbei. It happened that Gao, the principal of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, was transferred and returned to my hometown to contribute to education."

"Oh, then... the principal in that chapter is really interested."

Zou Hongming is still a little confused. This old-fashioned friendship hasn't come long ago. Why do I have to leave now and think of it? Vaguely feel something is wrong.

However, as far as Zhang Nan's level is concerned, how can he find out what's wrong now?

Following the previous topic, he sighed for a long time, "Captain Zou doesn't know, Shangbei's situation is still incomparable with Harbin!"

Zou Hongming nodded his approval, "Harbin City is a provincial capital after all, and it is normal for a gap to exist."

Zhang Nan, "Yes, educational resources are not balanced!"

"For example, the middle schools in the provincial capital, even ordinary schools, have military training procedures. At least the children can endure a little bit of hardship, gain a little bit of knowledge, and can more intuitively see what patriotism education is."

"But in Shangbei, the children don't have that luck. Even in key middle schools, they don't have military training subjects."

"!!!" Zou Hongming became vigilant at once, not to mention that he is a soldier, but the soldier is not stupid.

There is something in the words, why? We just have something to do with one of your students, this is to... want to use the problem? Can't you play?

It's a pity, it's a bit late to find out, and Principal Zhang Da has finished laying the groundwork.

"In fact, Shangbei's children should receive military training and education, which is more conducive to their all-round development!"

Zou Hongming: "..." Can't answer! Can't pick it up! However, it won't work if you don't pick it up!

Some hesitated, "Principal Zhang is right!"

He groaned for a while, "This way!"

"Looking back, in the name of the headquarters, I will communicate with the Shangbei Armed Police Detachment to see if we can form a joint relationship with Shangbei No. 2 Middle School to help the students of No. 2 Middle School achieve this wish."

Zou Hongming took retreat as progress, pushed the matter to tomorrow, and also picked up the team. He even just said "see if it's okay", but didn't say anything to death.


Outsiders may not know, in fact, there are differences, and the differences are very big.

On the surface, isn't it just military training? Send out a few soldiers, come to teach the queue for a week or two, and finally have a military parade, you have to chant?

In fact, this is not the case. The issues here are very complicated and involve funding issues.

Military training, whether it is full-time military training in the camp, or military training in decentralized schools, all cost money.

Especially in the military training, clothing, dormitories, bedding and daily necessities, as well as food during the military training, everything costs money.

Although some schools have to bear the cost, in some special circumstances, the army must also consider the economic situation of the local unit, and it will lose money.

Take Harbin No. 3 Middle School as an example. It has a lot of money. Needless to say, clothing, accommodation, and even some labor costs for the troops.

But if you are like Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, that's another matter. The poor jingle, the rich is the Armed Police Corps.

It's really going to be built together... Ah, that's poverty alleviation!

How much money do you have to lose during a military training period, and how many "outfield" trips do you have to earn back?

Well, the so-called field work of the troops is actually working outside the camp.

Sometimes it is free, such as helping places to remove snow or planting trees.

But there are also paid ones, such as the Haxia Fair, Harbin Trade Fair, Ice and Snow Festival, Snow Sculpture Festival, some stage construction and labor cooperation, including some emergency projects that require intensive labor.

This is also the main source of funds for the joint construction of troops and some unplanned funds.

Anyway, there is not much money, so you have to save some money.

Captain Zou didn't want to come to present the pennant, he lost his wife and broke down.

Besides, even if you don't lose money, you will delay your time, right?

There are already several co-construction units on the team, such as the Third Middle School, the High School Attached to the Normal University, the Ninth Middle School, etc., as well as several key universities in Harbin.

In short, there is already a lot, and Zou Hongming really doesn't want to take the trouble of Shang Bei again.

Just leave it to Shangbei Detachment, anyway, Shangbei Detachment has no co-construction funds.

When the second middle school wants military training and co-construction, then pay for it yourself!

This trick is also not clever, leaving Zhang Nan speechless.

"I'll help you contact the Shangbei Detachment and let them solve it."

Zou Hongming speaks very openly and he doesn't feel guilty in his heart. He owes a favor to your students instead of returning your entire school, right?

Zhang Nan listened, and really had nothing to say, Zou Hongming blocked the road. It's just funny in my heart, kind of hard to deal with.

But not in a hurry, smiled faintly, and glanced at Qi Lei intentionally or unintentionally.

Nong Qi Lei rolled his eyes and said to his heart, this is the old man who revealed his glorious deeds in Baihezi to his mother-in-law?

The look is obviously, it depends on your performance.

Are you guys really welcome?

However, if God came to think about it, it was quite good, to please the mother-in-law, wouldn't it be won again?


Immediately began to brew, "Uncle Zou, what is military training?"

Zou Hongming was startled, looked at Qi Lei, and said to his heart, this kid doesn't know what military training is?

He didn't have the eyesight of Deputy Chen, and he knew it was false at first glance.

So, fell in.

Before he could speak, Zhang Nan smiled and said, "You kid, what do we ask this little place to do? You don't need it anyway."

When Qi Lei heard this, he cooperated tacitly, "Then why can the children in big cities be trained in military training, but we can't?"

Zhang Nan, "This is the difference, you don't understand."

Qi Lei, "Why? We are born a head shorter than others?"

Zou Hongming Khan is all down, right? Good cooperation? Can't let them say.

Quickly smiled and said to Qi Lei: "You want military training? But it's quite bitter! However, there is no difference. I will say hello to the monk north detachment when I go back. Children in big cities can train in military, and so can you!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he ignored Zou Hongming and looked at Zhang Nan, "Principal, can we get military training then?"

Zhang Nan still smiled faintly, "No."

"Why? Didn't Uncle Zou say to help?"

Zhang Nan, "Because we are poor, the second middle school does not have that much funding."

Qi Lei suddenly raised his head, "Uncle Zou, can't military training be done without money?"

Zou Hongming: "..." These words are heartbreaking! And the more heartbreaking is still behind.

Qi Lei, "Isn't the People's Army just for the people? Do you need money?"

Zou Hongming: "..." The second cut.

Qi Lei, "Why is Uncle Zou not talking? Is it because we have no money?"

The third cut! !

Zou Hongming didn't recruit any more, and he would be smashed into a hornet's nest if he didn't continue.

His complexion was purple, and he gritted his teeth, " don't need money!"

Qi Lei's eyes lit up immediately, "Really?"

Zou Hongming nodded in pain, "Really!"

"But..." Turning the conversation, he sneered secretly, thinking that I was a bully? "School is about to start now, it's too late for temporary arrangements!"

Looking at Zhang Nan, "Principal Zhang should know that this is not only a question of arranging a few fighters, but also issues such as logistics support. It's really too late!"

As a result, Zhang Nan was tepid, and he was not polite at all: "It's okay, it's too late this year, and next year."

Zou Hongming: "......"

Why did you breathe a sigh of relief?

The heart said, next year... next year next year! What will happen next year, and who is right? Anyway, don't just peel him right now!

It's a pity that the tone hasn't been relaxed yet, and the hapless child Qi Lei spoke up again.

"Uncle Zou, then...what does it mean to build a unit together?"

Zou Hongming snorted in his heart, "Well..."

Qi Lei, "Co-constructed units are not just military training, right?"

Zou Hongming: "This, this..."

Qi Lei, "Then Uncle Zou and our second high school should be a co-construction unit, okay?"

Zou Hongming: "......"

What the **** is this messing up! ?

Before he said anything, Zhang Nan spoke again, "We cannot do military training this year, but it is indeed a good suggestion to form a joint unit. What do you think? Captain Zou?"

Zou Hongming Khan is all down.

Over there, Qi Lei added, "This is good, this is good! Even if you can't get military training, you can invite Uncle Zou and his comrades to the Second Middle School to tell a heroic story and talk about the experience of fighting the flood!"

Zhang Nan, "You kid, don't know anything. That's called patriotism education, which is more important than military training. Of course your Uncle Zou is willing."

Not to mention Zou Hongming, President Dong didn't quite figure it out.

How did Captain Zou get into it? This Qi Shitou is Zhang Xiao's godson, right? You say a word to me, who can stand it?

It's true that Zou Hongming didn't figure it out until he got on the military vehicle back to Harbin. I just came and went for a cutscene to thank the little classmates. How could I make so many wishes out of nowhere?

Co-construction of units, patriotism education, and military training next year!

Moreover, looking at Zhang Nan's posture of Zhou peeling, it must be the kind that doesn't give money.

Deputy Captain Zou is bleeding, and he has suffered a lot!


Qi Lei will inevitably be a little proud to send Zou Hongming away. Xin said, isn't it difficult to get it done? Isn't this done?

He was talking about the mother-in-law, not Officer Zou.

It can be said that he wants to sleep with a pillow. Officer Zou is a tool man who helps him fix his mother-in-law.

The two of them are not inferior to Xu Wenliang's cooperation. Can the impact be good?

In fact, it's really good.

At this moment, Zhang Nan was also carrying his hands behind his back, still smiling calmly, and saw Qi Lei off side by side.

When Zou Hongming's car left, he turned back to the teaching building, "Follow me back to the office!"


Qi Lei responded with a lot of ease.

Back at the principal’s office, Zhang Nan sat back at his desk and looked at Qi Lei with a faint smile. For a long time, "You are excellent."

Qi Lei hurriedly laughed, "Auntie overwhelmed, I actually..."

"Okay!" Zhang Nan interrupted with a smile, shaking his head speechlessly, "You don't have to pretend in front of me."

Then he said: "Don't be nervous, and don't pretend to be stupid. Even if Qianqian's affairs make me have some prejudices against you, but now I am your principal and you are my student, that prejudice is not enough to make me give up. Professional ethics, and the moral limit of being a teacher of the people."

Qi Lei: "..."

What this said, Qi Lei almost believed it.

Zhang Nan hasn't finished saying, "Moreover, as your principal and your teacher, I also want to tell you that at your age, publicity is not a bad thing at all, and it is exactly when you should show excellence and perform hard."

"Hiding clumsy is not something you should do, you have to wait until later."

Qi Lei: "..."

This time I really believed it. Isn't it too enlightened? Why didn't my mother have these two troubles?

Listen! Listen! ! Every sentence makes people comfortable!

Gradually straightened up, "Principal, I remember."

"Yeah!" Zhang Nan smiled and encouraged, "That's right."

Looking at the pennant in Qi Lei's hand, "What do you plan to do with this pennant?"

Under normal circumstances, the pennant must remain in the school's reading room, but Zhang Nan didn't say it directly and let Qi Lei handle it himself.

And Qi Lei thought for a while, glanced at the wall, took down a decorative frame, and hung up the pennant.

"is this okay?"

Zhang Nan smiled, very kindly, "That's right, this is the confidence that a boy should have."

"This is the first honor you have won for the school, but it can't be the last! I hope, three years...this office is full of your honor."

Qi Lei nodded, "I will try my best!"

He thinks Zhang Nan is pretty good.

And Zhang Nan continued to chat, "I read the report, and I watched it with Qianqian. She is very proud of you."

Qi Lei was a little embarrassed, and rubbed the back of his head subconsciously.

Zhang Nan, "You used fifteen minutes to tell a truth, what is patriotism, what is aspirational youth. This is very good, it is not easy at your age, and it has won honor for you. But..."

Zhang Nan turned around, "Do you know what I saw in it?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "I don't know."

Zhang Nan, "What I saw is not patriotism, nor your literary talent."

"What I see is your leadership and infectious power."

Qi Lei didn't quite understand, "I don't quite understand."

Zhang Nan thought for a while, "I think, compared to your writing and planning ability, leadership and appeal are your greatest strengths."

"Don't understand? In my eyes, it is the most precious ability to twist 53 children into a rope and give them a goal through a report."


Qi Lei really thinks Zhang Nan is pretty good, this is too powerful! Even educating you makes you so easy to accept.

Leadership, appeal... Not to mention Zhang Nan, maybe Qi Lei didn't even realize it.

Only Wen Zhang Nan continued: "53 children, there are senior grades, there are lower grades, there are officials and officials, from wealthy families, and there are children from poor families."

"It's your ability to bring them together. It's your ability to twist them together. If you can change their destiny in the future, that's your greatest ability!"

"Remember it! Carry it forward! Learn to use it!"

Qi Lei: "Hmm!"

Zhang Nan nodded, and suddenly changed the subject, "Do you want to be in the same class with Qianqian?"

Qi Lei was startled, then nodded sincerely, "Yes!"

I have to admit that Zhang Nan belongs to the kind of elder who can easily talk to you and let you open your heart.

Seeing Qi Lei nodded, Zhang Nan smiled again, "Oh, it seems that I will be a villain after all!"

Qi Lei was startled and saw Zhang Nan staring at him, "If I intervene and don't put you in a class, would you think I'm doing it unfairly?"

Qi Lei, "Human nature, right? It's not unfair."

Zhang Nan nodded in satisfaction, "Then do you want to hear the reason?"

Qi Lei, "Should... I don't want Xu Qian and me..."

Before finishing talking, Zhang Nan interrupted, "Not as narrow as you said."

"That's the case, Qianqian may have told you the reason why I returned to work in Shangbei."

At this time, Zhang Nan didn't treat Qi Lei as a child, "But, she misunderstood me."

"I returned to Shangbei. I don't deny that it was because of you and her, but more, as I just said to Captain Zou, I want to do something for Shangbei's education."

"Harbin No. 3 Middle School is good, but I believe that the students in No. 2 Middle School are no worse than anyone."

"I came back to make the Second Middle School a first-class school."

Qi Lei: "..."

The tone is not small!

He suddenly understood why Xu Xiaoqian had such a personality.

Especially with such a father and such a mother, it is really not surprising that Xu Xiaoqian has that stubborn and confident character.

Just Wen Zhang Nan continued: "Whether it is the teaching team or the training method of freshmen, I want to move."

"And what involves you is no longer fair division."

"Do you know what unfair placement is? It means to concentrate the top class of students, the ordinary class for ordinary students, and the enterprising class with poor students."

"And you will be assigned to the worst aggressive class."

Qi Lei: "..."

Zhang Nan, "Don't think too much, this result is not because of your poor grades, but because I have expectations of you."

Qi Lei was puzzled, "What's the expectation?"

Zhang Nan, "Forgot? You have leadership and infectious power, that is your greatest strength!"

"Qi Lei..." Zhang Nan smiled, very serious, "Can Auntie trust you?"

"You are a child who must have a future, and your future should not be just yourself."

"You have changed 53 children. Do you have the confidence to use your abilities to change the destiny of more people?"

Suddenly pointing to the pennant on the wall, the eight characters "a young man with aspirations, a young man with aspirations".

"I look forward to being in the second middle school and seeing the second..."Aspirational Youth"!"

Qi Lei: "....."

Qi Lei also became serious, he somewhat understood what Zhang Nan meant.

She wanted Qi Lei to go to the postgraduate class, to be a catalyst, and to infect more people just like changing Li Hanhan and them.

While he was thinking, Zhang Nan said again: "This... even if it is a test for you!"

"Within three years, bring a group of poor students at the bottom of the school to a different trajectory in life. If you do, then I promise you will not hinder you and Qianqian's affairs."


Showed again, with a faint smile, "Qi Lei, do you want to try it? This should be the first challenge in your life, it's very meaningful!"

Qi Lei: "!!!"

Suddenly I feel that what the mother-in-law said is quite right, this little challenge... is it a matter? ?

Finally, Qi Lei nodded, "Principal Zhang, I want to give it a try!"

After listening to Zhang Nan, he finally nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Don't blame Auntie for being cruel! Auntie certainly hopes that you will not disturb Qianqian's life, let alone increase the risk to her sixteen-year-old."

"But, if my mother can't stop me, then I hope that the boy Qianqian fancy is good enough to be worthy of her!"

"And I happen to be a teacher..."

The implication is that I am training you and making you good enough.

You taste, you taste carefully.

From the inside to the outside, it is plain and clear, without concealing it, and it makes you unable to pick out any reason.

Coming out of Zhang Nan, Qi Lei was uncomfortable, and even a little enthusiastic.

Is this my high school? It's exciting.

However, the blood on the top of his head faded, Qi Lei pondered again...

its not right?

It seems to be fooled! !

What about this and that, isn't it just that you can't be in the same class as Xu Xiaoqian, and you have returned to the postgraduate class? Moreover, he also memorized an impossible task and gave Zhang Nan a three-year agreement.

In other words, the mother-in-law did not accept you, and you will have to wait three years to see your performance.

Huh! !

A little bit of cheapness has fallen, but on the contrary a forehead thunder.

Oh oh! !

Qi Lei Khan has come down, is it so cruel?

This old lady is so evil!

And after going out of the school gate and meeting with Xu Xiaoqian, Xu Xiaoqian was also out of anger.

"Is there really no experience in fighting?"

"Qi Lei, are you a pig!? You are just a student!!! Student!!! You are not a teacher, why did the old fox let you change this and that?"

"Is it just a matter of mind to do things? I remind you for nothing!"

Qi Lei was also speechless, patted his forehead, "My brain!"

"But who knows that your mother's hands are so dark and her heart is so cruel? I'm helping her with such a big favor, and I'm doing the black hands."

It's so ruthless!

In this regard, Xu Xiaoqian has only one sentence left: "Pig! Pig! Pig! You are a pig!"

However, at this moment, Zhang Nan was standing in front of the window on the fourth floor, looking at Qi Lei who was walking towards the school gate, looking at the two figures who were clamoring with her daughter, and no one knew what she was thinking.

President Dong walked into the office at this time, and followed Zhang Nan's gaze to see Qi Lei, Qi Lei in the sun looked a little thin and childish.

Several prophecies stopped, and in the end there was still more words, "Xiao Zhang, I don't think this is fair to a freshman in high school!"

Old Dong was here to call Zhang Nan for a meeting. He was just outside the door and heard what Zhang Nan Qilei said.

To be honest, Lao Dong even had a ridiculous illusion that he should entrust the arduous task of improving the poor student class to a little kid? Isn't this just a fool?

The key is that the kid Qi Lei didn't know how high the sky was, but he actually agreed.

Poor student class!

It will ruin the future of a student if it doesn't, no! The future of a group of new students!

In fact, President Dong has reservations about even the decision of the poor student class.

In this regard, Zhang Nan still smiled faintly and turned to look at Old Dong, "Teacher, your students are not that dark."


Old Dong was speechless, and Zhang Nan was really the student he had taught.

Zhang Nan sighed: "Teach students in accordance with their aptitude."

"Actually..." Hesitated, telling the truth, "I just wanted to test it."

"Unexpectedly he would agree..."

Old Dong, "What is your temptation? A sixteen-year-old kid, whoever makes you so excited will have to faint."

"No..." Seeing Zhang Nan shook his head, "He is not a child who can faint."

Zhang Nan is quite sure of this. Qi Lei has a calmness and maturity far surpassing that of his peers. Otherwise, it will not refuse the invitation of the Harbin No. 3 Middle School, and even make a report from the provincial and Taiwan authorities.

Seriously said: "This child is different from other children. He dares to agree. Even if it is impulsive, he must dare to do something."

To put it bluntly, Qi Lei must be sure, at least he has the desire to do this, otherwise it would be impossible for him to nod just by Zhang Nan's words.

Looking at President Dong, "Don't worry, this is a good thing."

Old Dong: "???"

"Good thing? I really didn't see anything good."

Zhang Nan: "Some children only need to look at their grades in school. And some children..."

"Just talk about Qi Lei, his achievements will not be much in terms of performance. You have to give him some stage."

This is indeed Zhang Nan Qilei's judgment.

She is an educator, not just a mother who guards her daughter's premature love, at least Qi Lei is no longer a kid in Zhang Nan. Different education methods are needed.

Moreover, she hadn't met such a student before, and there were a lot of them, and there were evildoers everywhere in Harbin Third Middle School.

I also know that blindly taking examinations and learning to learn is of little significance to such an evildoer.

Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and cultivate extensively in their areas of expertise. As she said, Qi Lei’s strengths are not just literary skills. He has leadership and has the talent to infect others invisibly.

Then why not give him a stage?

Maybe he will give Zhang Nan a surprise.

Old Dong seemed to understand, "But what if he didn't have the trouble?"

Remind Zhang Nan, “The drop-out rate of the second middle school students and the low-scoring bargaining students is not low. If you put these horrible students in one class, isn’t that just a stocking? In the end, you leave a class, you are responsible for it!"

"Besides..." Old Dong was shocked when he thought about it, "Isn't it just a poor student in that class? What a mess..."

Old Dong really didn't scare Zhang Nan. In fact, don't look at the second middle school as the key point, but no matter how you say it, it is also the key point in small places, unlike big cities, where you have to let your children go to high school or college.

In places like Shangbei, there are a lot of ideas for people who do not study well, mix up with a diploma, or even stop studying as early as possible. It is very common.

In addition, not all teachers have a sense of responsibility, taking into account performance, taking into account the school’s enrollment rate, and making some radical things that do not even consider the future of the students, leading to dropouts, persuasion, and removal of poor students in the name of repeating grades. Things are not uncommon.

Old Dong is really afraid of joining such a sheep herding class. What should I do if something really happened?

After thinking for a while, knowing that Zhang Nan could not be persuaded, he sighed, "Forget it, let me take this class!"

But Zhang Nan shook his head, "Can you still take the class at your age?"

Old Dong Lao glared, "What's the matter? Or I have to take two classes of geography. Be a class teacher, and earn more money!"

Teachers in the second middle school are not enough, especially in the high school. Old Dong does have teaching tasks concurrently.

However, Zhang Nan, "I have already chosen the head teacher, so you don't need to worry about it."

How could Zhang Nan fail to see the thoughts of Old Dong, who will be the head teacher, and who will bear the main responsibility if something goes wrong in the future.

Even if Old Dong had this heart, Zhang Nan couldn't let him out of it.

"I have already chosen the head teacher, so I won't bother you."

Old Dong, "Who?"

Zhang Nan: "Liu Yanbo, Teacher Liu!"

Old Dong: "..."

Old Dong didn't understand too much, "Why is it her?"

There were rumors before that as soon as the news that Zhang Nan was returning to the second middle school as the principal, Liu Yanbo ran to Principal Zhang's house to send warmth.

This kind of thing is very common in small places, not uncommon, but a little bit of criticism among the teachers.

Old Dong didn't take it seriously before, and he still knew who Zhang Nan was, and he didn't even touch this kind of mess.

how? Liu Yanbo has mediocre teaching ability and mediocre organizational ability. He has never taken a class, so why did he choose her! ? Wouldn't you really accept the gift from others?

"Xiao Zhang!" Old Dong became serious, "Don't fool around, this is a matter of principle!"

Zhang Nan smiled, "Teacher, please trust my judgment!"

Old Dong: "..."

After holding back for a long time, I finally sighed, "Oh, anyway, it's now against the sky. You are my leader and I can only listen to you. However, I reserve my opinion."

Zhang Nan smiled again, "Let's go, go to the meeting."

Second meeting room of the University of China.

When President Zhang Nan and Principal Dong came in, they were already full of teachers. All the teachers in the sixth grade of the school were here.

Zhang Nan changed his amiable expression, his face was serious, and he sat in the main seat and went straight to the subject.

"Today, three things will be announced."

"First, for the whole school for six academic years, the beginning of the school implements a grade-by-level division system, forming a top class, an ordinary class, and an enterprising class. A competitive environment must be formed among the students."

"Remember, we are a small school in a small place. We can't compare to a prestigious school, so use diligence to make up for the gap!"

"Secondly, the main subject teachers and head teachers of the whole school implement dual performance appraisal."

"Everything is based on performance! The original evaluation criteria for the ranking of the school year's rankings will remain unchanged, and the reward and punishment system will remain unchanged."

"On this basis, statistics of freshmen's admission scores are calculated separately to increase the ratio."

"Enrolling with 0 points, you can raise him to 100, give a big prize!"

"Enroll in 100, it becomes 99 in your hands, heavy punishment!"

"Please remember that you are a teacher, a special profession! In your hands, not only do you have the fate of your students, but you also have your own bonuses!"

"Students are tired, you should be more tired than them. Students have a future. As the principal, I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that your income is proportional to the future of the students!"

Zhang Nan really didn't just look at Shang Bei who came to see her daughters, she was also a capable and ambitious person. The Second Middle School is in her hands and must be improved.

The teacher underneath looked at each other and suddenly realized that the second high school had changed the sky and was going crazy.

As for the students in the Second Middle School, it is estimated that they will not have a good life.



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