will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock noon tomorrow, there may be a few minutes delay.

  In my impression, Cangshan didn't seem to have written a testimonial about the shelves seriously.

"Big Song" was a thank-you letter. Five thousand collections streaked on the shelves, thinking that they would surely rush to the street, and quickly soothe the emotions of the masters. .

   When it comes to "The Mastiff in the Tang Dynasty", in order to play the stalk, there are only eight words for the serious testimonials on the shelves, which is definitely the most perfunctory chapter from the starting point.

   Song Dan was even more embarrassed to look back. After holding the pen for two years, he was completely looking for a state of free self. Knowing that he was rushing, he was not so serious.

  To sum up, the one who pulls out the big man in the 矬子, the most sincere is Da Song, so Da Song is also the best.

   Therefore, Cangshan decided to write a testimonial on the shelves.

   From selling miserable to selling cute, from thanking to looking forward, from promise to... plot trend.

   Come again anyway, it is estimated that 10,000 words, please be prepared by the officials.



   The guest officer who wants to spit out and urge you to change, to you... Cangshan really loves and hates him, his brain hurts, and he has no other choice.

  There are so many people urging to update, which shows that Cangshan's writing is fine, everyone is willing to read it. But to be honest, I really tried my best.

   Old book friends should know that Cangshan has never been a prolific writer, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't scrutinize every paragraph clearly.

   This is why old book friends know that reading my book with ten lines is basically not far from the book, and the details are hidden in the article.

   is not very pleasing, but the style is such that it can’t be changed.

   The result is that even if Cangshan doesn't rest every day, there are only a few thousand words in the sky.

  From the publication of the book on May 1st to the release on June 4th, the new book period is 1 month and 3 days, and 270,000 words have been added. It can be said that the heart is exhausted.

   Of course, these are what I should do as a writer.

   is not to be miserable, no sympathy, no sympathy! (Stubborn face)

   There are a lot of updates in the new book issue, but the really miserable thing is actually "recommendation."

  Many book friends may not know the starting point of the book publishing process. Generally, the old author edits and reviews the internal signature and can publish it afterwards.

   Then wait for the contract, go to the recommendation of the starting point website, and arrange the corresponding recommendation according to the reader's feedback, that is, the result of the new book.

   A normal book of acceptable quality. Under normal circumstances, two weeks of streaking, and then categorized internally and step by step pk, walk three to four recommended positions, that is, three to four weeks.

   The results are good, it is considered to be the first in this category, the next is a week of six-frequency recommendation, a week of Sanjiang recommendation, and the last week of the whole station.

   In other words, it will take at least 6 to 7 weeks for the new book promotion period to be available.

   Of course, great gods and platinum authors are not comparable, and they are not included in the routine.

   This process is a process of gradual exposure of the work. No matter how good a work is, it is useless if there is no chance to show it.

  Because it will go through a long period of silence after it is on the shelves, there is no official recommendation for you. It is all supported by the readers accumulated in the new book period.

   And "The Flowing Years", except for the streaking in the first week of publishing, the official recommendation period is... 3 and a half weeks.

  Moreover, there are three weeks of recommendations within the urban classification, which belong to the pk stage, and the drainage is limited.

   The editor omitted the "six-band", and did not reach the "full station push", and directly listed "Sanjiang".

   To tell the truth, those who support their families by writing books, who don't want their works to get more exposure and a better start? Who doesn't want to be less scolded and uncomfortable out of context?

   But, Cangshan tried his best, and there was no way...

   If we update slowly, we will guarantee 4000 words a day, even if it is 6000 words, after completing the normal process of website recommendation, the background collection data will be much better than now.

   And collecting data directly affects the first 24 hours order.

   The first order in 24 hours is the most intuitive and authoritative data for testing a work.

   At the point where it is today, Cangshan has no choice but to sell a wave of misfortunes, and can only count on everyone sitting there.

   Everyone can help? It's not a big job, a few cents of a little job.

   Tomorrow, Cangshan will reduce the first chapter to a small chapter of 2000 words, and then the later chapters will be updated together.

   The first chapter subscription, high V subscription only needs 6 points, and ordinary members only need a dime.

   Please help subscribe within 24 hours. Even if you are watching pirated copies, you can spend 6 cents from the starting point and then go back to watch pirated copies. This is also the greatest support for Cangshan.

   Of course, the book friends who read on WeChat can also come to the starting point and make a contribution. That would be even better.

  The first release is an app!

   Please, give everyone a hint and say "prosperity forever".


   I was so crying that it sold out so badly, let's talk about the update on the shelves.

   Keep it at 8000 to 10000.

   Monthly pass...

   300 monthly pass? I don't dare to promise too much. Afraid to release pigeons.

   Of course, the first day will be a bit more, 15,000 guarantee, how much is specific, it depends on today's writing status.

   To tell the truth, Cangshan has no manuscripts saved, and I never keep that stuff for the New Year.

   only has a buffer draft of about 10,000 words in his hand, in order to temporarily adjust the plot and some details.

   This is already my limit, and it is not very productive at the starting point.

   But I will try my best to write a good story. Please rest assured that everyone.

   The leader adds one more, little by little, and it will be released from time to time.

   There is no problem of card plot or out of chapter when it is on the shelves. I try to post a big chapter, or 9 am, 4 to 5 pm, and after 8 o’clock.

   Above the plot, answer some readers’ questions.

   Again, this is the main line of a youth campus, that is, Qi Lei’s white fleeting years. The general trend of home and country is the secondary line, which is a story composed of black fleeting years.

   entered the high school plot immediately after it was launched, and the two lines were basically completed, but fortunately, it was not too lengthy.

   There will be some narratives about reforms and the face of Northeast China. This point has been communicated with the editor and the issue of 404 has been carefully considered.

   What can be written now is within the safety line, please rest assured.

   There is also a strong Northeast atmosphere in the article. The author can only tell the Northeast of that era as objectively and fairly as possible, and interpret the era with what I have seen and heard.

   is biased, that's for sure.

   But, just like Xuecun’s motivation for creating "The Northeast People Are Living LF" in 2001, as a Northeastern, can you not be fair to the Northeast?

   But, I really don’t want to cause any regional attacks. Everyone is an adult and I’m a little more open-minded. They are all Chinese, so why are you so anxious?

   There are two generations of arrogance, and there are countless heroes.

   There are shameful people who go out to the Northeast, and even those who give the Northeast a face, and there must be more good than bad.

   Please don't make inappropriate remarks. Cangshan can't control the trolls of the whole network, but I can still control the book I wrote.



   Finally, let’s say a few thoughts about the article!

   "The Flowing Years" actually had a desire to write a long time ago. Before the Song Dynasty, I just didn't dare to use pens and had a psychological burden.

  Because Cangshan was born in the 1980s, born in 1982, no matter how rational it is, it cannot escape my personal color.

   In fact, this is exactly the case. For example, Shangbei, which is the hometown of Cangshan, even if I have been away for nearly two decades, every street and house are still fresh.

   Another example is the composition of the Qi family.

  The prototype of Qi Haiting is my grandfather, and the 99 composition for the senior high school entrance examination is really "My Grandpa".

   The old man is really a senior executive and retired. He has been married three times and has eleven children.

   My junior high school class is really Lao Liu. Last year I added Lao Liu's WeChat, and he really said as written in the text.

   It's just that there is a bit of artistic processing. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   For example, the lie that changed Qi Lei's life is not the masterpiece of Lao Liu, but the elementary school teacher of Cangshan. The composition is not only a beginning.

   But it really affected the destiny of Cangshan's life.

   However, Cangshan is not Qi Lei, he just came out of my lust, and was alive with lightning in that era.

   For me, for the post-80s, to make up for the scenery that was missed because of the passing of time.

   (Solemnly declare! Xu Xiaoqian has no prototype, it is purely from imagination, and the real world cannot have such a perfect girl paper.)

   (dog head saves life)

   It’s a bit literary, but Cangshan really doesn’t understand why literary has become a derogatory term.

   You should know that in that era, Wenqing was a very high praise word.

   Speaking of Wen Qing, a very bookish girl walking under the shadow of a tree will suddenly appear in his mind.

   would also think of a letter from a pen pal with a faint scent, that was the ignorance of that era!

   Maybe it's really getting old, we're all getting old, we can't keep up with the rhythm of young people.

   But I am very fortunate that, at the age of decay, I have the courage to have a passionate experience.

who cares?

   In short, high school is here, Xiaoshitou’s suffering is here, Shangbei’s reforms are here, and the history of the three fathers’ struggles in old age is also here.

   As I promised before, the entire high school high-energy course is basically the completion of the basic project, and it depends on how Cangshan said it.

   (After this story, high school immediately.)


   Don’t forget to make the first order!

   It doesn’t work for me, just knock one!

   can't do it anymore, let my four sons go for women's clothing?

   Please. (Crying face)


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