Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 41: Return to plain

   Lu Xiaoshuai, Coco Lee, Jiang Haiyang, and Zhang Xinyu opened their mouths wide and couldn't speak.



   It took a long time to let out a sigh, "Oh! Go, you guys are too amazing, right?"

   This has completely exceeded their cognition. Looking back on the details at that time, it is obvious that it is jumping into the pit with Erbao!

   Starting in three years, this is too far away for them, it's something they haven't even thought about.

   Anyway, they really can't come up with such a sinister way.

   Coco Lee was completely shocked, and immediately became a curious baby, and asked the doorway inside.

   Including, why did Wu Ning not give the second treasure three thousand directly, but handed it over to Zhou Lei, just to give away the remaining two thousand, or the amount was not enough.

   Listening to Cocoon Lee’s back is cold, are you still a person?

   "No..." She couldn't figure it out, this kind of insidious trick that adults don't necessarily use, "Where did you all learn it?"

   "Hehe." Tang Yi and Wu Ning both laughed this time, and they laughed hideously.

   Tang Yi, "Do you know that when my old Tang first took over the plastic factory, he was also blackmailed by a gangster?"

Where did    study? Of course the little one is learning from the old one!

   It’s impossible for you to let your brother three dig such a big hole on your own.

   Even if Qi Lei had the blessing of rebirth, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian would not be able to achieve such a tacit understanding.

   Of course I learned from Lao Tzu, but I just learned something.

   When Qi Lei said on the phone that he wanted to "get it right in one step," Wu Ning understood, because Tang Chenggang had done it in one step.

   At this time, Tang Yi mentioned that his old Tang had been blackmailed before, and of course Coco Lee shook his head blankly.

   "I don't know, where do I know to go? Your dad has been blackmailed too?"

   heard of Tang Yi and said, "Go back and ask your dad, your dad must know. Moreover, your dad must have encountered this kind of thing in his business."

   This kind of thing is not surprising at all, there is never a shortage of shameless bastards.

   The nineties were not twenty years later. The country became prosperous at a speed visible to the naked eye, and stability and peace seemed to be taken for granted in the eyes of ordinary people.

   At this time, China has not yet begun to enter the fast lane. There is no J-20, no Dongfeng 47, and no 10,000-ton drive.

   At this time in China, the people are generally poor and the country is also very weak. The foreign country in the eyes of the people is like a heavenly existence.

   Hong Kong has just returned from the British, while Macau is still on the way home.

   American aircraft carriers dare to travel across the Taiwan Strait, and a speculator dare to attack the Hong Kong dollar.

   The Liaoning at this time, also called the Varange, was still a pile of broken copper and iron.

   The country is also undergoing major changes, and it is struggling to grow while checking for deficiencies. At the social level, there are many shortcomings, which have also created a large number of 255 Hong Kong films.

   Although, starting from the 1980s, it took several severe strikes before it became known as the "safest country" twenty years later.

   But as far as 98 years are concerned, the wind of the crackdown has just retreated, and the society is far from being as pure as later generations. There are many people like Erbaozi who are lucky enough to form gangs.

  Especially in the north, this increasingly twilight "Northeast Big Brother" has been harassed and blackmailed by gangsters, ranging from students to businessmen, which one has never experienced?

   However, Coco Lee has never been interested in learning this experience from his parents.

   What is her mantra? "Is that necessary?"

   But at this moment, there is only a stare left.

   "Don't tell me, your dad does this, you learn from him."

   Tang Yi stretched his hands, "Otherwise, what should I do? This kind of punk will not be content, there will be the first time there will be a second time. If you don't kill him in one step, it will be trouble in the future."

   I switched to someone else’s house, maybe I didn’t do that. But Tang Chenggang was born in the army, and he had a temperament that he could not bend, and he was even more ruthless.

   At this point, Tang Yi inherited 70% to 80% of his skill, but he didn't see him hitting the most fierce and ruthless one just now!

   Tang Xiaoyi was full and slumped under the grape rack, "Brother's life creed is very simple, don't mess with me, if it's in my hands, then go to death!"

   Coco Lee: "..."

   She really didn't know these, nor thought about it.

   Over there, Lu Xiaoshuai heard that Er Baozi couldn't get out this time, and he immediately got tempered again.

   "Fuck! Say it earlier!? He even slapped Lao Tzu. He said that I had gone out and had fun, so I should return that slap!"

   Tang Yi rolled his eyes, "You go out? It's so uncomfortable when you go out."

   Lu Xiaoshuai, "Why?"

   "Because he will be released in the future, he dare not play with us, but dare to play with you!"

   Lu Xiaoshuai narrowed his neck, "Forget it."

   glanced at Qi Lei subconsciously. Qi Lei told them not to go out. Does he also know the doorway inside?


   From their point of view, Tang Yi and Wu Ning are leading the whole thing. The two brothers are really righteous, and for Qi Lei's troubles, brother Xiao Liang and brother three are invited out.

   Qi Lei is still the little character who follows the big guy, eating and drinking.

Do not! !

   Now I have added another one.

   Of course, now let's talk about Qi Lei's eating and drinking, but it's different from before.

   used to be disgusting, but now it is more or less ridiculous.

   Everyone is not a fool after all, some things can still be seen.

   That is, the relationship between Qi Lei and Tang Yi and Wu Ning is not as simple as they thought.

   It is not difficult to judge this by being able to exert such a great force for Qi Lei, so that such a great favor, plus the fact that entering Qi Lei's house is the same as returning to his own home.

   It is almost impossible for Tang Yi and Wu Ning to do such a big thing for them anyway.

   Now, at least in terms of words, Qi Lei is a lot more polite.

   Qi Lei doesn't really mind this.

   Apart from anything else, when Erbaozi’s little brother was holding a murder weapon and clamoring to let Qi Lei come out, Cocoon Li could still be stupid and block it, which means that this person is a bit stupid.

   Stupid is worth paying.

   As for her messy mature theories...No one is perfect, the world is never black and white.

   Besides, Lu Xiaoshuai slapped that slap, it was because of them.


   Of course, it would be even better if there weren't these two people's actions.

   If you let that little **** rush in... Tsk, it’s not blackmail.

   opened the conversation, everyone relaxed, and gradually became clear. After all, they are young people, except for being naive.

   Everyone scrambled for their favorite dishes and poured the soup into the bowl regardless of the image.

   Talking about school gossip, the other side's scandal, and future plans, everything returned to the peace Qi Lei longed for.


   Lu Xiaoshuai scored only 400 points in the high school entrance examination, but he didn't seem to worry at all.

   Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu are in the same situation, but the two should go to experimental middle school.

   Tang Yi could not help but feel sorry, "Damn! As soon as you leave, the backcourt becomes unstable and it makes the experimental middle school team cheaper."

   But, as soon as he talked about football, Coco Lee couldn't mature anymore, and his eyes were red for no reason.

   After asking, I learned that Italy lost, the penalty shootout lost to France, and her beloved Baggio had left the World Cup.

   The last picture left to the world is the lonely back in front of the goal, which is heartbreaking.

   This can't help but make Qi Lei a little sad. In this era, few don't like Baggio.

   How many teenagers fell in love with football because of Serie A, how many years were the companions of AC Milan vs. Juventus, and how many girls regarded the Melancholic Prince as a male god.

   Unfortunately, this is Baggio's last World Cup.

   gave Cocoon Lee a big smile, "Don't worry, after Baggio is gone, there are people who fill the seat, you will find the next male god."

   Beckham has shown his prowess, Kaka is also on his way to the charge, and later in Cristiano Ronaldo and Big Ibrahimovic... football has never lacked handsome guys.

   Okay, Big Ibrahimovic is funny, not a male god.

   "Male God..."

   Coco Lee looked at Qi Lei in a daze, and said to her heart that she hadn't seen it before. Qi Shitou's words are very appropriate. Baggio is her male god!

   just regained his senses immediately, raising his chin proudly, "No one can replace my Baggio!"

   Qi Lei just smiled and wanted to educate this big silly girl with the consumerism thinking of later generations

   There is nothing irreplaceable in this world, except time.

   After lunch, Tang Yi and Wu Ning habitually help Qi Lei clean up the table. Lu Xiaoshuai and the others are naturally not easy to watch, so they get started together.

   Seeing that it’s almost time for the afternoon Wu Ning reminded Coco Li, "Are you not in class?"

   Coco Lee is in his sophomore year, and he hasn't been on holiday yet!

   But she was full, sitting on a small bench, looking up at the sunshine from Qi Lei's grape rack, she suddenly felt so comfortable!

   came, "Escaped."

   Everyone said nothing, skip class, what a normal thing!

   Lu Xiaoshuai proposed to find a computer room to sit in for an afternoon. He has recently become obsessed with "Xuanyuan Sword" Biography, and he hasn't cleared the customs yet!

   was rejected by the three brothers. Recently, he was too tired. In addition, Qi Lei was always uncooperative and didn't have any thoughts.

   As for Qi Lei, for an online cancer patient, it is really not interesting to play a single machine in a computer room without Internet.

   This made Lu Xiaoshuai very surprised. You know, Tang Yi and Wu Ning were the most positive about going to the computer room in the past, and they wanted to spend the two hours in the computer room at noon.

   Brother three didn't go, they had no choice but to give up in the end, chatting with them in the yard, and playing Ren Xianqi's "The Heart Is Too Soft" on the Qi Lei's dual-card recorder.

   In fact, the magical experience at noon has made Lu Xiaoshuai and the others have a subtle change.

   Started to know Tang Yi and Wu Ning again, and would rather stay together for a while to experience the feeling of old friends becoming brothers.

   Yes, just because of Lu Xiaoshuai's slap, the "alcoholic friends" in these schools are also a step closer to the brothers.

   "I will show you a unique skill!"

   Tang Yi was very interested, rushed into the room and took out the guitar in the eyes of everyone's doubts.

   "Don't say you know how to do this!" Cocoon Lee's eyes started to flash.




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