(When the last chapter was pasted into the background, I lost a paragraph, so just add it to the next chapter and send it out immediately, otherwise it will affect the reading experience.)


   At this time, the door is open.

   Seven or eight workers wearing work clothes with the words "Shangbei Plastic Factory" squatted on the side of the road, while two spirited young men in white shirts, trousers, and large leather shoes leaned on the front of the car to smoke and chat.

   Two treasures greeted him a few steps, directed at the spirit of one of the thieves, and looked at the young man who was younger than him, bared his teeth, and murmured quite a bit.

   "Three brothers! Why did the third brother come here? I didn't even know my brother!"

   Dong Erbao greeted this person. He was called the third brother on the road. He was in his early twenties and was one year younger than Erbao, but he was not at the same level as the little **** who was like him.

   A few years earlier, when his brother Dong Dawei had not even entered, he had seen him a few times for his brother's face, but it was also the kind of speechless.

   It is said that the third brother is the youngest son of a retired leader in the province.

   Later, his father saw that sooner or later he had trouble going on like this, so he threw people into the army.

   just recovered at the beginning of the year, but the limelight has not diminished. Even the top figures in Harbin, Qingcheng, and Qi have come to meet the third brother.

   Although it is no longer dangling on the street now, but small gangsters like Erbao can only try to flatter themselves.

   The guy called the third brother raised his eyebrows when he saw Er Baozi, "Isn't this Brother Bao? What a coincidence, I ran into it here!"

   When Er Baozi heard it, he grinned and shook his head, "Sir, right? Call me Little Baozi!"

   "Where can you go?" The third brother continued to tease bored son, "Shangbei who doesn't know, the second treasure in this area in the north of the city grabbed it, and the **** is better than your brother Dong Dawei."

   said Erbaozi was even better, "Blindly play, incomparable with the third brother."

   The third brother handed Ashima over: "Who is not playing foolishly? No one is squatting on the street when there is business."

   "You are..." looked at the men and women behind Er Baozi, "What are you going to do?"

   Erbao obviously didn't expect the third brother to talk so well, unlike the rumor that strangers shouldn't get close, so hurry up and tell the truth.

   Zhou Lei swarmed behind him, "It's not my first sister. I was bullied by a scorpion in the second middle school. I'm looking for the kid to ask what the **** do you mean?"


   The third brother raised his eyebrows meaningfully, looked at Er Baozi, and Zhou Lei.

   Seeing that girl hides straight, it's not like Er Baozi said, and I don't want to go into it anymore, it seems that the doorway is clear.

   suddenly came into interest, "Hey, don't children even keep their eyes open now? Do you need to take a look at you?"

   Er Baozi shook his head as soon as he heard, "How dare you trouble the third brother... trivial things, really trivial things."

   "Oh..." The third brother nodded, "That's all right... Go ahead and do it for you."

   "Okay!" Er Baozi didn't talk nonsense, "Then I'll do something first, then turn around...If the third brother is not in a hurry, I will do something in the afternoon, and finally come to my side."

   "Tell me..." The third brother dropped a sentence, seemingly reluctant to talk in depth.

   Erbaozi is also acquainted, knowing that Gao can't afford it, so he can only look for opportunities in the future. Leading a group of younger brothers and Zhou Lei into the alley.

The hutong is not long, there are only a dozen households from door to door, and Qi Lei’s house is not difficult to find. When Er Baozi led someone to knock on the door, Tang Yi and Wu Ning, who were eating in high spirits, did not move. Holding a rice bowl and gnawing fiercely.

   Qi Lei put down his chopsticks, knowing that the one who should come is coming after all. Seeing Li Cowen and Lu Xiaoshuai, their faces turned pale, obviously a little nervous.

   I can't help but smile, a student is a student, no matter how mature you pretend, you will be stage fright in such a situation.

   was about to get up to open the door, but Coco Lee and Lu Xiaoshuai gritted their teeth first, "You three don't move, and you can't talk, let's go slowly!"

Qi Lei who    was taken aback, with a knowing smile, watched them open the door.


   People like Coco Lee and Lu Xiaoshuai are very annoying...

   I have a high self-esteem, and I look at people through the door.

   But it is precisely because they are too obvious and unconcealed that it is precisely that Qi Lei is not so repulsive...

   To put it bluntly, boys and girls aged sixteen or seven, know what society is? From what an adult heard, how much does it seem to really understand?

   A few years later, after they really grow up, they will find that their so-called maturity is actually no different from Qi Lei's stupidity, and they are all called naive.

  It’s so smooth, and it’s true that no one will see any clues. That's an upright ghost, and in the adult world, there are ghosts everywhere...

  Let’s take the matter at hand as an example. Students like Erbaozi are totally unable to deal with the current students. Both mentality and ability are not on the same level. They belong to the crushing game, bronze versus diamonds.

   can't touch it!

   When this kind of thing happened, the one who really wanted to hide it a long time ago, no matter which circle you are in?

   Where are you still standing here? It will not take the initiative to walk towards that door, demonstrating the righteousness to the "inside the circle".

   In fact, such people are very common in schools, that is, they have a good sense of themselves, but they can't leave behind the last trace of innocence.

   is disgusting in the eyes of peers, but in Qi Lei's view, it is not enough to care about.

   just like now...

   Coco Lee’s smooth forehead was already covered with fine sweat, her fists were tightly clenched, she was too nervous, but she had to bite the bullet and open the door.

   And Lu Xiaoshuai is better, not as unbearable as Coco Li, after all, he believes that the relationship with Erbao is very strong or talkable, but in fact it is not much better.

   Finally, Lu Xiaoshuai took a deep breath and opened the iron door, revealing a pretending composure laugh, "Brother Bao...You really are here!? What a big deal?"

   Erbao was not surprised to see Lu Xiaoshuai and Coco Lee, including Jiang Chunyang and Zhang Xinyu behind them.

   In his opinion, it is the same whether it comes or not, and it may be easier to do things if it comes. If you directly confronted Qi Lei's three stunned greens, it would be troublesome.

   grinned, "Oh, where are they all?" He glanced at the courtyard, and was not in a hurry to call Qi Lei and Tang Yi out.

   "That's right, we are all buddies, don't say that Brother Bao is not careful, you will judge, my sister! I can't bear to touch a finger, then the **** will be bullied?"

   "Don't blame Brother for not being righteous, this matter is endless today!"

  Lu Xiaoshuai was awe-inspiring, but he still nodded his head with him, "Yes, yes, Qi Lei really didn't do anything today!"

   "But..." The conversation turned, "Brother Bao, you also know, what is the relationship between Brother Tang and Brother Ning, depending on the face of my brother, can you raise your hand?"

   "Raise your hand?" Er Bao smiled, with a deep smile, "How do I lift it?"

   "Why don't you say it! You understand what you said, I will give you this face today!" These words are already very clear, and those who understand will understand it as soon as they understand it. It's a pity that Lu Xiaoshuai didn't understand, and Cocoon Li didn't understand either.

   Coco Lee felt that he was a bit famous in the second middle school, and he was still talkable. At this moment, Lu Xiaoshuai was in front, and he was also courageous to come up.

   "Why bother Brother Bao? You can't see you when you look down. The trouble is too stiff, and everyone can't live up to it..."

   "Hehe..." Erbao was very angry, "Sister Xiaowen, you really have a lot of face..."

   The little brother behind him immediately said, "Brother! What do you mean to them!?"

   took out a hand support from his trouser pocket and put it on his hand. Pointing to Qi Lei in the yard, "Little B boy, come out! Brother chat with you."

  Brother accompany you to chat...

   In the Northeast, I’m not afraid of "what are you looking at"...I'm afraid of someone saying: "You come out, let's chat..."

Coco Lee became anxious when he heard it, and ignored everything. She stepped in the middle and separated Qi Lei in the courtyard behind her. At the same time, she snarled at Er Bao, "It's not good to be kind? You have to cause something, right? "

  While speaking, Coco Li roared at Jiang Haiyang behind him: "Ocean, go call Zhao Wei, and he said that his old girl can't get out of the courtyard!"

   Coco Lee is really angry, Erbao has a lot of noodles, and Coco Lee is not easy to provoke, isn't she just irritating? Who can't? Zhao Wei is in the second middle school, and the other gangster has a good relationship with Coco Li.

   Erbao smiled at this, and Tang Yi and Wu Ning in the courtyard also shook their heads secretly...

   To put it bluntly, Erbaozi has no fear, he has reason, and it's useless to call anyone! .

   even thought it was a bit ridiculous. I didn’t think Cocoon Lee had a bad brain before... why didn’t she go on the road.

He didn't speak at all, or the little brother, "Huh? Sister Xiaowen, you're so awesome? There are two lesbians in the family. I don't know what the last name is, right? Give you a face, right? It's also special Zhao Wei. You let him come! You see if we cut him or not, it's over."

   "Huh!?" Erbao saw that the fire was almost over, "What are you doing? Frighten who is it? Your brother Lu and Sister Wen won't give you the face?"

   "Take it back!"

   The little brother did not move, still staring at Qi Lei viciously.

Er Bao smiled and looked at Lu Xiaoshuai and Li Wenwen, "Brother Lu...Sister Xiaowen, don’t be familiar with children, don’t call this or that, let’s just ask, what should we do if the little boy in there is playing a gangster Huh? We have to be reasonable? Have to give an explanation, right?"


  Lu Xiaoshuai is actually scared, but at this point, what else can he do? As soon as I heard of the law? .

   squeezed for a while, and finally took out two packs of three or five from his pocket, which he bought on the way here...should be in Erbao's hands, "Brother, give me some face..."

The two treasures were all amused, and spread the cigarettes in their hands, "That's it....you're going to talk about this with your brother?" jokingly posted to Lu Xiaoshuai's ear, "Your dad didn't teach you...this Is the face not enough?"

  Lu Xiaoshuai's face turned pale and his face was tingling! It's not scary... It's embarrassing!

   Okay, this time, I still care about my face.

   People can't speak anymore, he has never seen such a second treasure. It used to be nice.

When embarrassed, I saw Zhou Lei hiding behind the people in Erbao, as if grasping the straw, and said anxiously: "Zhou Lei! You also come out to say something! We are all from the same school, and how big things can't be solved. Do you have to alarm Brother Bao?"

   "That's right!" Coco Li also reacted, the key is to look at Zhou Lei.

   "Zhou Lei, don't you usually have a good relationship? Why bother?"

   It's over!

   When Lu Xiaoshuai and Li Wenwen said these things, Qi Lei in the courtyard sank and said something wrong.

   banged, brother three put down the bowl almost at the same time...then, they didn't even make eye contact, and acted separately.

   Wu Ning went straight to the gate, and could not let Coco Coco Li and Lu Xiaoshuai stand in front of him, otherwise he would suffer.

   It's a pity that it's still too late. When Er Baozi heard what Lu Xiaoshuai and Coco Li said, his face changed immediately, he rounded his arms and gave Lu Xiaoshuai a big mouth.

   was hitting Lu Xiaoshuai's white face, a handprint swelled up with the naked eye, and people were even more stunned!

   Erbao yelled: "NMB! Give your face, right!? Will it work!? I asked you if you could work!?"


   But Tang Yi wiped a mouthful of oil and drilled into the small warehouse, and took out a section of steel pipe from the corner of the wall...

   As for Qi Lei...

   went back to his house and took out a shoe box under the bed. That was more than 2,600 my brother had earned from selling socks in the past ten days.

   Qi Lei took another 400 from his trouser pocket, which was prepared for change ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and collected three thousand.

   Then he thought for a while, and felt that it was not enough. Then he ran to the parents' room and deducted a dozen bills from the innermost part of the cabinet, totaling two thousand.

   was secretly hidden by his mother Guo Lihua. Adults in this era have the habit of keeping a little cash for use during the year, but it is no secret for Qi Lei, who has relived his life.


   At this time, Wu Ning had already reached the door, with one hand on each hand, pulling the beaten Lu Xiaoshuai and the pale-faced Cocoon Lee behind him.

   "Brother Bao...Don't! Why bother?"

   smiled brilliantly, "You help Zhou Lei, they help us, they are all friends, right?"

   is in the middle of the two sides, and it is a peacemaker's posture.

  At this time, Tang Yi had already left the warehouse with the steel pipe, and was about to rush to the door, but Qi Lei came out of the house, walking towards the door, and pointing at Tang Yi, "Let it down!"

   "Oh..." Tang Xiaoyi threw the steel pipe unhappy.

   Three brothers met at the door, and the scene suddenly turned into a group of two treasures and three brothers Qi Lei. Lu Xiaoshuai and Coco Lee, the gang who came to "Ping Shier", were protected behind them.

   The three brothers have different expressions. Wu Ning welcomes people with a smile. That is a friendly...

   Tang Yi looked jokingly, eager to try. Madness is a little overwhelming...

   And Qi Lei...

   Qi Lei was holding a stack of banknotes in his hand, and it was only then that it attracted everyone’s attention...

  He...Where does he get so much money! ?




   Thanks to my old friend: [Pepsi KL]’s leader supports it, and it must be changed.

  Four changes today. More than four o'clock in the afternoon, and more than eight o'clock in the evening.


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