Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 26: Before release

   is the same driver last time.

   Seeing that Qi Lei came to get the goods again, it was logical to let him take a ride back to Shangbei.

   It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon in Shangbei, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian came to pick up the car, and the three brothers went straight to the night market without going to Grandpa Qi Lei.

   As usual, it was over ten o'clock, and returned home in a stinky sweat, but was not at home to have dinner.

   On July 1, Qi Lei answered two calls during the day.

   One is from the head teacher Liu Zhuofu.

   As soon as Qi Lei answered the phone, he asked what he wrote about the composition for the entrance examination.

   Qi Lei answered truthfully, "My Motherland"

   There was silence on the other end of the phone for three seconds, and a sentence popped out, "Where did you copy it?"

   Qi Lei twisted his brows and found that things were not that simple.

   groaned, "Mr. Liu, you know me, am I that kind of person? Copy it to me with your eyes, I won't copy it!"

   Liu Zhuofu, "Well, indeed, you don’t even bother to copy."


   Qi Lei choked, I told you about ethics, you talked about habitual issues with me, and I couldn't talk about it together.

   "I didn't copy it!"

   "What you wrote, tell me about it."

   Waiting for Qi Lei to repeat the general content, the other end of the phone was silent again.

   "You really wrote this stuff? How come I don't believe it so much?"

   Qi Lei sternly said, "Ms. Liu, the conscience of heaven and earth! I didn't learn anything in the third year of junior high, so I will study your language seriously."

   "You edit it again! Study hard and give me more than ten points in the test?"

   Qi Lei: "I have accumulated a lot of hair, I haven't sent it yet!"

   "..." Liu Zhuofu came, "By the way, there is one more thing, do you know whose composition in our class wrote "My Dad"?"

   Qi Lei looked dumbfounded, "I don't know."

   "Then hang up!"


   The second call came from English teacher Luo Yan.

   The female teacher is much gentler than the male teacher. First, I asked Qi Lei what he was doing during the summer vacation, where he planned to go, and after a long lap, he finally came to the topic:

   "Who copied your English paper?"

   "Eh...Eh eh!?" Qi Lei immediately became anxious, "Luo is beautiful, and he can't talk nonsense if he is handsome, I want to sue you for defamation!"

  噗! Teacher Xiao Luo laughed out loud.

   She has a very good temper. She usually mingle with her classmates in the class, but did not expect Qi Lei to appear beautiful and good-natured?

   Did the little **** of Class 5 nickname her like that?

   then teased, "Unlucky boy, you sue! Tell you something serious, say, copy it?"

   Qi Lei was almost crying, guessing that his English score is not low, which made Teacher Luo suspicious.

   wailed: "Heaven and earth conscience! I didn't learn anything in the third year of the junior high school, so I learned your English by heart. You still say that to me?"

   Luo Yan was angry, "Speak well! If you recite English, do you get a dozen points in the monthly test?"

   Qi Lei, "I have accumulated thin hair, I haven't posted yet!"

   "..." Luo Yan was silent, a lot more rigorous than Liu, and suddenly came out an English sentence.

   Qi Lei knew it was the writing question of the English volume when he heard it, and without hesitation for a second, he spoke his answer in fluent English.

   Luo Yan was stunned, "Are you really good at learning?"


   "That's all right." Luo Yan relieved, "As long as it is not copied."

   finished speaking, hung up the phone.

  Nong Qi Lei is inexplicable, are you all teachers so annoying? Can't speak clearly?


   A few days later, what should brother three do during the day and stall at night, and the sales will be more or less.

   is more than 400 when there is more, and when it is less, there are about 200, which is very impressive on average.

   During this period, Tang Yi and Wu Ning also gradually adapted to the daily routine of setting up a stall. They no longer covered their baseball caps and big sunglasses, and started seeing people openly.

   The two have also figured it out clearly, this is not a shame, buddy, this is awesome!

   Which classmate or friend can spend the money they earn? Don't you just reach out and take care of what you want at home? Even with Tang Xiaoyi now spending money is much harder and beautiful in his heart.

   It is strange to say that until now, no classmate who knows him well has recognized the three brothers.

   It may be that I can't see clearly under the dark lights of the night market, or I didn't think about it at all.

   Qi Lei is okay, it's a little transparent at school. But Tang Yi and Wu Ning are both celebrities, and they know more or less about the family situation.

   Let them go to set up a street stall? Not too possible. No one dared to recognize it even if it looked familiar.

   July 5th, which is the tenth day after the end of the senior high school entrance examination, happens to be Sunday.

   Originally, Guo Lihua was going to work at the unit today, at least he had to report. But he deliberately changed shifts and stayed at home early in the morning.

   The other two are similar. Tang Chenggang didn't go to the factory today. Wu Lianshan and Dong Xiuhua also pushed all the entertainments, and they all stayed at home and waited!

   Okay, today is the day when the high school entrance examination is released.

   Ha city area, unified at 10 am on July 5, opened a telephone to check points.

   Don’t look at a group of parents who seem to be indifferent after the exam. In fact, they have long been like a cat scratching in their hearts.

   Even Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua knew that Qi Lei's horrible results were not worth waiting for this time.

   But... what if? There is more or less such a fluke in my heart.

   The atmosphere in the three houses is a bit depressing, and the three brothers in Nong didn't dare to breathe the atmosphere at home.

   To be honest, Qi Lei is also nervous at this time.

   For the score, he had already had a rough estimate, but he was still uneasy.

   Although in the eyes of many people,, learning is not a necessary means for a reborn person to advance in life. But Qi Lei doesn't think so, school time is the most precious youth memory for anyone.

  Relive a lifetime, he didn't want to miss even a tiny bit.

   Besides, academic problems are far more important to parents than Qi Lei himself.

  Chinese-style parents, can’t wait to devote their life's energy to their children.

   In their eyes, at this age, no matter how much money Qi Lei earns, no matter how sensible and obedient, it is far less precious than the first place in the exam.

  If they are allowed to make a choice, they will choose the latter without hesitation.

   In the previous life, Qi Lei's sixteen years old disappointed his parents, even desperate.

   In this life, as a son, he wants to make up for it.

   As soon as the wall clock on the wall passed 9:55, there was no sound in the small living room of the Qi family.

   Guo Lihua turned off the TV, and Qi Guojun sat on the sofa with his hands crossed unconsciously. The thumb is hard, but I don't know what I'm rubbing.

   In the room, only cicadas can be heard outside the window, and the wall clock is ticking past every second.

   Qi Lei couldn't stand it anymore, and forced a smile, "Dad, should I go out first? I'm afraid of being ashamed."

   turned to Guo Lihua, "Mom, do we hide all the broom heads in our house? Don't do anything for a while!"

   However, it's not funny at all, Qi Dad and Qi Ma just glared at him coldly and didn't speak.

   Qi Lei shut up immediately.

   And Qi Guojun looked at his son trying to ease the atmosphere awkwardly and ridiculously, and it was a bit unpleasant.

   a long sigh, "Huh!"

   Still the same sentence, "What did you do earlier?"



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