Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 11: Youth filled with regret

   Guojun Qi made a big circle, and finally came up with the topic, "How did you take the exam?"

   Qi Lei immediately rolled his eyes when he heard it, "I said Dad, when you hit me, you weren't so gentle!"

   Qi Guojun was startled, "I...I haven't beaten you for years, right?"

   啧啧, I saw Qi Lei smashing his mouth. Anyway, he didn't fight less before, so I was very impressed.

   Well, generally speaking, Qi Guojun is still a reasonable person, not the type of grumpy daddy who makes a difference.

   But I can’t stand it. Qi Lei was too disobedient when he was a child, and the three brothers were too able to do it.

   Regarding this, Qi Guojun was also a bit embarrassed. The child was too old to fight.

   rubbed the back of his head, "Why do you beat you if you don't get into trouble? Right? Think about it, should you beat you? It's for your own good to beat you!"

   Qi Lei gave Qi Guojun another eyeball, enough! This set of fooling children is too perfunctory.

   automatically made up for my mother's broom bumps, and my father gritted his teeth and pressed himself there obediently to be tortured.

   After the work, I still have to pull him to the corner and tell you earnestly that beating you is for your good, and beating you is a miserable picture of caring about you.

   couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, "Dad, I think, let's talk about the exam!"

   "If you don't ask anymore, I doubt if it's my own!"

   Dad Qi was speechless for a moment, "Smelly boy, who are you talking to?"

   saw his son barking his big white teeth, "I got off work early again and accompanied me to check the qin. Wasn't it just for this?"

   "Isn't that afraid of you getting muddy again? Your mother has a bad heart and can't get angry with you!"

   Qi Lei felt a pain, and suddenly put away his joking, "Dad..."


"I will not do it again."

   "What will happen?"

   "I will never make you angry again."

   Guojun Qi was startled again, his first reaction was that this kid was not right today! Got into trouble? Or did the test completely fail? So honest?

   has already lost patience, "Just say, how did you get on the test?"

   Qi Lei thought for a while, and said truthfully: "It's not very easy to estimate. However, it should look like more than 300 to 400!"

  Prince Qi was stunned for the third time and looked at Qi Lei for a long while.

   Suddenly, he slammed the guitar on the bed.

   finished speaking, and left angrily.

   Came to the kitchen, Guo Lihua was picking vegetables, and asked when they met, "Have you asked me?"

  Prior to the recollection of Qi Guojun, he subconsciously nodded and shook his head.

  Guo Lihua was originally anxious and gave the eggplant to Qi Guojun in anger, "Did you ask?"

   Qi Guojun, "I have asked."

   "He doesn't say it?"

   "I said it too."

   "So what's the test?"

   I saw Qi Guojun's face twisted, "He said that he can score three or four hundred points in the test."

   "What?" This time it was Guo Lihua's turn.

   I was stunned and had red eye circles, red eye circles, and beat Qi Guojun several times for no reason.

   while beating, cursing: "Prodigal stuff! Look at your prodigal stuff! Why don't you worry about it at all?"

   called Qi Guojun a grievance, "What are you mad at me? I didn't provoke you!"

  Guo Lihua, "Don’t blame you? The stone is up to you. You are as big as him and you are a calf, and you all learn from you! If you don’t study well, there is not a word of accuracy!"

   "I..." Qi Guojun was speechless.

   Qi Lei was standing at the door of the kitchen, listening to his parents crying and scolding for themselves... I'm so lucky!

   Fortunately for later generations, they are not married and have no children. What if you also have a son who is so troubled by yourself?

   stepped into the kitchen, "Mom, can I help you?"

   Guo Lihua didn't expect Qi Lei to rush in and stopped cursing. He quickly turned his head and rubbed his eye sockets before turning around, "It's remarkable that you are? Just stay there!"

   But Qi Lei had already snatched the onions on the chopping board and squatted down in front of the trash can.

   The kitchen was originally small, and it was difficult for a family of three to squeeze in it and turn around.

   Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun watched Qi Lei peeling green onions and garlic in a daze. In the end, Qi Guojun had to turn around and leave, leaving only the mother and son to work in it.

   "Mom, Xiaowei next door falls in love prematurely, you see how easy it is for me to worry."


   "Mom, do you teach me to cook? You will eat ready-made food when you come back."


   "Mom, your son seems to be getting awake, and suddenly he wants to study hard."


   "Mom... Actually, you didn't care about me. I have reviewed my English well these days."


   "Mom...I'm still in custody for the composition question! If you don't believe me, ask Wu Xiaojian and the lunatic."


   "Mom...this time the test is really okay, surely not ashamed."


   "Mom...I think it's good, don't waste the two months of summer vacation, do something meaningful."


   " said, what should I do? Or, should I go to work? Earn tuition and it won't cost you money. Do you think I am sensible?"

   Two lives, still can't coax a little old lady?

   specially picked up and said, not only to make my mother happy, but also to vaccinate her.

   In case I am too different from my previous life, my mother will not be frightened.

   Where has Guo Lihua seen such a son? It’s not her breed!

   was coaxed by Qi Lei from crying to dumbfounded, from dumbfounded to laughing, and finally the mouth of laughter could not be closed. One was called Qi Guojun, "Old Qi Lao Qi! Did you listen?"

   Qi Guojun replied from a distance in the courtyard, "What is the name of the ghost? Listen!"

   "Hey! You old stuff!" Guo Lihua cursed and rushed out of the kitchen, "You say it again?"

   "What are you talking about?" Qi Guojun struck his neck with a fierce look, "I didn't say anything!"

   Qi Lei looked through the window, and finally understood what it means to use the most ruthless tone and say the most insulting words.

   After the family had dinner, Guo Lihua couldn't wait to go to the Tang's house, and Qi Guojun, who had never liked to stop by, also followed for an unprecedented time.

   It happened that both Tang Yi and Wu Ning were there. When asked, Qi Lei really didn't lie, and he really bet on the composition topic.

   When the two were pleasantly surprised, they couldn't help but sigh. What did they do earlier?

   Even half a semester in advance, if the son wants to study hard as he said, it’s not too late.

   But now...

   As for Qi Lei’s learning English, if the test is good, the couple really just listened to the matter.

   If you want to study hard, UU reading will get results right away, that’s weird! It's mostly nonsense.

   Just as his parents were going out, Qi Lei was lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

   The high school entrance examination has ended, and he should carefully plan his future rebirth life.

First of all, the biggest regret in his previous life is his studies. It is his parents and brothers. It is because he has missed many beautiful memories at this age. It is the university he dreamed of, the girl he missed, the missed game, and he failed to be present on the scene. String....

  Yes, these things are what Qi Lei regrets all his life longing for.

   Later generations of Qi Lei’s generation are called the post-80s. They were born at the beginning of the great change, grew up in the waves, and were called the "Beat Generation".

   But who knows, what is the most worrying about the generation born in the 80s?

   is that the times are changing too fast!

   is coming soon and there is no time to look back, and you have already boarded the express train of the next era.

   The youth born in the 1980s is full of regrets.

   Take Qi Lei as an example, he has grown up without waiting for the story behind the "Slam Dunk" national contest.

   Before Vivian Chow returned to the music scene, Gigi Leung stood on the throne of the master of the jade lady.

  He didn't learn Bacchus in the fairy sword.

   In the interstellar world, there is no magical skill of turning a puppy into a flying dragon.

   The clumsiness in the NetEase chat room just faded away, and the QQ's **** resounded through the Internet cafe.

   From Half-Life, to a level that can never be promoted in the legend. From the dragon slaying in the hands of others, to the map that can't be run through by the boss of Warcraft.

   From the girl in the next class to the one with smoke in the bedroom, it’s the father.

  Everything changed so quickly, he was no longer a teenager or a young man before he could remember, but a greasy middle-aged man.



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