Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 95 The Sea of ​​Moving Stars (Quiba walks away)

When Ming led the huge army of the Insects through a space passage and appeared over a blue sea, Ming took a deep breath and said, The sea here really aroused my endless desire!

Master, we seem to be suppressed by some kind of force! However, the evil Karl Dragon behind Mo Ming, as an insect creature that is very sensitive to its own power, suddenly felt that its own power was terrifying after coming to this space. decline, which makes it extremely disgusted with this kind of suppression.

I know that you Tyranids must slowly get used to it from now on, and determine the limits of your own strength after being suppressed. Don't die in this world! And Ming has long been accustomed to this kind of suppression. , but he knew that this was the first time that Tyranid creatures were suppressed by the will of the world, and it was necessary to remind them of this.

Yes, Lord! Evil Carl Dragon said very respectfully: Then what should we do next...?

As they looked at the endless ocean in front of them, the evil Carl Dragon and his men felt helpless. What should they do next? Their huge and muscular bodies are like mecha structures, but they hate direct contact with water!

Take your subordinates and search the nearby sea areas in the air. If you can find a small island, that would be great. Of course, you can encounter ships on the sea. You can also occupy them! Ming began to give them instructions. , If you are tired, just go through the passage here on your own, return to the base, and then wait for my arrangements again.

Dark Hermit Jin, you and your subordinates will become invisible and disperse over a wide area. I need more information and vision... Do you know? Ming's most important thing now is to find a new place to settle down. At the same time as the base, we must first figure out the level of civilization in this world.

Insects of Behemoth, before your spiritual power is exhausted, you have to go down to this sea and swim, but you don't have to fly in the air all the time. This is too forced on you, so be a fishing expert for the time being!

Pterodactyl Insects, I am very confident in your flying ability, and the sky here is very vast. You should search to a wider area!

As you command!

Immediately afterwards, the various insect armies of the Insect Tribe received orders and began to disperse in all directions to search and discover any new bases that could allow more bugs to land, and anything that could obtain more information.

After Ming gave the order, he could completely stay in place and get countless information through the insects' vision, but Ming felt that there was still something missing from his vision, and that was under the endless sea water!

Therefore, Ming plummeted down, fell into the sea of ​​unknown depth, and kept swimming deeper!

But not long after, Ming discovered that the bottom of the sea was very chaotic. There seemed to be a force so special that he felt dangerous, and if he fell deep into it, he might get lost under the endless sea and never be able to return. above the sea.

It's really troublesome. Why didn't I call the Leviathan snake when I saw a blue sea? Ming felt that he had made some miscalculations, because even he could not guarantee to continue swimming in the depths of the sea at this moment. , perhaps only powerful aquatic insects can go to more places under the sea.

But Ming didn't get too entangled, and was ready to return to the sea. It seemed that the insect he had arranged to go out had encountered some trouble. There were actually many insects that disappeared out of thin air when passing through a sea space. But rather than disappearing, it was better to say that they were truly heading towards death and destruction, because the spiritual imprint he left on the bodies of the insects also followed that. Completely dissipated in an instant!

You must know that the spiritual mark left by Ming on each insect is the spiritual link from one of the three spiritual skills possessed by his spiritual sea. With this link of spiritual skills, even if the insects go to the universe, Ming will We can all sense their existence and get their vision, but there is nothing at this moment!

However, as Ming continued to swim towards the sea, a group of mysterious creatures suddenly appeared in his sight. They were extremely fast, like the darlings of the sea, and they were able to blend into the unpredictable seabed. In the environment, if it weren't for Ming's extraordinary eyesight, they would not have been able to detect their presence.

Hey, are they going to attack me? But then, Ming realized that these mysterious underwater creatures were not passing by by chance, but were specifically here to deal with him!

Is this really an accident? And it can reach such an astonishing speed under the water. It seems that the genes are very good!

Because this group of mysterious creatures moved so fast in the water, they looked like sharp swords shuttled through the water, so Ming couldn't see their specific appearance. However, if these mysterious creatures were captured in large numbers and their genes were extracted, for As far as the Hades are concerned, even if this water area is not dominated by the 10,000-meter Leviathan whale, it will soon be in the hands of the Hades!

However, when facing the attack of this group of mysterious creatures, Ming did not make any attacks with fists and feet, but tried to crush them with his spiritual skill - Haki Release.

Although it is now suppressed by the will of the world, all the power of the underworld is naturally suppressed, or there are only more than 800 million insects of the underworld, and the spiritual power that can bless the sea of ​​​​spirits has also been reduced by most. But Ming is very confident in his strength. Is it possible that the spiritual blessing of 800 million insects cannot be used to deal with the hundreds of mysterious creatures in front of him?

As a result, Ming Zai launched a powerful spiritual technique in the sea, radiating out in circles in the form of waves.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that under the attack of the underworld spirit technique, all the fish within a hundred miles of the radius fell asleep quietly, and even the smaller fish died directly, and the group of mysterious creatures that attacked even more... Under the power of this spirit, his whole body became weak, as if his spirit was under an unprecedented attack. His body lay in the water on the spot, and kept floating to the sea.

Seeing this, Ming took the opportunity to catch one and surfaced, and began to take a good look at this mysterious creature.

Huh? Why is it a human? After looking at it for a long time, he almost got ripped off because the mysterious creature in his hand was clearly a human, but his ears were a little pointed and his hair was ocean blue, very soft and slender.


Then, Ming's big ear slapped the human in his hand awake. It didn't matter whether the other person was a man or a woman. As an insect, he naturally wouldn't be gentle to foreign objects.

You, are you from the Wing Clan? The awakened human being was a little confused for a moment, but he was not afraid, nor did he care about Ming's figure and appearance. Instead, when he saw the wings behind Ming, he was surprised. said.

No, are you the descendant of the Zhe Clan and the Wing Clan? But then this guy, after looking at Ming's whole body, felt that he should be the descendant of the Zerg Clan and the Wing Clan.


Ming You slapped the other half of this guy's face with a big slap. He wanted to say, please respect my profession and pay attention to your own sense of danger, okay?


This guy seemed to be completely awakened this time. He finally realized that the weirdo in front of him did not possess the rationality of his family at all. He should be a murderous guy, so he became afraid.

What are you? Tell me everything you know about this world, or I will kill your companions. After saying that, Ming asked him to look at the humans floating out of the sea.

This is Yuanyang Mirror Realm, we are a clan of scale monsters, this sea is called the Sea of ​​Star Shifts... In response to this, the guy in Ming's hands started to talk about everything he knew with red eyes, and in the end he felt extremely aggrieved. Asked: You, are you the Lord God? Please forgive our previous offense.

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