Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 93 The Void Beast

Half a month later, Ming led the Ming Zerg tribe to leave this deserted planet.

To be honest, this planet is called the Stone Soul Star. However, as it has been invaded twice by enemies, the resources on the planet have become pitiful. As for food, not to mention food, except for the original Stone Soul clan, other life forms It was destroyed thousands of years ago.

Therefore, what is left now are some ore resources without any flesh and blood creatures. The Nether Zerg tribe has only collected some common ore resources. The second step is to obtain the heart of the stone soul, a treasure of heaven and earth, which is the heart of the Zerg tribe in the Netherworld body. .

However, this precious treasure of heaven and earth has great development prospects for the Insect Tribe, because when the power of the Insect Tribe’s faith is stored to a certain level, the Insect Tribe can selectively bless the insects of the Insect Tribe with the power of the treasure—that is, the insects. Soul body.

At the same time, from Ming's point of view, if every insect can have an insect soul body in the future, then even ordinary insects will have a much higher combat power, and the insects by then will be extremely powerful!

And when the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will ship flew away from the planet, it returned to the splendid soul river system of the galaxy again, like an incomparably huge monster shuttling, but the surroundings were very quiet, if not for the countless starlight embellishments. , such a trip would be very boring.

Find a planet with a good color first! At this time, Pluto issued the command of Dominate Will to the Hive Will aircraft carrier.

Nowadays, the number of insects of the Hades is increasing every day, and the amount of resources and food required is getting larger and larger. In addition, they did not get enough food in the Stone Soul Star this time, so the Hades must do what they need next. There will be no grass growing wherever you go. In order to quickly accumulate endless resources and food, it is best not to let go of any vibrant planet.

And only in this way can we guarantee a long-term journey in the 50,000 light-year soul river system, and even pursue the coordinates full of life calls, and have enough guarantee to enter it, because at that time, we may face The right one will be an advanced river system, or even another universe filled with countless advanced civilizations!

Master, thousands of planets have been scanned ten light years away, and there are dozens of them full of infinite vitality! The Hive Will ship is now becoming more and more perfect, and its functional network will independently carry out biological upgrades. Therefore, after Ming's instructions, the Hive Will aircraft began to use the bat's bio-ultrasonic ability.

And this ability has been amplified to tens of thousands of times after being biologically upgraded by the Hive Will ship. It can scan the echo to locate the interstellar fluctuations within ten light years, and can even quickly determine the location based on the fluctuations transmitted back. The degree of fluctuation in life on different planets.

Make the nearest vibrant planet the target of this destruction! Ming quickly ordered.

So, after receiving the order from the master, the Hive Will aircraft quickly determined the nearest target, then made a 180-degree rotation in the silent galaxy, and then began to release super-biological energy. Achieve super speed and propel a huge aircraft ship thousands of miles away in order to reach the target planet in a very short time.

Now... can you measure how long it will take to reach the target planet? Then, Ming contacted the Hive Will ship again.

Well... driven by the energy of super creatures, a distance of ten light years would currently require fifteen heaven and earth days. At this moment, the wisdom of the Hive Mind aircraft carrier determined that if the time in the universe can be measured according to the If we calculate it from the sky, the distance of ten light years, and unless something unexpected happens, the Hive Will ship will only need half a month to reach its destination!

Well! It's best to keep pushing the super energy!

But in Ming's heart, he felt that this speed was too slow. Now the soul river spans 50,000 light-years, and the Milky Way is still about 100,000 light-years wide, let alone those more advanced cosmic galaxies.

So next, during the advancement of the Hive Will ship, Ming has been thinking about this problem, how to ignore space and distance!

Maybe we should find a way to hunt some mysterious creatures in the interstellar space, because these creatures live and shuttle among the interstellar spaces all year round. Many of them are born with the ability to move through the interstellar void, such as some void creatures that shuttle through the interstellar void. Creatures, even more advanced chaotic creatures.

Ming feels that if the Insects can obtain such biological abilities, whether it is Nie taking out genes to produce similar insect biological abilities, or conducting biological research and development and using them on the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will ships, these will be the future. An important force moving forward in the universe and galaxy.

After all, the galaxy is so big that it can span tens of thousands of light-years, not to mention the endless universe!

Send the alarm, there are strong void fluctuations ahead! However, while Ming was thinking, the Hive Will aircraft suddenly issued an extremely dangerous warning.

Um...what happened?

Ming immediately became nervous. The huge Hive Will ship thousands of miles away actually issued such a danger warning at this moment. It seemed that this crisis was very terrifying and had even reached an inevitable level.

Quick, call on the original energy of the world immediately to reinforce the Zerg spiritual energy barrier!

Ming, who became nervous, naturally radiated his extremely powerful spiritual power immediately. Ming felt that the fluctuations in the void in front of him were really too close to them, and it seemed that there was a destructive force that would emerge from the void page. Breaking out of it, it would even inevitably hit the Hive Will ship that was advancing at super speed.

At the next moment, as expected, I saw a terrible explosion in the void not far ahead in silence. It seemed that the sky of thousands of miles of stars was shattered. At the same time, the aftereffects of this explosion had already affected the super-speed advancement. The Hive Mind ship in .

Where's my mother, do you want to joke?

Seeing this level of destruction, Ming had already realized that some terrifying void creature had appeared. Was it really what he wanted? But this must not be sudden. It must be that a powerful void creature discovered the appearance of the Hive Mind aircraft very far away.

Hive Will ship, you must reduce the threat to the minimum level! In this dangerous situation, Ming knew that everything would be inevitable. The Hive Will ship, which was advancing at super speed, could no longer do the emergency. If it stops, it will inevitably advance into the void explosion ahead!

Execute immediately, but there is a mysterious creature hidden in the void explosion ahead, and it is rushing towards us at super speed! At this time, the Hive Will ship has used extremely powerful ultrasonic waves to perform back and forth positioning, detecting the A mysterious creature rushed out of the exploding void.

Damn it, how big is it? Does it want to die? Sure enough, Ming's guess was correct. There really was a terrifying void creature that broke through the vast void of thousands of miles and ran out. But now it is still in chaos, unable to See the real figure clearly.

It is tentatively confirmed that the life form that suddenly appeared has a huge body thousands of miles away. If we collide, both of us will pay a terrible price.

There is really no time left. Fire the super energy cannon immediately and carry out a certain destructive bombardment! At this moment, Ming felt that no matter what, in this sudden emergency situation, it was so inevitable that they would collide together. Only try to reduce the threat to the Hades to the lowest possible level.

Moreover, the Hades are willing to waste all their energy, even if they live interstellar drifting from now on.

ps: This will be another brainstorming article with a larger arrangement. It’s very interesting. Haha, I collected a whole day of information yesterday, and my head hurts from the amount of information! Well, don’t be impatient, my story plot must be well-founded and interlocking!

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