Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 77 What does it mean?

Coming to the battlefield between Eren Giant and the Armored Titan, looking at Eren at this moment, golden thunder and lightning was raging out from his heart, and the Armored Titan who was hostile to Eren had been completely destroyed. Allen fell down, revealing his true form as Reiner.

hold head high!!

After Allen saw that the armored giant turned out to be his partner Reiner, he was already filled with anger. He didn't understand why all of this was happening. Why do you have to hurt him?

Mikasa, who was rescued from the Armored Titan, was already dying in Allen's giant hand. No matter how powerful Mikasa herself was, how could she withstand the power of the battle between the Armored Titan and Allen's Titan?

Eren, Eren... wake up, you have to live well... At this moment, Mikasa was only worried about Eren. She believed that Eren was about to completely fall into the abyss of darkness and completely lose his original personality. Even the slightest bit of consciousness will be swallowed up by the darkness, and in the end even she, Mikasa, will definitely be forgotten!

But no matter how Mikasa screamed, Allen still fell into endless darkness, and seemed to be completely unable to hear all the sounds from the outside world.

At this time, Allen's back was already crowded with countless brainless giants. These giants looked at Allen's giant in fear. It seemed that as long as he had a target, when Allen roared, he could make thousands of giants behind him. Go crazy and attack that target!

But even so, a force like this is still impossible to be the opponent of the entire Hades, and will eventually fall into a crushing defeat.

Okay, let's let the Thunder Beast and the Pterodactyl Insect come out to move around first!

Then after facing the power of this giant, Ming just let the thunder beasts and pterosaur insects of the Ming Zerg tribe come out to crush these brainless giants, hoping to allow these biological insects to show off their skills more and grow from the violence, for Running towards the stars and testing.

In just a few minutes, in addition to the Leviathan whales and countless Leviathan snakes that completely descended into the sky, the pterosaur worms and thunder beast worms that arrived soon also descended in the sky one after another.

The first ones to attack were the pterosaur insects. These guys were derived from the genes of the golden dragon and combined with the hatching genes of the Hades to produce biological insects. This biological insect now has a body length of several hundred meters, and its destructive power is also very terrifying.

At this moment, under the orders of their masters, these pterosaur insects soared in the sky, and spit out a large amount of flames from their mouths full of fangs. These flames turned golden red, and their power should not be underestimated. The space they passed through was Under the violent distortion, it seems that everything in this plane can be easily burned, let alone the flesh and blood of these giants. It is completely impossible to resist the sanctions of these flames!

But the vitality of these giants is very tenacious. As long as the deep parts of their necks are not burned directly, they will not die even if they lose most of their bodies!

Therefore, after thousands of winged dragon bugs sprayed endless flames, the powerful enough close person - the Thunder Beast, took off its tiger wings and began to rampage into the sea of ​​fire, fighting countless giants.

The bodies of the Thunder Beasts are each hundreds of meters large. A collision can completely shake even a hill, and a violent stampede can kill several giants on the spot.

However, when the pterodactyl insect sprayed terrible flames, the protagonist of this plane, Allen, had already let out a roar, with a murderous expression on his face, like a fighting king, not only ordering the giant behind him to fight back, Even Allen himself became extremely powerful as he awakened again.

For a moment, countless burning giants were seen, fighting against thousands of behemoths desperately, but soon the whole scene looked like a large slaughterhouse, because it was obvious that these brainless giants could not compete with the energetic giants. Compared with the Thunder Beast, in the Zerg tribe, biological insects like the Thunder Beast were famous as the God of Destruction in the later period. If this plane had not suppressed them too much now, these giants would still have any power to fight back. ? Otherwise, in just a moment, the battlefield here should be a meat and vegetable field.

As for the Allen giant, after awakening the power of coordinates in the ancestor giant, his body was accompanied by golden thunder. It seemed that the entire giant body was transformed by thunder. His speed was as fast as lightning and his power was as thunderous. The rage factor.


Another 100-meter-large thunder beast was successfully lifted by Allen and thrown dozens of meters away. At this moment, the golden thunder and lightning on his body had turned into anger. In his angry state, his hair became visibly... It was so violent that it immediately rose into the sky, and the fever stood upright on its huge head.

Interesting, it is indeed the power of the ancestor giant! Ming looked at the power displayed by the Allen giant from high in the sky, but he felt that the more powerful the other party was, the happier he was.

It seems that the bugs in my Tyran series must have the power of giants, but your giant power and the power of luck will be taken by me personally!

Boom! Ming then landed directly from high altitude and stamped heavily on the ground, crushing the two nine-meter-level giants on the spot, causing blood and flesh to fly for a while.

Ang! Ming's sudden arrival attracted the attention of Giant Allen. After an angry roar, he struck towards Ming like lightning!

In order to better get the plane luck from Allen, Ming didn't dodge at all, and even hit the opponent quickly. Ming was still very confident in his physical strength!


Soon, the huge bodies of both sides collided directly, and a huge explosion sounded on the spot. This was a violent collision between bodies.

At this time, there seemed to be two substantive forces on their bodies fighting each other. A black flame emerged from Ming's body, which was transformed by the Ming flames on the back of his body, but at this time it looked more like a A force of darkness that carries unimaginable disaster and destruction.

Then Allen's body was filled with golden energy, as if he had the power of invulnerability at this moment, and even was blessed with an indestructible body. For a while, it seemed to be on par with Ming's physical strength.

But for the power in Allen, Ming felt that it should be the power of luck in Allen, and Ming could feel some of the power of heaven from it.

Humph, what does it mean to be a mere god?

As Ming snorted at this, he was destined to become the strongest creature, and one side of the world wanted to threaten him? If this is suppressed, how can we still have the confidence and face to sweep away the infinite vastness of the stars, galaxies, and universes? Even if one day in the infinite interstellar space, one day encounters the Queen of Blades, one of the powerful Zerg tribes, how can she have enough kingly spirit to compete with her for the light of infinite stars?

So Ming's body once again erupted with a layer of substantial power, advancing towards Allen with a circle of energy visible to the naked eye. At this time, Allen did the same, and a layer of energy circle erupted in his body. .

When the materialized energy of both parties comes into contact, it becomes very violent and raging. The energy circles generated by both parties are constantly changing shapes rapidly, with points, lines, surfaces, divergence, and concentration.

In fact, at this time, Ming was directly confronting Heaven's will. Meditation completely suppressed Heaven's will. Heaven's will also wanted to suppress Ming's will, but the two sides were evenly matched!

So as time passed by, the two energies began to undergo horrific fission, causing Ming's body and Allen's body to continue to shatter and disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.


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