Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 7 Preparations for upgrading the incubation base and preparations for the artillery battalio

In the middle of the night, Ming ate wolf meat that smelled super fragrant. The meat was roasted by lava fire!

But after eating a few bites, Ming didn't really like to eat cooked food. He felt that flesh and blood was still delicious when eaten raw.

If not...

However, this wolf meat is indeed like dog meat. It is a great supplement. You can eat whatever you eat to supplement it. Ming can get sufficient energy supplement from it and quickly make up for the huge energy consumed by the previous titan insect body.

Even after eating a lot of certain meats, I feel so energetic that I can't sleep all night long, and I feel like I can't output anything and can't sleep!

It's really weird. Could it be that after becoming an insect, you can eat whatever you want? But I must have it? I'm just an ant that doesn't even have a stick!

Forget it, just walk around if you can't sleep!

Ming decided to go to several incubation rooms to take a look if he had nothing to do. Since he put the bugs on the right track of incubation, he really paid little attention to them.

Nowadays, with the continuous expansion and construction of the base, there are more and more passages in the base, and they are getting larger and larger. There are a large number of soldiers and insects standing guard on each passage.

If it weren't for these bugs, Ming felt that he would get lost and find the incubation base if he wasn't careful.

There are three incubation nests in the base, one is a first-level incubator and two are second-level incubators.

The first-level hatching is mainly used to hatch ordinary bugs, and the preparation for the second-level hatching is used to hatch weapon bugs!

And today's first-level incubation room has been expanded many times, and can hatch 10,000 insect eggs at one time, and the second-level incubation room can hatch 20,000 weapon bugs at one time.

However, every bug hatch is never full, because the mother bugs have not evolved and upgraded. When they have not evolved to the mother bug mother, their egg-laying ability is not high. Otherwise, even if they enter the peak egg-laying period, once A single insect can lay more than a thousand eggs, and four mothers can produce almost 5,000 eggs.

It also takes a cycle for them to get pregnant and lay eggs, which takes at least ten days. But in this way, they can get pregnant and lay eggs three times a month, and they can get up to 15,000 eggs in a month.

There are still insect eggs to return to the insect eggs, and the hatching base is limited, so even if you squeeze in time, only more than 10,000 bugs will be hatched in a month. Such an increase in troops is too slow.

Now Ming Lai has an unexaggerated idea, that is, he hopes that the bugs can give birth to a third-level incubation nest, and then use it as an incubation pool for weapon bugs. The purpose is to require the insect eggs to obtain genes directly from the incubation nest. , the weapon bugs hatched in this way will be more powerful.

Captain, come here!

Ming Ji came to the second-level incubator. Due to the importance of the incubator, it has been built into an underground temple. Under the floor of the temple is lava that always provides energy and heat. There are countless surrounding The lighting bugs provide lighting that changes the dim environment, and there are many heavily guarded bugs around.

Honorable Pluto, please give instructions to the young one!

An insect ant incubation team leader in charge of the hatchery quickly came to Ming. It is a combination of farmer bees and farmer ants, but bees have more shapes. After all, bees are more capable than ants in incubating ovaries. talent.

How's the hatching going?

The hatching nest is already being sealed, and it is expected that these mutated bugs will hatch successfully in ten days!

Very good, now I want to build a third-level incubation nest... Ming Jiang explained in detail the function and structural design of the third-level incubation nest to the leader of the insect team responsible for incubation.

The leader of the incubation team: ... means that he has limited brain power and does not quite understand the construction of a third-level incubation nest.

Well, it's just a small hive, but the center must be empty to form a blood pool that provides genes and energy... Ming Ming felt that he was talking about this kind of high-tech aspect to a bug with low intelligence. He didn't know what he thought. of!

... The incubation team leader nodded its bee head, put its ant-like legs and feet into its mouth, and bit its toes cutely.

Do you understand this time?

Ming felt that he was impatient. It seemed that he would have to quickly produce a batch of more advanced bugs in the future to prevent his IQ from being damaged.

Honorable Pluto! We are not very good at hive-like incubation bases. The bugs in our incubation base are following the will of the queen and are always working hard to evolve corresponding abilities towards more advanced incubation construction!

Here, these bugs are controlled by the mother bug. In their hearts, the mother bug is their queen, and Hades is their king, so there is no big problem.

Not good at it? Ming was concerned about the previous sentence. He was not good at showing that there was still hope?

Yes Pluto, honeycomb technology is a technology that the farmer bee and insect brothers are good at, but we currently lack brothers with this technology in the Zerg race, and we are currently evolving towards the bee and insect aspect, and we do not yet have mature technology in this area.

This is not a problem, I will find you a technical brother in this field!

Ming remembered that there were a huge number of bugs like farmers in any Zerg clan, and there were even many abandoned outside. As long as he found them and brought them back to his Zerg clan, not only would there be one more bug unit, but also It can provide him with hive hatching technology.

Simply perfect!

Then Ming arranged a team of soldiers, red ant special forces with high combat power, and paired them with a reconnaissance team - a very small ant species, to be responsible for information collection and danger prediction.

And their common goal is to find and bring back intact the farmer bees left behind or abandoned by other Zerg groups in the shortest possible time, so that they can quickly serve the Zerg group!

After arranging all this, Ming took another look at the incubation base. The batch of weapon bugs in front of him hatched because he had them start hatching weapon bugs immediately after he obtained the evolution of the Titan insect body yesterday.

There are a lot of eggs in this batch, a total of 5,000 eggs. Based on the genetic hatching equation, the success rate of this batch of weapon bugs is about 20%. About a thousand weapon bugs will be hatched!

This means that bugs with the ability of artillery fire will grow stronger.

Where is Captain Insect?

After wandering around the incubation base, I felt that I couldn't help but feel that I couldn't help but rise. There were a thousand weapon bugs, plus the original five hundred. This destructive power was not small. Any Zerg death squad would have to weigh it... …Yes or no?

Pluto, please give me your orders!

A larger red insect ant had evolved to look like a spider crawling on the ground. It crawled in front of Ming with its round belly.

The exposed land outside the base is already our absolute territory. I now ask you to build a fortress with the strongest defense and the strongest structure outside, using more mud and stone and less wooden materials!

As you command!

Ming watched the insect captain leave quickly with satisfaction. As for what kind of fortress building, Ming would not consider it. The Zerg's buildings were constructions that even he could not imagine. As long as he gave them an opinion, he would be satisfied. results.

Hee hee hee……

The underworld thief left the incubation base with a smile, and soon the outside of his base would become the first line of defense in the base. Thousands of cannon bugs would be gathered to guard it. Who would dare to invade easily?

Thank you everyone for your favorites and recommendation votes! If you have any good suggestions, I will humbly accept them and integrate them into the story. At the same time, I will speed up the plot and not drag it out!

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