Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 50 Overestimating one’s own capabilities

As sudden changes occurred in the mine, the powerful faction outside, that is, this group of immortal cultivators, felt at a loss.

What bug?

Could it be that the fellow disciples and brothers who are in charge of supervising the work are all losers? I thought that even if I dug out some small bugs from the veins, I would just kill them all!

Huh? is this possible!?

But when they immediately activated their spiritual consciousness to scan, their spiritual consciousness could not penetrate in. This terrible situation turned out to be the same as the situation outside the formation!

Only then did they realize that the real crisis had arrived.

And now they are unable to control the situation with their spiritual consciousness inside and outside. This group of immortal cultivators only feel that they have lost their eyes and all light!

Damn it, if half of the people are in the mine, they will be killed without mercy!

At this time, the middle-aged woman couldn't calm down at all. What happened was too weird and too sudden. However, no matter what, this spirit stone vein cannot be lost or destroyed, otherwise their Tianmen Sect's position at the top of the ten major sects will not be guaranteed. .

However, just when half of the immortal cultivators drew their swords and rushed into the mine, the biggest crisis came outside.

For the first time, the middle-aged woman felt what fear was. She even realized deeply that everything today would be a nightmare of death.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thousands of energy cannonballs suddenly bombarded the energy shield.

The terrifying explosive power of these energy shells, and the irresistible aftermath of the impact when released, shattered their aura defense shield in an instant.

When the energy shield was shattered, the powerful energy and residual power of the artillery fire swept across the entire mineral vein.

It seemed that some flammable gas was ignited in the place of the mineral veins, and it suddenly turned into a sea of ​​​​hell and fire.

Ordinary humans have no power to protect themselves and are burned alive on the spot.

Even some low-level immortal cultivators were confused when faced with the indiscriminate bombardment.

Of course, more cultivators immediately mobilized their spiritual power to form an aura around their bodies to isolate the surrounding flames and the shock wave generated by the explosion. However, there were still many cultivators who were shocked and vomited blood. .

And as the spiritual light shield disappeared, all the insects of Ming crushed in directly.


Suddenly a cultivator screamed!

damn it!

At this time, the middle-aged woman, as the cultivator with the highest cultivation level present, immediately burst out with a terrifying aura, sweeping over most of the mineral vein in the form of a violent wind and wave.

Because these flames and yellow smoke really affected their vision and senses.

So as she exploded, most of the mine land appeared from the yellow smoke and sea of ​​fire.

But what she saw in front of her made her scalp tingle, and she couldn't even believe it.

There are countless bugs, big and small, weird, ugly, and densely packed. They have invaded the entire mineral land at some point, and are even attacking them crazily.

However, with her outburst at this time, she directly attracted the attention of countless insects, especially the thunder beasts with the purpose of destruction. Their eyes turned red and they struck her directly like lightning.

What? So fast!

The woman was shocked. The insect monsters that were dozens of meters tall could actually possess such terrifying speeds, and their huge heads were equipped with dozens of huge tusks and sharp thorns. It seemed that under such an explosive collision, they could sting Break through all obstacles in front of you.

Hmph! You dare to come, I will kill you like an ant!

When the woman became angry, she released a powerful force field around her body. In the force field, her gorgeous blue dress began to rustle, and her aura began to rise continuously. Her cultivation level started from the early stage of Nascent Soul. It has skyrocketed to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and its overall strength is several times stronger.

But even so, the Thunder Beast is not afraid. There is nothing it dares not to collide and destroy. As long as the target is determined, it will carry out crazy or fatal attacks. Of course, if the master gives an order to stop the destruction, it will not hesitate. Stop everything.

You don't overestimate your capabilities! I will kill you!

However, Ming, who was high in the sky at this time, would not let this happen. He burst out with terrifying murderous intent and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, the middle-aged woman felt an unavoidable crisis coming from behind. She had no time to attack the thunder beast that crashed into her, but quickly turned around and slapped her back.


At this moment, she was vomiting blood and looked at the humanoid monster in front of her in shock.

She couldn't believe this scene at all. This strange insect used his body to resist the power of her palm, and was not affected at all. It seemed that the terrifying energy she exploded was completely resolved by his body.

Instead, the strange insect punched through her heart at the same time, completely destroying her body. Even if she wanted to self-destruct her Nascent Soul, she couldn't do it.

At this time, the surrounding immortal cultivators who were unable to protect themselves saw this scene, and they screamed in fear. These creatures were too terrifying, too terrible. Their Nascent Soul elder was actually punched to death by a strange insect.

Ah, help, help, I don't want to die!

Who will save us, Master!

Their pity is certainly tasteless to the insects. Even after the most powerful elder among them died, they became leaderless and terrified. The bugs smoothly took them away in a wave, biting, beating, and trampling them to death crazily, and then left them alone. The locusts spin out silk cocoons and wrap them in them, and then they are carried away by countless insects, which is on their way back.

At this time, the mine had already been occupied by countless insects, and all the human slaves and immortal cultivators inside were killed and packed away by countless insects.

For this reason, Ming directly ordered the insects to quickly eat the spiritual minerals, pack them up and transport them away after they were full, while he himself activated the devouring power of the system and began to crazily devour this large mineral vein.

As time passed, millions of insects successfully gnawed away most of the spiritual mine, and then took away everything that was left. Of course, Ming also devoured enough energy during this period. I believe that the evolutionary selection should be opened again in more than ten days. The method of refining the Zerg spiritual energy will be obtained!

Soon, a group of bloody old men descended from the sky. They looked at everything in front of them with wide eyes and couldn't help but let out a shocking roar.

Boom boom!!!

The anger of dozens of people caused the empty shell of the mine to be blown to the ground on the spot.

Cha, if you dare to be enemies with our Tianmen Sect, you will all die!

This group of old guys used their spiritual consciousness to investigate carefully, but they only found countless tunnels under the ground, but they did not find any clues about the enemy. Everything here was severely damaged, and the enemy seemed to be ready for everything. All important clues were lost, and even the earth and rocks on the surface disappeared into thin air several meters deep.

Huh, do you think that if you do everything perfectly, you can get away with it?

At this time, one of the old monsters suddenly snorted coldly, as if he knew something? Then I saw him taking the lead and disappearing in a certain direction.

ps: Merry Christmas to all my book friends!

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