Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 47 The weak and the strong

With the death of the Skeleton King, this land of bones seemed to be exposed to the broad daylight, and all the self-created mazes, phantom formations, etc. disappeared.

The evil wind and evil spirits also disappeared, and all the skeleton soldiers were scattered on the ground again, allowing all the insects of his underworld to eat them up.

You are not overestimating your capabilities, the land of bones and the mountain of corpses? Ha! If you know the place that I have trampled on, everything will disappear?

Then Ming ordered the insects to eat these bones quickly, and then continued to trample forward.

Moreover, this place already has reference coordinates. It is at the bottom of a 10,000-meter-deep canyon, surrounded by stone cliffs with no top visible. There are some white clouds above, covering and floating layer by layer.

Now he just waits for his bugs to eat all the resources below. Then the bugs must go to the foot of the stone cliff. Those who can fly will fly, and those who cannot fly must climb up the stone cliff.

After Ming arranged to order tens of millions of insects, he was ready to go up and take a look first.

You must know that with the membrane of dark flames, even at a height of 10,000 meters, it is still difficult for him to fly freely!

On top of a 10,000-meter-high stone cliff.

Above this is a barren rocky land, which should be desolate and inhabited, but now there are more than ten people sitting here.

Senior Brother Zhou, you said that Master arranged for us to stay here, what exactly do you want to do? Isn't this the common forbidden area of ​​the ten sects?

There is a cultivator in white, who probably has the cultivation level of the early stage of infrastructure construction. He seems to be very impatient to stay here.

Hey...yes, we have been here for a full month. What do you think is abnormal? Are there any bugs? There aren't even a damn bird! A very fat immortal cultivator was even more dissatisfied. Complain.

Although as a cultivator, he has enough cultivation to be able to go without food for ten days and a half, but if he can stay in a place where birds don't poop, he can survive if he eats some rich game every time. It was comfortable and moist, but to my surprise, there was nothing. I originally thought that if it didn’t work out, then I would just eat bug meat or something!

Haha, I don't understand what being a master means. The spiritual energy here is too scarce and it's impossible to practice at all!

The man who is Senior Brother Zhou smiled bitterly. He seemed to be a wealthy man because the equipment on his body was several grades higher than the others here.

But now, he was lying casually on a stone with a piece of dead grass in his mouth. He could only lament and be puzzled about his current life.

However, that day I only saw the first elder coming back alone, looking very anxious, but I didn't see the second elder who went out with him. Senior Brother Zhou opened his eyes wide and looked at the white clouds in the sky, and continued to recall lightly.

That's right... Then that night, the leader found our brothers and tricked us. In a blink of an eye, he secretly sent us to this place, and then dropped a jade slip on us, as if he was no longer responsible for us! The fat man recalled the same thing, but the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Huh, in my opinion, it's the couple who harmed us. It's a lie that they volunteered to run in to get rid of the bugs, but it's true that they did dirty things, and then accidentally released some terrible existence. One of them snorted coldly, It seems that he has some deep hatred for the men and women he calls dogs.

Oh!! Junior brother, are you talking about that 'saucy' bitch in Rouran? The fat man said with a pout, Oh, that 'saucy' bitch has no breasts. Back then, when my cultivation level wasn't high enough, I would do it every day. You shamelessly came to seduce me, and then after you surpassed me in cultivation, you pretended to be noble for me.

Damn! You'd better shut the fuck up? It's time for me to go to bed. If there's nothing serious, don't wake me up.

Suddenly, when Senior Brother Zhou mentioned Rouran to his junior brothers, he became angry.

At this moment, he must be holding back a breath of anger in his heart. He must have been cuckolded before, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly have a dark face towards his junior brothers.



The remaining dozen or so people immediately did not dare to beep.

This senior brother is the most powerful among them, and he is also the genius of the sect. In just thirty years, he has reached the early stage of Jindan cultivation, and he also had an affair with Rouran, that 'slut' bitch, which everyone knows clear.

At this moment, the fat man was probably bored lying down and couldn't talk, or he just wanted to find wild game to eat, such as the large bugs that all the teachers mentioned. I heard that they have legs and feet like big crabs. Just think about it and think it's delicious. .

I saw him coming to the edge of the cliff and looking down into the bottomless canyon.


Suddenly he seemed to see something. As a cultivator in the late stage of infrastructure construction, his eyesight was naturally not bad.

Bird? That's not's for food anyway!

But just when he was excited.

Huh? Why is he missing?

The bird shadow he had just seen disappeared in the blink of an eye. It felt as if everything he had seen before was an illusion!

Could it be...that I'm so greedy?

As he said this, deep down in his heart, Fatty didn't want to let go easily. What if it was really some kind of bird?

Then maybe you can actually catch one, set up a fire and it will become a delicious food in your mouth.

So the fat man rubbed his eyes and looked again, but unfortunately, he still didn't see anything.

Damn it, how can there be birds here? The spiritual energy is so scarce. The fat man suddenly felt a little disappointed in himself, so he turned around and prepared to go back and lie down.

But at this moment, the fat man saw several of his junior brothers and suddenly sat up in shock, staring at him blankly, or to be more precise, something terrible appeared behind him at this moment.

not good……!

Fatty immediately analyzed in his mind.

And he himself is a ruthless, fat guy who is talented and bold.

Therefore, he acted very calmly at this moment. A three-foot long sword appeared in his hand at some point, and it stabbed into something behind him as he suddenly turned around.

Huh? Ah!!!

The fat man screamed in surprise, even his courage was frightened. No wonder his junior brothers were so frightened that they were stunned and speechless for a long time!

But the fat man soon calmed down. Thought:

That's not right. Didn't I pierce his body? What are you afraid of?

So the fat man looked at the humanoid monster, which was a foot taller than him, and said calmly:

Damn it, are you going to attack Fatty? Are you from below? What kind of monster are you? Come on...speak quickly, or...Fatty will crush your belly with his sword.

The monster in front of Fatty was none other than Ming who came up from below.

Ming looked at the fat man and a dozen other people in front of him without any fluctuation. As for the sword in his body piercing his body? This is completely harmless!

The cell armor on his body has wrapped up his wounds and is constantly repairing them. As long as he is not cut into pieces, repairs like this are very fast. It can also be said that this damage is completely negligible.

But Ming moved the next moment. If everyone is not afraid of him when they see him, what does it mean? He is here to destroy everything, but he is a bug that brings disaster!

Ming was seen directly grabbing the sword blade, and with just a slight exertion, the sword in the fat man's hand shattered on the spot.


When the fat man saw this scene, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and his heart trembled. His body immediately softened and he fell to his knees. The other party was a real monster. He actually shattered his spiritual weapon with his bare hands?

I, I didn't stab you on purpose just now. The fat man was trembling and about to cry!

Ming Cai didn't care, just grabbed the other person and threw him into the deep canyon.

Ah!!! Fatty screamed in fear, Senior brother, help me!!

Huh, you all have to die!

Ming knew that if he was weaker than the other party, his end might be even worse.

And this world is a place where the weak eat the strong. In order to survive, you must go to the strong and eliminate all the aliens!

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