Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 38 Either surrender or eat you (third update)

Let's go!

Among the two old men with white beards in the void, one of them felt that something was wrong and turned around quickly to go back the way he came.

Wait a minute, something happened!

Another old man with a white beard didn't want him to leave and pulled him back. In fact, he wanted him to stay with him to see what would happen next.

Brother, what happened? This old man was so strange. It was obviously not suitable to stay here for a long time. It was obvious that there were several terrifying auras targeting the two of them.

Hey, your senior brother, I understand the language of insect beasts, have you forgotten? I just heard what the human-bodied insect said about what the power of Huameng controls! Well...probably these insects are having a life-and-death internal fight!

Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you want us to stay here to observe the harvest situation? The old man with a white beard sent a message: But, senior brother, this is also very dangerous. If we stay here for a long time, there will be other things. It would be troublesome for a terrifying being to deal with us.

Moreover, the cracks in this seal have been exposed. We should go back and quickly prepare to prevent their invasion. This number is really terrifying.

This old man is keeping the overall situation stable, but the other old man, his senior brother, doesn't care, he is very courageous.

Look at how cowardly you are, take a look first and then talk. Besides, the passage is right behind us. Are you still worried that you can't escape?

Helpless, the other old man had no choice but to stay and watch the bug below duel with the king of another void.

At this moment, something suddenly changed!

Hmph! That's ridiculous. Your power of Huameng is no longer effective against me. You should know what his ultimate goal is. How about joining forces with me?!

The Black Queen pretended to be calm and could not let the Tianjiang Queen see anything wrong, otherwise she would not have time to escape after the other party used the power of Hua Meng.

I see!

Queen Tianjiang suddenly understood at this moment, she asked how could her power of Hua Meng suddenly fail? It turns out that's the case, because Ming alone sent her spiritual will, explaining all this!

Huameng erosion!

So can Queen Tianjiang listen to anything the Black Queen says?

What join forces? Are you kidding her?

And with such a good opportunity, he dared to stay so close to her. Wasn't this just a chance to capture her in one fell swoop?

As for the other party who still wants to monopolize the wider sky and richer food, huh, this will be occupied by the Zerg led by Queen Tianjiang. As for the immortal Pluto? How could he be her opponent? How could he stop her from occupying all the resources first?

damn it!

The Black Queen was startled, turned around and ran away. The opponent's ability was very restrained against insects. If she was not careful, she would be trapped. She did not dare to bet that she would not be affected at all.

You can run away? Your flesh and blood, everything in your Zerg race will belong to this queen!

Queen Tianjiang's three bodies danced in the void at the same time, completely in the blink of an eye, and the void with a radius of three thousand miles was filled with colorful light spots.

The Black Queen couldn't escape at all and fell directly into it. She began to be afraid, so she summoned countless insects to surround herself one by one.

But she was eventually eroded by the power of Queen Tianjiang's dream and fell into a dream!

In her dream, there were countless butterflies throwing various temptations at her, but she could not escape this temptation that was like her birthright, so she fell deeper and deeper into it, unable to extricate herself for a while!

Huh? Senior brother, what kind of ability is this?

At this time, an old man with a white beard in the distance asked through a message. The other party was obviously an insect species that could rival theirs, but he was suddenly controlled. This ability was too scary!

It's a powerful ability of that butterfly, called the Power of Hua Meng! Another old man with a white beard replied: But don't worry, the spiritual ability of the Zerg cannot have an impact on creatures other than the Zerg. It’s invalid for us!”

As for Queen Tianjiang, after using the power of Huameng to erode the Black Queen, she immediately launched the strongest attack. She wanted to kill the Black Queen completely, because the Black Queen would soon get rid of her control.

So she no longer carried out in-depth trapping. She only needed to give her a few seconds to kill the opponent directly!

Then he flew over and used the spirit and will of the Zerg King to easily crush the flying ants and insects surrounding the Black Queen.

You know, these bugs are completely trapped by her. If they are not controlled by their king, they may take a long time to wake up!

When she was only a few meters away from the Black Queen, she opened her mouth to spurt blood, but suddenly the Undead Pluto appeared and attacked the Black Queen's body first.

At the same time, a strong pressure came, and she was actually afraid of it.

Why can't you help but surrender to him?

But at this time, Ming did not look at Queen Tianjiang, but suddenly launched the full-scale Titan insect drive, and immediately became a huge Titan insect species, with a body of nearly 20 meters and a meter wide fist.

At this time, he clenched his giant fist on the spot and blasted the Black Queen's sky-high body into two pieces with one insect fist. Then he blasted the Black Queen's head with another giant punch, causing explosive sauce to spray out all over the sky!

At this moment, Queen Tianjiang was stunned. Being so close, she felt how terrifying he really was, especially the mental fluctuations that made her extremely fearful, which directly reduced her combat power and aura of the Zerg King. A big chunk.

Let's go, let's go quickly. This bug with a human body is too perverted. I sense a powerful threat in him!

And at this moment, the old man with a white beard who was his senior brother finally didn’t dare to look any further and turned around and ran away into the passage!

I want to leave, but it's impossible!

Suddenly Ming looked at them and directly used the spiritual power of hundreds of millions of insects. Coupled with the tenfold blessing of his Titan insect body, his spiritual power was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

A monk under the Nascent Soul would probably faint on the spot when his spiritual skill - domineering was released. If he was weaker, he would die on the spot!

So I saw one of the old men with white beards being affected by Ming's spiritual skills. His head was dizzy on the spot, causing him to stay in place for a while!

Junior brother, junior brother, let's go quickly!

The white-bearded old man who escaped into the passage first was startled and used his spiritual power to wake up his junior brother, but it was already too late.

A huge body came to this void as if teleporting.

This was Ming after being completely expelled by the Titan bug. He punched directly at the entrance of the passage, including the old man with a white beard who had no time to escape.

Brother, take me and leave quickly!

The old man with a white beard took Ming's punch directly, and felt that his body had endured a huge force of ten thousand kilograms. Even though he was a Yuan Ying, his body was blown up on the spot, and his Yuan Shen was extremely weak and rushed into the passage. , and then his soul was protected by his senior brother and left here.

Ming then turned around and looked down at Queen Tianjiang.

Either surrender to me, or I will eat you!

The powerful will of the Zerg race was like the intrusion of the sea, crushing towards Queen Tianjiang.

Because of all this, at the moment when the Black Queen died, he mobilized the terrifying spiritual power in a single thought, controlled the Black Queen's hundreds of millions of insects, and transferred all their spirits to his own spiritual sea.

He has such strong mental pressure!

ps: Thank you all for your support. This is the third update. I apologize for the poor writing, but the author is working hard to write it well!

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