Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 35 Queen Tianjiang’s true ability

Under the temptation of Ming, the Black Queen's ambition accelerated the darkest side of herself, or the most terrifying side of her Black Queen.

So the mysterious insect, the Black Queen, urgently drove her countless people to embark on the road of reunion after a long separation.

It is an endless path of destruction and killing.

The Black Queen issued an irresistible command!

At this time, there was a huge insect kingdom, which showed a terrifying number of bugs, with hundreds of millions of bugs all coming out of the nest.

It was dense, black, crawling everywhere, and full of terrible bugs.

This is already a terrifying insect tide that is unimaginable.

If the locust clan is trembling the sky, then the underground Zerg clan has been trembling the earth!

Suddenly, a very terrifying shock wave appeared in the endless and pitch-black abyss of death.

Obviously, a very powerful insect is about to descend on it.

It is indeed the aura of this power!

Ming will never forget that this power comes from the Black Queen, because he will never forget that what he will see in the insect nest that day makes it difficult for him to imagine the evolution of the Black Queen!


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and a huge black shadow object flew out from the mouth of the abyss with a diameter of 100 meters. Her speed was extremely fast, as fast as lightning!

Is this her true form?

Ming's eyesight was extremely good, and he immediately captured the true appearance of the Black Queen.

This is a sky-supporting ant beast that stands tall on the ground. She is ten meters tall and twenty meters long. She has an extremely thick carapace and indestructible elytra, and her wings are as sharp as a sword!

But her real fear comes from some kind of devouring power, which makes her vise-like mouth seem to be able to swallow up everything, because her mouth is always swallowing a cloud of black mist. It was like an incredible force of darkness, constantly eroding the void wherever it passed.

Oh? Are you wondering about this king's changes?

At this time, the Black Queen, who was also in the void, noticed Ming's eyes, and she said coldly!

No, everything is as expected by the king!

Ming was not surprised that the Black Queen's size had grown again. This might be the reason why the other party was even stronger!

Hmph! Expected? If I hadn't been evolving that day, and you had boldly barged in and devoured most of my nest, you wouldn't have been able to escape. But at that time, you were lucky after all. With the blessing, I cannot stop the evolution.

The black queen in the void looked at Ming opposite in horror at this moment. This unique insect was the delicacy she had always wanted.

When the other person was three months old, she wanted to enjoy his flesh and blood, but she still underestimated the ability of this insect. Unexpectedly, it ended up swallowing half of her nest power and successfully escaped. , I didn’t expect that it would grow to such a height now, that it would almost rival the power of her Black Queen.

Haha... You are ready to eat me. Why should I be polite to you? If I had known that you were evolving and could not take action against me personally, I would have eaten you without mercy! He said coldly and horribly, the other person looked at him as delicious food, and now he looked at the other person as delicious food.

Of course, what I feel at this moment is more of a pity. I would have eaten the opponent if I had known about it. I didn't expect that I was scared away by the coercion because I was worthless!

Your luck will eventually run out. When I kill Queen Tianjiang, you'd better return to me. As long as you obey me, I can completely give up the idea of ​​eating you, otherwise...

The Black Queen left these words to Ming and ordered hundreds of millions of bugs to attack the Death Desert Bug.

At this time, Ming looked at the back of the Black Queen and began to sneer.

Yes, he is just a clever insect. After all, he cannot escape from my control.

At this time, there were countless locusts hovering over the Death Desert. They were shaking the void together, and under the instructions of Queen Tianjiang, they continued to attack every corner of the primitive forest.

Although they are primitive bugs that have not fully evolved, here, they are basically invincible in the sky. Normal enemies who fight them in the air will be forcibly pushed, crushed, and devoured by their fearlessness. !

In this regard, the King of Beasts did not send a large number of birds to fight with the locusts in the sky.

She stayed in the primitive forest, using the entire primitive forest as her own force field, releasing terrifying cold air into the sky, covering the entire primitive forest. When countless locusts flew into it, there would be many bugs. Being frozen and falling, even if the wandering insects successfully invaded the primitive forest, they would die faster in her force field!

However, from the perspective of Queen Tianjiang, in order to completely invade the primitive forest, this is a war of attrition between each other. The other party is not dealing with the attack of her insects on its own, but is also consuming her thousands of dollars. The lives of the beasts, and even the power that both she and the Black Queen wanted.

In order to obtain this powerful power, this is her real purpose.

As the strongest kings in this world, she has long noticed that there is a power that is extremely tempting to them, and it is said to be delicious food!


However, not long after, Queen Tianjiang suddenly felt two powerful spirits crushing her, attacking her directly from a distance!

You want to unite to deal with me? Then I will completely destroy you! She knew that one of these two powerful spiritual owners came from the Immortal Pluto and the other came from the Black Queen.

So she unleashed her most terrifying ability.

Huameng erosion!

Because she was really angry, the bug actually united with the Black Queen to deal with her!

I saw Queen Tianjiang dancing in the void, with countless colorful light spots floating out from her body. After a while, colorful light spots were scattered in the void thousands of miles around.

This place is so dreamy and beautiful, but it is extremely dangerous, because at this moment it seems that space and time have stopped, and everything is under the control of this colorful butterfly!

Is this the strength of Queen Tianjiang?

Ming felt a mysterious force emanating from the front, but he couldn't figure out the effect of this force. In short, it gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Wu Wu, this is the power of her Hua Meng, which is designed to target the mental attack of any insect, including me and you will be affected.

If you are accidentally eroded by her ability, you will be trapped and controlled by her, which is very dangerous.

Although for the powerful us, even after being corroded, we can use our strong spirit to break the dream and sinking, but it will take a certain amount of time, and if she succeeds, she will not lose any opportunities, and will immediately devour or deepen her control.

I see!

After some meditation, it was as if this colorful butterfly now owned an absolute space. If they wanted to completely break through this absolute space, they must have a stronger spirit to stabilize themselves, or crush it with force!

ps: Chapter 3 will start tomorrow, come on! ! ! ! La la la, thank you for your recommendation and support. Now I want to be happy every day, because maybe I will say goodbye to writing after finishing this book!

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