Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 33 The spiritual crushing of the Zerg King

The moment when mental skills are performed.

Ming easily controlled all the bugs in his Zerg clan.

And began to imprint his own spiritual mark on the minds of all bugs.

From this moment on, all the bugs of the Hades tribe obey his orders directly, and he has become the supreme ruler of the Hades tribe. At the same time, the supreme ruler - the Immortal Pluto - is already engraved in the minds of all the bugs!

This has become an unchangeable fact, unless someone can defeat his spiritual power.


Then Ming transferred half of the spirit of each insect into his own spiritual sea, and his spiritual sea instantly exploded!

Ming here did not transfer all the spirits of the bugs, and did not want the bugs to become puppets. He felt that bugs with a certain ideology were much more powerful.


Ming continued to use his mental skills, successfully linking to the vision of all bugs through the mental imprint left in their minds.

That is, the insect's field of vision is his real field of vision, and he can share everything the insects see.

So everything outside the entire underground kingdom and base, even within a radius of several hundred miles, is within the sight of the Insect Tribe, and everything is within the sight of the Insects.

If he wanted to change his vision or scene, he could do it all in a single thought.

Hmph, then it's the turn of these locusts now!

So at this moment, Ming planned to use his second spiritual skill - Haki release or crushing to see how powerful and effective it could be.

Then Ming arrived outside the base, looked up at the swarm of locusts in the sky, and then flew up fearlessly, directly within the attack range of millions or tens of millions of locusts.

Spiritual Skill - Domineering Crush!

As the distance was shortened in an instant, Ming roared and used a spiritual skill on the locusts above the base - Domineering Crush!

At this time, an invisible aura rushed out of his body, and there seemed to be a powerful force in it. It was seen that approximately millions of enemy insects within a radius of about 500 miles were directly and seriously affected!

This influence comes from the king of Hades deterring, destroying, and defeating, but some low-level insects cannot bear it at all, and some fall to the ground one after another.

Insects of the underworld, I order you to quickly kill all enemy insects. You need more fighting, so go in fearlessly!

Ming issues orders through his spiritual will and will never miss the good opportunity in front of him!

Because these enemy insects have been affected by his spiritual skills, their combat power has been forcibly suppressed and there are obvious signs of weakening. At the same time, after their spirits have been severely impacted, they have temporarily lost the possibility of accepting orders from their superiors!

But if Queen Tianjiang regains her energy, then these locusts may wake up directly and fight fiercely with their insect soldiers!

So the Insects must be fast! Strive to kill as many as you can!

As you command!

At this time, the bugs of the Hades tribe immediately took action. Hundreds of thousands of bugs entered with great force. Facing the large number of enemy bugs, they were not afraid and directly killed the enemy bugs mercilessly!

After a while, I saw that the corpses of enemy insects had piled up like a mountain below, with more than a million dead.

But at this moment, suddenly...

A powerful spiritual power of the king descended here from the direction of the Death Desert.

With the emergence of this kingly spirit, countless locusts were regained control. At the same time, this kingly spirit was very powerful and wanted to forcibly control the insects of the Hades.

But... you simply can't do all this! You can't defeat this king's spiritual sea! You can't defeat this king's spiritual imprint!

Ming immediately stopped him and used his sea of ​​spirit to fight against another king's spirit, but he said he had no pressure!

Weak bugs, this queen controls hundreds of millions of bugs? How long can you resist me?

Suddenly part of the spiritual will of the Queen from Heaven entered the mind of a locust, and the insect successfully communicated with the underworld.

Assassin King, go kill that bug!

But Ming would not let the other party go smoothly. With the vision of the insect race, he immediately discovered this insect that carried the will of the queen from the sky.

Therefore, he immediately ordered the invisible bug through his mind to carry out his instructions.

Follow your orders! This is the most powerful invisible bug - Assassin Jin.

It possesses very powerful stealth and assassination capabilities. Originally, it was secretly killing countless enemy insects. After suddenly receiving instructions from the supreme ruler, the Immortal Pluto, it decisively broke away from the battle and disappeared directly on the spot, unknowingly sneaking into the enemy's territory. camp, the goal is to kill the bug that speaks for the queen.

And Ming...?

Then after arranging everything, he felt cruel in his heart!

It's time to strike fear into your enemies and show how unfathomable they are.

Haha...ask me how long? But I only know that crushing all your mental will here is just an easy thing!

Ming was disdainful and exploded directly.

Titan insect body, five times!


At this moment, the terrifying spiritual power surged out, like a powerful impact wave, turning into substance and rushing out!

What? is that possible!

The queen from heaven was shocked!

She suddenly felt that her spiritual will that had descended here was easily crushed and suppressed by the other party, and she could not help but feel a shadow of surrender in her spirit.

Damn...! This is already a terrifying existence!

However, at this moment, the insect carrying her willful dialogue suddenly died again. She did not see any enemy insect approaching or attacking at all.

You...okay! Okay! This queen will never let you go!

Although she was very angry, after Queen Tianjiang's spiritual will was suppressed, she had to give up the fate of saving millions of insects from being killed, gave up her plan to control the underworld insects, and could only retreat like a tide!

Hmph... Do you think you can come and leave whenever you want? What kind of place do you think I am?

Ming shouted loudly, as a principled insect, he should return the favor now, and should make the other party directly doubt the so-called insect life and fear the terror of his undead Pluto, and everything about him and the insect clan , they are not targets to be bullied casually!

Titan insect body, ten times!


Then an even more powerful spiritual power burst out, directly crushing the land within a radius of thousands of miles.

At this moment, except for the underworld bug, which was not affected at all, all creatures within this range were affected by the spiritual technique.

The locust swarm above the primitive forest fell to the ground in a large area on the spot, and countless beasts in the forest were also prostrate on the ground and trembling at this moment, and even some weak creatures fell to the ground and fainted on the spot. .

Ah!!! Immortal Pluto!! I will destroy the entire primitive forest and eat all your blood and flesh! Queen Tianjiang, who was above the Death Desert, directly used her body. She was completely angry.

Because there were countless locusts in the Death Desert, and they were attacked by the spirit of the foreign king, causing them to fly all over the sky and cause widespread commotion. However, she was unable to forcibly control the bugs through the spirit of the Zerg for a while, which ultimately had a serious impact. .

Unexpectedly, countless sands were lifted up by countless flying locusts, creating red sandstorms, mercilessly destroying and destroying her sea of ​​​​stone forests.

So she could only descend from the sky, use the power of her body to emit a colorful light, and forcefully confuse her bugs until they stabilized. Then she successfully controlled the bugs to explode countless strands of red sand, and introduced them in a purposeful and direction. Primitive forest.

I thought it was something, but it turns out to be a colorful butterfly!

Through the Zerg's vision, Ming discovered that a colorful light appeared in the sky over the Death Desert. In the light, there seemed to be a very dreamy colorful butterfly.

And this butterfly is spreading some kind of magical light spots over a large area. As long as the light spots fall on the bugs, the bugs will immediately return to normal from the restlessness!

not good!

But soon Ming found several red sand storms, aiming in his direction, and quickly swept towards his base, intending to destroy the base buildings of the Ming Zerg outside.

And unfortunately, he doesn't have a tree here to stop these sand storms!

Damn it! Ming could only try to think of various ways in a hurry. His base building must not be destroyed!

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