Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 27 Senior Brother, how good are you? (Hahaha...)

Over the Death Desert, above the thousands of miles of clouds, the wind and clouds were surging.

Where should it be?

At this moment, Ming stood in the void, trying to find the abnormal point in the space.

Based on the information reported to him by the reconnaissance bug that day, he speculated that the human woman who was saved by his instinct at that time disappeared at this point in the sky.

This...could this king overestimate her strength?

After a long time, Mingdu did not find any spatial anomalies near this height. Everything was normal!

But that day, despite being injured, the human woman launched a powerful attack on him. She was obviously not like an ordinary monk.

If one were to speculate on the opponent's cultivation based on the level of cultivation in the novel, Ming would think that the human woman was at least a monk in the foundation-building stage and could at least fly!

Wanli may be too high. She was seriously injured that day, so she may not be able to reach this height!

Ming began to continuously lower his altitude, descending over the cloud beds layer by layer.

Huh? Is it an illusion?

Suddenly, as he was descending, he seemed to see a lake at a certain moment. There were sparkling waves on the surface of the lake. The light completely aroused his reaction!

At this time Ming stopped.

ridiculous! As a powerful bug, how could it create an optical illusion? What's more, how can there be a scene of lake waves on the cloud level thousands of miles above?

Even a mirage cannot disappear so quickly.

This answer can't be wrong.

Ming was very happy about this. The information his reconnaissance bug reported to him was very accurate.

So Ming fell back and looked for that visual impact again.

I see, this is really magical!

Soon, slowly passing through a certain void, I saw a piece of sparkling water again.

This time I saw it even more clearly. The fairy mist on the water was like a world in a painting.

Then Ming touched the empty space with his hand, only to find that the other half of his hand disappeared directly. Maybe it really reached the opposite side of the world.

But if you don't directly touch this void point, you won't see anything abnormal at all. Anyway, this is a very magical existence.

Then, do you want to take the risk of sticking a bug's head in and try it?


But Ming was very hesitant. In his previous life, he had read many novels about cultivating immortals, all of which described space passages as extremely terrifying.

What kind of space cutting, space distortion, space devouring, death is inevitable at every turn!

Without any magic weapon or special magical power, it would be difficult to pass through the space channel.

Huh? Is that weird?

Unexpectedly, Ming suddenly heard someone talking inside.

Ming couldn't believe his hearing for a while. It was completely unbelievable. How could he still hear someone talking inside? Is this a copycat version of the space channel?

Junior sister? Senior brother?

Then Ming heard these words one after another. In addition, the voice coming from inside was so mean that he couldn't understand what the other words were saying.

It turned out to be her?

But soon, Ming not only heard it, but also saw a large magic ship sailing slowly on the lake filled with immortal energy, and slowly appeared in his sight.

In sight, there was a group of immortal cultivators on the boat, numbering at least a hundred or so. They were all dressed in white. They seemed to be monks from a sect of cultivating immortals.

Among them, the cultivator who caught Ming's attention the most was the human woman he rescued from the sea of ​​​​stone forest.

At this moment, she was talking to a leading man.

It seems that the words Ming heard before were their conversations with each other.

It turns out she is this kind of woman!

Junior sister, don't worry, those are just a group of ordinary bugs, not monster bugs.

This time, our brothers and sisters are well prepared and will definitely destroy them completely to avenge that day!

As for the insect king you want? Senior brother will catch it for you when you fall. It won't be difficult for you to use it as your own battle pet. There is a spiritual method in our sect that can make it even an insect beast. Become a demon cultivator and be used by you!

When the magic weapon ship was getting closer and closer to this space passage, Ming actually heard the leader of the man say these words.

Hahaha... Did I fuck you, pet? It's better to die than to die!

Ming was laughed angrily, there were just over a hundred cultivators, as if they wanted to come in and destroy the Zerg race here, and they even wanted to catch themselves and keep them like pets?

It seems that this woman is not an ordinary heavy taster!

Bah, but I want you to never come back!

Then, Ming spit out a mouthful of acid, and his heart seemed to calm down a little.

I didn’t expect that I had rescued her, fed her, housed her, and then let her go safely. She actually wanted to keep her as a pet. She had no humanity at all, and her selfishness had torn the surface. All disguises!

Just kill him!

At this moment, Ming flew away with trembling wings and quickly headed towards his base kingdom. He had to prepare in advance to meet the enemy, but first he had to face this group of self-righteous humans, and then he collided with the locust tribe again.

Not long after Ming left, a group of white-clothed monks descended on this area from this space passage.

They looked down at everything below them from a high position, completely unaware of the horror of death, or the power of the bugs!

Listen up, the master asked us to completely eliminate the bugs here. Whoever kills the most will have merit points recorded. After the quick victory, you can go hunting for treasures anywhere, but you cannot exceed the time limit set by the master.

Yes, senior brother!

A group of white-clothed monks headed towards the sea of ​​stone forest. It seemed that the human woman Ming saved had already told her brothers and sisters the location.

Junior sister Rouran, now senior brother will go with you to catch your new pet!

As a senior brother, the man was not too ugly, and he confidently held the junior sister in front of him in his arms.

Eldest brother, you are so bad...!

The woman called Junior Sister Rouran was the human beauty that Ming had saved before in the sea of ​​​​stone forest.

At this time, her pretty face turned red, and her mouth was so shy that she screamed I hate you, how bad are you...

What was surprising in the end was that she took the initiative to put her soft body into the arms of this senior brother.

Ha ha!!

The man who was the senior brother felt as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life at this moment. He was laughing from ear to ear, not to mention how happy he was in his heart!

Senior brother, please be gentle later, that insect king is very spiritual... Although it is not a demon, it is very powerful, more powerful than Rouran.

It's okay. If Junior Sister Rouran likes something, Senior Brother will naturally not harm it. However, as long as there are bugs and are not monsters, you can be comparable to the monks in the late stage of infrastructure. Senior Brother also wants to see it.

With that said, the senior brother took Junior Sister Rouran in his arms with a smile and flew directly towards the primitive forest!

As a senior brother, the man's cultivation level is not low. He can fly quickly in the void in such a posture. He must be at least a golden elixir monk. Otherwise, how could he dare to show off like this?

Hey, why is this place so badly damaged? Is it a fire?

Soon, Rouran followed her senior brother to the vicinity of the Primitive Forest.

She looked down from a high position, but she didn't expect that there was a land of destruction with a radius of three hundred miles right under her eyes.

She remembered that when she left that day, there was indeed a fire here, but she didn't expect that the final impact would be so large.

What's wrong, Rouran? Senior Brother asked with concern.

He didn't think there was anything surprising below. Wasn't it just an ordinary fire? But there are a lot of bugs building something down there.

Interesting, these bugs can also build these things?

Yes, the Insect King inside is very spiritual, and their underground palace is even more incredible than this! Rouran looked around and said, wondering if the Insect King was staying outside!

ps: This week I am testing the waters and recommending it. I beg all the book friends who are reading the book again to vote for it. Recommendation votes and collections are related to the life and death of this book. Thank you!

Now this book has more than 60,000 words, but the recommendation votes on the main website are not as high as those on Chuangshi. I really want to give myself a song, it’s called... I really want to cry! ! ! !

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