Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 221 Liberating those from prison

Listening to the words of the ancestor of the sharks, Ming did feel that there was a lot of information.

According to the ancestor of the sharks, the earth is an endless world that existed before all the universes were born.

Why is it said that this is an endless world?

Because it is very vast, very vast, even the ancestor of the sharks and his people have not explored all of the earth.

And the old shark's strength has inherited the power of the ancestor of the shark, and he can feel it very clearly. This is really terrifying.

Now, it is conceivable that it can explain why there is a god system in the earth that leads to this cosmic century that is more advanced than the Milky Way universe.

This can also explain why in ancient times on earth, there were rumors about the shark clan, but no one has ever seen the real thing. But now he has really seen the ancestor of the sharks, even a very powerful existence. .

Now, the ancestor of the sharks is giving Ming two things.

Knowing that Ming was an insect, he still gave this to Ming.

First, after gaining the power of his ancestor, Ming wants to protect the members of the shark family. Although he doesn’t know if there are any surviving sharks in this cosmic world, or in this endless yellow sea. , this question is very thought-provoking. At least as powerful as the ancestor of the fish people, he dared to lead his tribe to attack this cosmic world, and he was only defeated in the end. Can you imagine how powerful he is?

But because such powerful characters all died in the end, how can we ensure that there are no living sharks left?

In terms of this requirement, for Ming, protection is protection, no big deal. Besides, he now has unimaginable power, and this power is more powerful than the Dark Lord in the abyss.

Now Ming has a feeling that he can sweep the entire abyss.

After all, in Ming's view, the end of the abyss is the passage to another world that the group of strong men are looking for, the layer of time. It is very likely that the final passage is the existence of this cosmic world and the divine system.

And now that he is in the divine system and has obtained the power you imagined, does he still have such confidence to go back and sweep away?

Therefore, when he had the power, Ming directly agreed to the ancestor of the sharks.

No problem, the Zerg will protect the lives of the Shark clan.

Then there is the second question.

The second question is about the recovery of the earth.

The ancestor of the sharks, the earth was banned by a mysterious force, which caused it to shrink infinitely, and it only looks like this now.

Moreover, the powerful people in the real earth in the past were unimaginable. For example, the ancestor of the sharks in the image in front of him was only one of the powerful figures among them.

But now, the old man is asking the underworld to find that mysterious power.

Of course, the ancestor of the sharks had already discovered that mysterious power, so he started a battle with a big shot in this universe.

As for what kind of mysterious power it is, Ming still needs to explore it himself, but it shouldn't be very far away.

After all, the ancestor of the sharks had already explored it, but when he entered into in-depth investigation, he was strongly blocked by this cosmic world, and he was frightened, but in the end he failed.

Okay, I can agree to both of these points, senior! So, Ming replied directly.

Very good, I will be content with my last remaining breath. The ancestor of the sharks seemed to have been released.

And at this moment, the family ancestor disappeared directly and ceased to exist.

Master, this...this is your chance!

Garro was not only shocked, but also extremely excited. This was the ancestor of the sharks, a real strong man, and a creature even more powerful than him. He had invaded their universe and had entered into contact with the gods. The strongest among them fought and were not killed, but were seriously injured beyond recovery and still exist to this day.

As for why? After being injured, he did not leave this world, maybe because he was unwilling to do so.

And now we can understand why the dimensional portal exists. It was probably opened by the ancestor of the sharks. After all, he was powerful enough to do such a thing.

Of course, this is indeed an incredible opportunity. Now I need the legend of my family's ancestors in this world. How much can you tell me? Ming asked directly. Of course, this was also to find that mysterious power. Indispensable, an important clue!

Yes, Master! Garro said immediately.

Then that's about it.

The ancestor of the sharks suddenly entered this cosmic world three thousand years ago, and within a few years he had a very high status in this cosmic world, because the ancestor of the sharks was really very powerful.

Then ten years later, suddenly one day, the ancestor of the sharks led his entire clan to challenge the strongest person in this universe. This may be because he discovered that mysterious power and decided to defeat that person. The strong ones then fought for control of that mysterious force, and then unexpectedly failed in the end.

Of course, the reason why the ancestor of the sharks failed was that too many strong men in this universe joined the battle, even Garo joined it. It is conceivable how the ancestor of the sharks could defeat Of? Not being beaten to death is considered the true strength of the ancestor of the sharks.

Okay, then do you know who is the strongest person in this universe? Ming asked directly.

Master, the strongest one is Tuo. He almost controls this universe. He is a very powerful existence. Of course, he is a strong man who does not want to compete with the ancestor of the sharks. But after three thousand years, Tuo must be getting stronger and stronger. Garro spoke.

Tuo? Haha, do you really mean to open up? Do you know that this guy banned my hometown!! Ming is a little angry now. If the earth hadn't been changed, it is estimated that their earth civilization would have been invincible, and there are still so many Many strong men have disappeared. This is the disaster brought about by this extension.

Hmph! Then I remember who was the person who was imprisoned in this sinful realm as a reward last time? He is very powerful? Do you want me to kill him and avenge you? Ming asked directly. Now his power can be said to be It can already compete with the strongest in this universe.

Master, that guy is Al, one of Tuo's subordinates. He is a relatively powerful being. Of course, that guy's strength is not comparable to that of me when I was at full strength! Garro said.

Very good, shall we rescue all the people in this sinful realm? And then become my strength? Ming asked, after all, his bugs still need to be in this sinful realm. You need to evolve well before you can put it to use, otherwise you won't be able to take advantage of everything in this universe.

After all, on a certain planet, red crystals are devoured very slowly, and the insects do not have much divine power condensed in their bodies!

Master, I think the problem you mentioned can really be solved. If you can take them away from this sinful world, I think they are very powerful and can really become an important force in invading this universe. Power, and Master, your current bugs seem to be very fragile, of course in this world, so Master can give it a try.

Try it? Then really try it! So Ming carried out this matter happily and decisively.

As for the shark beads that the yellow sea is looking for, screw your balls, it’s completely unimportant, okay?

Of course, as for finding the remaining sharks, Ming Yiyi insisted that as long as he agreed to others, there would be no problem and he could just do it.

Therefore, when leaving, Ming still let tens of billions of water bugs continue to search for the sharks in this Mercury, so that no matter where Ming is, these bugs can provide everything in this Mercury world. If the remaining ones are found, Shark, he will take measures as soon as possible to protect these poor guys. After all, he must be very tired after leading them in the Sin Realm for so many years.

And what's even more pitiful is that their ancestor of the sharks didn't give his power to his own race, but passed it on to the visitors from the earth. It seems that this is also a hope, but it has brought endless troubles to the remaining sharks. How pitiful, what a pity do you think it is?

Finally, Ming left with Garo.

en route……

Meditating on Dogaro, Do you know where the people in the Sinful Realm are? I will liberate them!

Jialuo was very happy when he heard this. Why didn't he know? When he went out to play before, he found many people from the Sin Realm and the most Yi old men on a certain planet. They were guarding the Sin Realm. The prisoners, working hard and hard, mined this kind of blood stone that only the strong could mine.

Haha... Master, you have to ask the right question. If you are dissatisfied, Master, tell me, I happen to know where there are people in the Sinful Domain, and there are quite a lot of eager people.

You know? The moment I came out, I found a group of sinners on a planet who were looking at the guards of the Sin Realm. Their hearts must be full of resentment now. If the master goes to save their suffering hearts now , Haha... Maybe if you don't take control of them, they will be willing to work for you, of course, the premise is that you save them! Garro said excitedly, obviously you also have a certain intention.

Because the gang heard a sound before, he knew that it would not be long before the inspectors from the sinful realm came to arrest him, because no one who entered the sinful realm could be free without being restrained. roam freely in the realm of sin.

As for why he couldn't be restrained before, it was because he was taken out of this sinful world by Ming, so it was very simple.

Now if Ming causes trouble, there will definitely be no problem in taking action. Not only will he save the liberated place, he will even save Tagaro again.

Hmph! Lead the way. I want to bring peace to this sinful realm. I will take away as many sinners as there are. Ming is very confident. His power is really powerful. He can at least compete with the strongest in this universe. There should be no problem in saving some powerful sinners in the Sin Realm Sect.

Yes, Master, as long as you keep going forward, you will see them soon.


And on a certain planet, it was the planet where Garro came before.

There are thousands of people from the Sin Realm here, working hard, and they still carry the chains of the Sin Realm in their bodies. Of course, these chains are definitely not chains that suddenly appeared in the void. They are obviously the guards here. For them to wear.

But there are some people who are doing physical labor without bringing them with them.

From this point of view, the sinner with chains should have tried to resist. The guy without chains should be very obedient and have a strong mentality of enduring humiliation and burden.

Of course, there is a certain reason for these guys to resist. After all, they are all super strong people. Now you say that you are suddenly being yelled at by some little people in the pipeline crime domain. How can you endure this?

Hurry up, you old thing, you don't want to live anymore and say no? I'm going to kill you, do you know what strength is?

That's right, a bunch of old guys, they usually sound powerful, but I didn't expect them to be so useless. I asked you to dig up some blood stones, and even staining them with blood is so useless!

There were several guards who couldn't help but get angry when they saw these old guys mining so slowly.

In fact, these blood crystals are an important item of money transactions in this world, and they, the guards, will hand over a certain amount every time, otherwise their lives will be in danger. After all, they are all made by the strong. Order, they weak can only obey.

Mining blood crystals is not easy. It requires a certain amount of basic strength. Otherwise, the sinners in Western Zhejiang would not be mining so hard.

You must know that these sinners can use their power. As long as they do not attack these weak guardians, their power is at least one-third as powerful as saving money. Therefore, it is so difficult to mine blood stones now. You can imagine the cost of mining. Is the process easy?

But this group of guards, they can only stand and talk without backache, madly issuing orders to these sinners, they have no idea about the suffering of this kind of blood crystal mining, and they still fuck them every day, you think this is How do people live?

But fortunately, Ming will come to save them in a moment. So, these guys are thanking him now, and then the group of guard guys are just waiting to be devoured by Ming's bugs. Presumably, the flesh and blood will definitely be better than The ore resources in this world are abundant, right?

Then not long after, Ming directly released a lot of bugs to occupy all aspects, because he needs a better world and controls everything in all four corners. Although his strength is strong enough, he can get all aspects. control, but it is still in the adaptation period, so it is better to use countless bugs as vision first.

Besides, the Void Prison Chain in this universe will only punish sinners in this universe, and he will not be punished for interfering with these bugs.

So what are you afraid of?

In one word, just do it.

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