In this way, Ming, who left, did not actually return to his own sphere of influence.

Although the entire universe is now under his rule, his Zerg base had not yet been built at that time. After all, establishing a Zerg base on every planet would consume a lot of Zerg resources.

For today's huge Zerg race, it is basically just enough to eat, and conversely, hatch something.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to establish those huge Zerg base facilities on each planet. There is a kind of intention but insufficient power, right?

You must know that establishing a base with hundreds of millions of insects may require several months of food and resources, so the Zerg need to find new resources and obtain a certain reservoir. Only then will they find ways to build more bases.

Instead of returning to the base, Zhongming met Xin, one of the leaders of the human race in the interstellar world, and left not long after.

After all, he doesn't have time to take a good look at this universe, because at his height and with his incomparable strength, everything he sees and pursues is completely different.

Just like he was just reborn, what was his height? Isn't he just a little king? But now he is not only the king, but also the master of the Zerg race and the most powerful creature in the universe.

But after becoming the most powerful creature, Ming Ke had a different pursuit. It was as if the door leading to a more powerful creature had been spied on by him, so what he wanted now was to transcend the universe.

But although he now knows that the back of the universe is an endless abyss, and there are even many more powerful creatures than him under the abyss, it is precisely because of this that he wants to increase his strength.

The end of the abyss is said to be a land of time. If you enter the land without time, you can leave this universe, leave this abyss world, and go to a more advanced cosmic plane. This is a place with countless powerful powers. What are the things that the creatures gathered in the abyss are pursuing!

But now Ming is in a more advanced plane world, so Ming is a little ready to make a move. He obviously has an advantage. How about going to take a look first?

Hmm... Ming Ju can go and have a look, and obviously he didn't encounter any danger last time. Obviously the place where he got to the entrance is very safe, at least there are not so many powerful people there!

So Ming came directly to the earth.

Today's earth's resources have naturally been exhausted, but human civilization has entered the interstellar age, and its technological strength is getting stronger and stronger. Therefore, humans have protected their home planet very well and are doing the work of restoring it.

Mina's city and all the buildings disappeared here, and were replaced by countless numbers and animals living inside.

Look, human beings have done a good job in this regard. They want to return the earth to its original state and restore its vitality. After all, the earth has created all possibilities for human development, and it is indispensable.

Ming walked among a forest and looked around and discovered a problem. It seemed that the trees had been cultivated with emphasis. But how powerful is Ming now? Z could naturally see the density problem of everything.

Finally Ming noticed a problem.

Because there is a spiritual energy from the world of cultivating immortals, but where does this spiritual energy come from?

Could it be that the earth has ushered in an era of spiritual revival? Or is it that a powerful force has returned from a more advanced cosmic world?

This planet was once their home planet? So it seems that the earth's spiritual energy has been exhausted, and now it is finally trying to find a way to restore it?

But Ming released enough spiritual power to cover the entire earth. After careful sensing, he found that no powerful person appeared.

And even ordinary humans don't have it. Of course, this is the blockade of the earth by today's humans. No one is allowed to enter the earth to prevent it from affecting the upgrade and recovery of the earth.

So, so what's going on?

Is it underground?

So after thinking of this, Ming began to explore underground.

But in the end there is no answer, so where does the question arise?

Oh, forget it!

So not long after, Ming felt that he didn't explore this issue. Now that the universe has changed, maybe it was the return of some mysterious force that directly affected the earth.

Without paying attention, we came directly to Mount Fuji.

This place was worthy of being a holy mountain, and it was still extremely well preserved. The water around it was also very clear, and it seemed that it was not contaminated by anything. Mingdu couldn't help but go down and take a bath without restraint.

Speaking of which, I haven't had a good bath since I turned into a bug, and this is a famous place for hot springs.

So, let’s prepare for the ritual next, take a good shower and change clothes to enter the new universe.

Wow, it's so comfortable. I didn't expect that I could get back the memories of my previous life. It's so comfortable!

Ming swam around in the water without using any strength to resist the coolness of the water. In short, it gave him a very refreshing feeling.

Not long after this, Ming entered Mount Fuji. The dimensional passage that was sealed by him still existed, and the huge monsters inside naturally never appeared again. From this point of view, It turns out that the monsters that entered the earth may have entered through this Congyuan passage.

But now that Ming has directly unlocked the seal on the reverse-dimensional channel, there shouldn't be any problems.

Just before entering, Ming released the monster. This monster was brought back by him when he entered the divine system. And the strange thing is that this guy was originally very sacred and felt very powerful, but its power was taken away. After that, it turned into a monster, so it was very strange.

Master, why do you call me ichulai? I suddenly feel that sleeping is also a wonderful thing. How come I don't know about this kind of thing?

The monster was released, but this guy still seemed to be in a state of sleepiness.

Okay, Jia Luo, why don't you take a look at this place? If you can get it, don't you miss that place? Ming suddenly said, I understand. As for Jia Luo, it was he who gave this monster a name, and he was there just now. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered that the monster's name was Garo.

Hey, this is, is this the world that leads to the divine system? Suddenly, Garro looked at this dimensional passage. He could feel the aura in this dimensional passage. There was nothing wrong with it. That smell, that power, that he would never forget, nothing. All this will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

Because, in that world, there was his sworn enemy, the guy who turned him into this, and even put him in the realm of sin. You must know that the realm of sin means that you can't return for a lifetime. There is the strongest law in this place, and as long as you resist, you will be attacked by the power of the sinful realm and suffer infinite pain.

Yes, that's right. This is where I want to go for the next two. Why do you want to go?

Ming asked, of course handing him over at this moment, Natural History hopes that he can give him the information he wants, so that he can properly explore the obscene development inside.

If it doesn't work, just come back immediately if you are discovered, and then make sure that the people inside are not chasing them, then you will have to go back to the abyss, and your strength should have been improved a lot by then, right? .

Master, are you talking nonsense? I have enemies inside, but at that time I was very hesitant, that is, I seemed unable to take action in the Sin Domain, although my strength has definitely returned to recovery. Garro answered.

I know this, but I am enough. If you can do it, do it. If you can't, don't do it. Ming said lightly.

Okay, now tell me about the Sin Realm first, Ming asked directly.

Yes Master!

The Sin Realm is where our divine system punishes sinners. After staying in the Sin Realm for a long time, you will become like me. Moreover, people in the Sin Realm cannot do anything, but there are some people who look after the Sin Realm. , you can take action, but their strength should not be as strong as the master, I can guarantee this.

To be honest, I am actually a very powerful figure in the divine system, but I was tricked by someone equally powerful. That's why I ended up like this. Oh, it's really infuriating!

Then after probably stopping some things in the Sin Domain, Ming felt that this was a good opportunity.

By the way, there are abundant resources in the Sin Domain? Ming asked.

What resources does the master need? Garro asked to confirm.

Of course they are the resources my bug needs. Because, the last time I went to hell, I didn't go to the planet, I just stayed in the starry sky.

Oh. This must be true, and those resources are more powerful than your current universe, Master. I think as long as the Master feeds the bugs, the bugs will definitely gain huge strength, and even undergo unimaginable mutations. By then, it doesn't matter what we are attacking the abyss, right? It's all about crushing. Garro said to understand.

Oh, that's good, I think this is exactly what I need, hahahahaha...

Ming couldn't help but smile. In fact, this was what he meant by entering the God System this time. He had to find a way to improve the overall strength of the insects, so he thought of the existence of the God System.

After all, in his opinion, the divine system is a cosmic divine system that is more advanced than the Milky Way universe. The creatures in it are very terrifying existences. Even if he enters this place, he may die in it if he is not careful.

Although he didn't know why this inverted dimensional passage was opened here, but after reflection, it must have been dug by an adult from a certain divine system, and maybe there was a certain reason.

But why it is opened in the Sin Realm? Presumably it is because people in the Sin Realm cannot leave, and ordinary people will not enter the Sin Realm.

Okay, let's go in. You'd better provide me with information, otherwise you know that your life and death are in my hands.

Don't worry, my master. Can't you still see my loyalty over the years? Besides, I don't have the ability to uncover your spiritual imprint on you, right? Garro said.

That's good……

So, next, Ming directly took the monster Garo into the divine system.

The boundless starry sky, a place full of divine power, even though Yaoyao is extremely attractive, is very attractive to any foreign creature.

Ah, Master, look!

Suddenly, Jialuo's strength increased crazily, and Lili was even stronger than him.

It's okay, but it's a pity that you can't fight and you don't use it randomly. Mingdan said

No, Master, although I can't attack living creatures, I can use my power to do other things, such as helping you explore unknown places, helping you dig out resources, and even refining the gods of the Sin Realm. System, provided for the master to absorb, it will definitely make huge progress in the master's strength growth! Garro said very loyally.

Okay, you are in front of Cairo. Let's go to an uninhabited planet first to see if we can absorb the energy that the bugs can devour. Ming said.

Okay, Master!

So, next, Jialuo Fatty was in front and Ming followed behind. Their speed was as fast as two shooting stars, passing by in the blink of an eye.

And during this process, the system that had been silent spoke up, resounding in Ming's mind.

Master, the scope of your activities now exceeds the system's information exploration and is unknown. It is a very confidential place.

Master, please ensure your own safety.

After listening to the sound that the system could keep recalling in his mind, Ming felt more and more that the system in his body, called patch, was created by a big shot like this god.

Moreover, it is a creature similar to the Zerg.

And now his entry may have been known to some guy in the dark, and he just wants to be far away, or that guy has been controlling him, or maybe he has not grown up enough to meet him, so he will not come out. ?

Ming actually didn't want to know about this, but Ming felt that it was necessary to find a way to analyze or dispose of the system.

But what to do? Now he is still quite powerful, as powerful as the Dark Lord Slowly.

In short, after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of any good solution, but Ming felt that there was always a way, there must be a way.

...and not long after, they arrived on a planet.

There are diamond-shaped crystals on this planet. I wonder if these resources can prevent the insects from decomposing and devouring them. In short, in his opinion, they are very hard.

But you have to try everything to find out.

So Mingzhi took out the bugs from two worlds, and there were ten billion bugs in each world.

Go ahead and work hard to devour these high-level resources and get huge changes as soon as possible.

The bugs will continue to evolve according to the dominance of Germany, so they are working hard to swallow these diamond-shaped crystals, but their swallowing speed is very slow.


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