Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 20 Instantly kill the enemy’s Zergling Lord

Ten days later.

This forest fire lasted for fifteen days, and Ruyue Ming's will was suddenly completely extinguished.

At this time, the area of ​​about three hundred miles around the Hades Base had been reduced to a piece of scorched earth, bare and devoid of any vegetation, completely turning into a dead place.

Then the real storm began to brew crazily, and a large thick dark cloud suddenly enveloped the sky above the primitive forest.


Suddenly, a purple thunder ripped it apart from the middle!

Torrential rain began to fall on the scorched earth.


She seems to be constantly washing away all the dirt on this scorched earth and comforting the numerous scars on this land!

But in the pouring rain...

There were countless ferocious beasts trampling on this muddy land again.

There are countless insects that are constantly attacking here, trying to devour this last piece of pure land.

The dozens of meters long Blood Python King exists like the law of heaven and earth. It leads countless snakes and crushes countless grooves on the muddy land, just like countless wheels running over it. traces left behind.

Their destructive power is very powerful. With their huge bodies and brute strength, they can move in and out of the dense insect swarms, showing off their skills.

Countless bugs were not to be outdone. When facing the powerful beasts, they were fearless and their offensive and crushing formations remained unchanged.

Among them was a group of very powerful bugs, whose whole bodies were like iron armor. They worked together to lift the Wolf King, which was dozens of times heavier than themselves!

The Wolf King was so frightened that he quickly ordered a group of brothers to come and risk their lives to rescue it!

There were also countless sandworms that suddenly emerged from the pulpy soil, constantly sneaking up on the large ferocious beasts and launching fatal attacks.

Their mouths are very sharp, and they burrow into the bodies of the giant apes regardless of death. They even burrow under the legs of mammoths that weigh as much as a thousand pounds, and then begin to tear apart their skin and gnaw crazily. Their bones. .

In the sky, heavy rain poured down.


Countless birds and countless flying insects fought, and the scene was extremely bloody and fierce.

Black crows have a pair of magical pupils, giving them powerful memories!

As long as the enemy's figure appears in their eyes, they will never forget every enemy that has hurt them. They can quickly find them one by one in the insect swarm and peck away the enemy fiercely. s eyes.

Countless insects also have a common leader. After receiving the absolute order, they just rush forward and tear apart the bodies of the crows without fear.

The two sides continue to devour each other's blood and flesh, and continue to move toward each other's death, perhaps until one party finally moves toward complete death.

My fearless bugs, devour all of this mercilessly. Today we must catch that hateful bug, that hateful traitor!

At the rear of the Zerg battlefield, the Springtail leads the sand, its round body standing on the body of the Ground Turtle, constantly giving orders.

It is very confident this time, because there are more than 100,000 insects behind it, ready to attack again. seems that the beasts you control are nothing more than this! It has been several hours now, and only hundreds of thousands of insects have not been able to repel them!

Ming was at the back of the beast camp with the fox, the king of beasts, and he was directly mocking this self-righteous fox!

Hmph! This rain came so suddenly, and my divine power was weakened because of it, and I was unable to fully inspire the primitive beasts of the ferocious beasts!

The fox was very depressed now, feeling like he had been slapped in the face by the bug in front of him. But she really didn't expect that these ferocious beasts would be so weak after the divine power that controlled them weakened.

Well, what if...

If they are all monsters, what can there be about hundreds of thousands of insects? He was instantly wiped out by the monster attack!

what if?

It's nothing. The beasts here will not withdraw from the battlefield. If you want to end this war between insects and beasts as soon as possible, you can solve it yourself!

After the fox finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared with magical steps. She didn't believe that the bug in front of her was not capable enough to solve it!

That's how it is... I will make sure you never come back this time!

Ming did not stop the fox, but looked directly at the Quicksand Lord behind the bug. As long as this lord-level bug was eliminated, hundreds of thousands of bugs would immediately cause chaos.

Go and conduct the last death drop, target the lord of the enemy insects.

Ming looked at the artillery bug units behind it. Now that they have fired another round of bombardment, the number of energy cannonballs will be fired completely, and they will die.

After all, they were hatched failures and could only end by firing two energy cannonballs.

As you command!

The cannon bugs are fearless and obey absolute orders, flying into the sky one after another and approaching the target.

All the bugs in the fire ant special unit will be followed by me to cover them and successfully drop the artillery shells. Then they will be parachuted down to engage in a death-like killing spree with the enemy bugs!

As you command!

Nearly five thousand ferocious fire ant special insect soldiers began to fly into the sky in dense numbers, quickly following up with the artillery insect soldiers.

They first need to cover the cannon bugs in the air to better release the cannonballs. After all, when the cannon bugs launch energy cannons, they cannot be attacked by any bugs within three seconds, otherwise it may cause self-destruction or directly interrupt the energy cannon launch.

Fifty thousand ordinary insect soldiers obeyed the order, quickly went to the center of the chaotic battlefield, picked up your sharp blades and slashed at the heads of the enemy insects.


Ming's powerful will directly controls these ordinary bugs and imposes on them the consciousness of killing enemies!

Soon, Ming's insects rushed towards the front line, and he also started his preparations.

After the Titan insect body was completely transformed by him, when the power of the rain and the underworld flames collided with each other, two huge puffs of smoke came out of the wings of the underworld flames!

Ming didn't pay attention, he understood why, it was just a normal physical phenomenon.

At this moment, he was just waiting patiently for the bombardment of thousands of cannon bugs on the front line. He would shake the wings of dark flames on his back and turn into a black wind blast towards the back of the bugs - killing them under control. The zergling lord of countless bug operations.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Soon, bombings suddenly sounded from behind the enemy insects.

At this time, Ming Ming's dark pupils were looking at the sky a thousand meters away, where was the shadow of the insect that crashed after its cannon insect fired the shell.


The next moment, the underworld moved, and the Titan's full transformation instantly increased his flying speed by about ten times. A gentle shake of the smoking underworld wings caused a harsh sonic boom.

He turned into a smoke bomb and shot rapidly a thousand meters away, unstoppable!

Damn, damn, it's this terrifying explosive power again!

The Zergling Lord did not realize that the most terrible danger was about to come, and it was still roaring angrily.

Kill them for me, my lord, and destroy this place directly. I, my lord, must redeploy millions of troops to completely destroy this place. I must catch that traitor!

Under its command, the insects that did not die under the gunfire climbed up with difficulty, gathered together again, and killed the airborne fire ant special forces.

At this time, there was a group of black bugs that seemed to be commanded by another high-level bug, and returned directly from the front line and rushed into the rear of their own camp.

But these black bugs did not carry out any killings. Instead, they quickly searched for the corpse of the cannon bug that fell from high altitude. After finding it, they quickly disappeared into the entire battlefield with the corpse of the cannon bug!

Ming doesn't know all this yet, he won't come until the next moment!


The next moment, Lord Quicksand took off and jumped more than ten meters into the air.


At this time, a huge smoke storm swept it directly into the sky.

At this moment, the enemy's countless insects, whether flying in the sky or crawling on the ground, seemed to have lost their thoughts and goals in this moment.

At this moment, their battle on the battlefield was in chaos. They began to run away randomly and without direction, and were completely defeated.


When Ming Zai descended in the sky, the corpse of Lord Zergling hung on his sharp blade.

ps: Please you! I am very grateful to my book friends who have been silently supporting me!

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