Hades came to the Well of Eternity in Azeroth.

Speaking of the formation of the Well of Eternity until now, Ming can recall it based on the memory in his mind.


The Creator Titans left the Well of Eternity behind when they left the world of Azeroth.

This spring is called Azeroth's Gift.

It is the source of all magic, endless, nourishing the land of Azeroth.

The red dragon Alexstrasza, who dominates life, once dropped a seed in this spring. This seed has lush branches and leaves, covering the sky.

This is Nordrassil, which means Crown of the Sky in Elvish.

Nordrassil can be said to be the source of power for the elves. This is why Underworld brought gifts back to the elves living outside the world of Azeroth, such as Masatia and Alice.

Because they need such power! Only then can we continue to survive in the universe.

They have been able to survive until now because when they left, they took away some of the energy in the Eternal Well of Life.

Nowadays, these energy waters are actually in the castle world of the Elf Queen, and Ming was once taken in by the Queen to see it.

However, Ming can feel the thinness of that power, and there is not much left to think about.

Now that the Elf Queen has combined with him and even conceived life for him, she needs the power of the Well of Eternity to give birth to her and the life in her belly.

The time dragon Nozdormu cast magic on this big tree again.

As long as the tree does not fall, the elves in the world of Azeroth can live forever.

Now you know why elves can live for tens of thousands of years.

Relatively speaking, although humans only have a lifespan of a mere hundred years, the scenery and monuments they have created are no less than any other race in World of Warcraft.

Silently proud of humanity.

Ysera, the Dragon of Dreams, also added magic to Nordrassil, the World Tree. It established a mysterious connection between the World Tree and the Kingdom of Dreams - this place is called the Emerald Dream. .

Thinking of the Emerald Dream, Ming felt that the guy who escaped had probably returned to his lair. , you can completely find the existence of the Emerald Dream through the Well of Eternity in front of you later.

For thousands of years, druids have slept deeply in this place, allowing them to wander freely in their dreams and explore the true meaning of life. It is said that the plans for the Titans to create the world of Azeroth are there.

Azshara is the noble queen of the elves (we can still find that area east of Ashenvale to this day, but the elf queen Azshara has been killed by him in the abyss. After this guy entered the abyss, He joined the fish elves who took refuge in his own clan, which is a very sad existence).

She built a palace near the Well of Eternity, where she studied the Well with her servants, the narrow-minded Highborne known as the Quel'dorei.

However, the rampant use of magic and the desire for infinite power were eventually noticed by the evil Titan at the edge of the distant universe, so Sargeras used some irresistible power to seduce Azshara and let her work for Azeroth. His own Burning Legion opens the portal.

Malfurion Stormrage was one of the first druids to notice this chaotic force.

So he led a group of awakened elves to fight against Azshara (including his brother Illidan).

At this point, many people may ask why Tyrande chose Malfurion instead of Illidan, because his brother has the most attractive thing about women in a man, a sense of responsibility to his family and his own race.

Although Azshara used powerful magic to kill most of the elves who resisted her immortal rule, this chaotic force eventually destroyed the portal and took her along with the highborne elves who followed her to death. Buried into the endless sea.

For thousands of years, Queen Azshara, who slept in the deep sea, did not give up her revenge. They were corroded by the sea water and eventually underwent huge changes in form. Later, they called themselves Naga.

Then, Ming Fei went to the middle of the Well of Eternity, because the World Tree was in the middle.

It is said that every leaf on this world tree has an inner world of space, and this life still exists in these worlds.

In fact, in the world of Azeroth, they are not aware of the existence of those dragons.

In this world of leaves, there are some powerful resident beings, they are the powerful druids.

But now Ming wants to control the World Tree at this moment, but he does not need the existence of these druids.

Because Ming wants to leave the existence of these worlds to his own Zerg race.

Then, like those powerful creatures in the fantasy world, he refines the huge world tree at this moment, and then can control the existence in his hands at any time. In this case.

For Ming, this may be the world in the palm of his hand!

An existence like the Queen of Blades can directly carry the power of the entire insect race with her, dress to impress at any time, and activate the insect sea at any time.

Ming, it feels crazy to imagine, because in this way, he may be able to take his Zerg to destroy any civilization.

After all, the sudden arrival of the entire Zerg race, how terrifying would that kind of terror and destruction be?

But now Ming has a question, how can we drive out the druids in the World Tree?

If it doesn't work, I can only uproot the world tree!

But how to pull it out? Of course, if you want to pull it out, you must destroy the well of life.

As a result, Ming directly started to engage in devouring mode and carried out crazy absorption!

I don’t know how long it took for this absorption, because the Well of Eternity is so big!

But one day, countless beings living in the World Tree sensed the energy changes of the World Tree, because the energy consumed and provided by the World Tree at every moment was unimaginable.

But why has this suddenly changed?

They are in the world of World Tree. They don't know what is happening outside, and they don't even know that the world of Azeroth has ushered in the greatest destruction and destruction in history!

As a result, in the world of countless leaves, powerful druids finally appeared. They are geniuses who control the power of nature, different from the magic of elves!

Finally come out? Then don't go in, lest I find it troublesome, I will tell you to get out for you. I will destroy the Well of Eternity infinitely and devour it infinitely.

The druids here have actually fallen into disbelief.

What about the four worlds of Azeroth? Could it be all the fault of this guy in front of me?

And what are those creatures? They shouldn't be products of the world of Azeroth, right?

Oh my God, how come everything was destroyed, even the Well of Eternity?

Ah, we protect this world!

Devil, devil, we will drive you out!

You will regret this!


Ming suddenly laughed. It was really ridiculous. He could even break the Well of Eternity easily?

Are you afraid of these druids?

So Ming directly launched an attack on them.

In the end, no surprise, the entire Druid army was wiped out.

Then Ming began to try to control the powerful World Tree, and even wanted to refine the World Tree.

Ming believes that as long as his spiritual power and will are strong enough to make the World Tree unable to resist, then after this world is imprinted with his spiritual imprint, it will completely become a super product and become his own carrier. A thing in the palm of the hand of the Zerg.

Ming doesn't know how long it took to refine.

All we know is that the underworld link used the spiritual power of hundreds of billions of bugs in the Zerg race, but it was still not enough!

Ming directly used the power of Titan's insect body, and everything was refreshed tenfold.

It's equivalent to what if the insect's spiritual power, coupled with its own spiritual power, resists the will of the world tree.

Therefore, after who knows how long, World Tree finally reacted.

He even started a conversation with Ming.

Why do you want to control me? Do you want to refine with me?

Yes, I want you to fall under my darkness and become my dark thing!

Why do you want to resist? I advise you to obey me, otherwise I will send you into the endless abyss, and you can also fall into darkness in the chaos!

Oh, come on!

However, the World Tree suddenly agreed. Ming didn’t know why.


However, Ming discovered that this guy was actually delaying the attack. After the golden toad shed its shell, he actually produced a World Tree seed on the top of the tree, and the seed actually began to leave this world.

What, what do you mean?

Haha, I have to leave descendants, okay?

Do you still feel that my existence is not enough? Don't be so cruel, okay? I have agreed to go into darkness and depravity!


Then Ming listened to a series of words from World Tree, something, something...

Okay, okay, come on, you'd better stop, I won't chase him, just leave. I'll find him later and give him to my hungry son!


World Tree is probably speechless! But he was not talking, but cooperated very well with Ming, and was directly refined by Ming.

Use your countless worlds to absorb the power of these wells of eternity!

Yes Master!

Then, the World Tree was seen involved in eternity, frantically absorbing a large amount of energy and storing it in the world space of each leaf.

At the same time, there is naturally Ming absorbing it. After all, the system is a bottomless pit, and there is nothing that cannot be swallowed or is full.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took, the Well of Eternity collapsed again, this time the extent of the collapse was even more terrifying than the last time.

Moreover, every corner of Azeroth is actually collapsing, as if the Well of Eternity in the world of Azeroth has always been guarding everything.

Now that the Well of Eternity has collapsed and is about to cease to exist, the world of Azeroth has begun to be destroyed.

That's right, everything in this world was originally born and nurtured by the Well of Eternity. Now that everything has returned to zero, Ming feels that it is normal.

So, under this situation, Ming directly ordered countless bugs, no, all the bugs, to immediately enter the world of World Tree.

At this time, Ming saw two familiar figures, the Dragon of Time and the Dragon of Magic Space.

They also saw Ming for the first time and roared like crazy.

Why do you have to destroy our world? Why do you have to let all this exist?

You deserve to die, the world of Azeroth is gone!

Faced with the roars of these two guys, Ming was ruthless.

I'm sorry, I like it, I want it, but I can't send it?

Besides, it's just that you are too weak and not as strong as me. You don't understand the joy that destruction brings to me!

Would you like to give it a try? With that kind of pleasure, you may be ushered in a new life. Even for this, I will not take away your power!

Yeah, but these two guys are really excited!

Suddenly, the World Tree transmitted consciousness to Hades.

How did you know?

Because I have been here for too long. I know what all living things are thinking, and there are even other existences.

After Ming heard this, maybe it was true!

Sure enough, the next moment, the two dragons asked directly.

This is true. If we want to kill Wu, otherwise, if we don't give in, I want the world to be destroyed!

Yes, come on, what do you think we should do? We'll do it right away!

Haha, it's very simple!

Ming directly took out the Demon Bone Sword and slashed it towards the horizon.

If you go in, it will be an abyss, and the degradation will become stronger and stronger. There will only be endless killing in it. Go, we will meet again!

Following this, the two dragons did not hesitate and rushed directly into the same path that linked the abyss, heading towards darkness and complete depravity.

Ming believed that as long as they were still there, he could collect their power at any time.

Here, Master, two big four-element elves are coming out!

Oh, is it them? It seems they are really sealed by the Titans!

And, Ming remembers.

When the Titans defeated the Old Gods and brought order to the world, imprisoning the elemental lords and their minions in the Twisting Nether became one of the first things they did.

These agents of chaos must be prohibited from moving freely, otherwise the order the Titans seek to create will be disrupted. Therefore, the Titans created a separate plane to imprison their ancient enemies. Over a brief period of time, the Titans imprisoned every elemental they could find within this hastily constructed prison.

The plane created by this Titan is a rather small sphere - about the size of a single world. In the sky above this world, a yellow ball emitting light and heat hovers, acting as the sun of this complete world. Ordinary gravity draws objects toward the interior of the sphere, where the flame domain resides. A layer of rock that is always filled with cavities supports the surface soil and water. Above this, the plane of air envelopes the earth, never reaching the chaotic fire below.

The planet is twisted in strange ways that tend to hinder the creatures of Azeroth. With the adaptation to the binding ability of this planet, it is no longer possible to escape through ordinary movement methods. A creature strives to escape from the simple and cruel cycle of this planet and go to the other side. Therefore, if he crosses the sea in a boat, he will eventually reach the other end of the only continent in the world. The continent itself is slightly larger than Kalimdor, and the width of the sea is nearly the same in all directions.

The four elements that make up this plane are constantly at odds with each other, sometimes violently. Volcanoes tear apart solid coverings and strike as far as the land and sea kingdoms. The air forms unpredictable storms, creating tornadoes and hurricanes that sweep across the planet's surface. Even in the ravages of these disasters, life still exists, just like the life of Azeroth that fills the sky and the earth, and the life that the sages still don't know.

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