Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 18: Fire, fire, boom! !

The dense insects crawled crazily into the deep forest, and the land and trees wherever they passed were mercilessly eaten and destroyed.

They represent the executors of disaster.

But soon all the beasts in the depths suddenly became silent, and no roar or anger could be heard.

What's going on?

It suddenly became quiet, and it felt so scary!

But as a man with human intelligence, Ming immediately realized that danger might be coming. This change was too sudden, and its bugs must have been completely exposed.

Could it be that the giant lizard slipped through the net and made a report? Or...

Sure enough, something happened!

Ming tried to contact the reconnaissance insect queen in front, but there was no response. It seemed that there was really an incredible creature here, and it actually cut off his important reconnaissance insect!

Quickly conceal, armed ambush!

Ming made the correct leadership in this regard. In the blink of an eye, countless bugs began to hide to the left and right, hiding behind giant trees, in dense grass, on tree trunks, in the soil, etc.

This kind of concealment is like a dragnet, ambush from all sides, just waiting for the arrival of the ferocious beasts!

No, the enemy has no chance to actually come.

The bug's sight or perception of hot and cold effects will not allow enemies to get close.

The cannonworms with the power of weapons will immediately spray energy cannonballs from their mouths, and conduct a crazy and terrifying bombardment on the enemies that have not yet fully arrived in front of them!

After Ming Zhun made all arrangements and preparations.

When I started to feel the hot and cold effects in front with my whole body and brain juice, it meant that there was no movement in front.

Because according to the perception of hot and cold effects, there is a dark blue light in the depths of darkness. If an enemy appears, it should be a dark red light.

However, Ming felt that he really hit a ghost today. Was it like this once or twice?

Unexpectedly, the enemy suddenly appeared in his sight with a crisis, and what the hell, today's natural ability to sense cold and heat has completely failed.

Now I can see countless scarlet pupils appearing densely.

They were a group of huge primitive ferocious beasts.

Their sudden arrival was silent, not even dangerous. It was like some kind of great shift in time and space, some kind of in-situ teleportation, or some kind of powerful teleportation!

This is really terrible and dangerous!

Ming thought there must be a very smart beast inside, controlling and directing everything secretly, perhaps the so-called King of Beasts.

But, no matter how smart you are, you, the king of beasts, are not as smart as I am!

Ming didn't think that in this primitive world, there was any creature that was smarter than him, a human being with the wisdom of the 21st century.

Artillery preparations...

So no matter how smart you are, you will still be reduced to rubbish!

What about the huge body?

What about the King of Beasts?

Although his batch of cannonworms were one-time failures and would die after two rounds of shells, the power of each cannonball was as powerful as a grenade, so they were not failures in this regard.

At this moment, Ming Ming gave an order, and densely packed cannonworms crawled out of the darkness, exactly one thousand in number.

What's stupid is this group of ferocious beasts. They don't know what they are about to face, and they are still looking down at the ants at their feet proudly and mightily.

The huge jungle wolf king walked out calmly with vigorous steps and drooling from his big mouth full of fangs. The twenty-meter-long blood python opened its mouth wide, revealing its cold fangs, and even wrapped itself around the giant tree in a blink of an eye, despising the ants in front of it.

There are also tigers, lions, jackals... They give the appearance of kings, as if they are saying that even mere ants dare to come in and kill?

There was even a giant Yuan ten meters tall, beating his chest vigorously.

He seems to be saying something... Come on, hit me! Hurt each other! You, a bunch of humble bugs, dare to run rampant in the territory of our ferocious beasts? See if I don’t slap you to death later.

Hmph...go to hell to find your sense of existence!

Ming looked at this group of stupid beasts calmly. They were almost dying, but they dared to look down on their bugs.

Also, who are you killing?

Fire the cannon and blow up that ugly star for me! And those beast kings who think they are extremely arrogant!

As commanded.

The six legs of the thousand cannon bugs began to grip the ground tightly to prevent the recoil force during firing from being too strong.

At the same time, there is a strong and powerful fire ant special soldier parked on top of each cannonworm. They hold the cannonworm's body tightly. As long as Ming gives an order, they can quickly take off and take away the cannonworms. .

At the next moment, a red ball began to bulge in the abdomen of the cannonworms, and it seemed that red energy was pulsating inside. This spherical shape is also the cannon sac used by the cannonworm to produce energy cannonballs. It only takes three seconds to quickly produce an energy cannonball in the cannon sac.

Within three seconds, the ferocious beasts in front of them seemed to feel a little uneasy, but they had no time.

A ball of red energy light appeared in the mouths of thousands of cannon bugs.


A thousand red energy cannonballs were blasted out together, with a range of about seventeen or eighty meters.


A huge deafening explosion exploded.

For a moment, everything within a hundred miles seemed to be silent.

At this moment, all destruction and destruction are going on silently.

The red light of the explosion was like the light of daylight. The ferocious beasts in the energy shells could no longer be seen at all. They might have been annihilated in ashes!

At the ferocious beast gate deeper in the primitive forest, at this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked in this direction...

The loud explosion just now made them appear extremely restless, as if their lives could not help but be under great threat at this moment.

On the outskirts of the primitive forest and over the desert of death, more than 100,000 bugs are also very commotion!

A huge springtail was particularly panicked. It was the Zerg lord in this desert. It had experienced such an explosion firsthand.

Come on, pass on my lord's order and return to the base quickly. Then I will come back with 100,000 insect soldiers to support me, and...

This loud noise frightened the Quicksand Lord. As the Lord of the Zerg, it was smarter than other bugs, so its awareness of danger was naturally much higher.

As for the bugs near the bombing, due to the simultaneous bombing of thousands of artillery shells, there would be a great residual power, so Ming had already given them an order to retreat.

Even the cannon soldiers who were firing energy cannons, at the moment when they fired the cannonballs.

Ming didn't give up on them either!

Instead, they took the risk and let the fire ant special insect soldiers above them lead them out of the area of ​​the impending explosion as soon as possible.

So at this moment, Ming's insect army was already a thousand meters away.

A few minutes later, Mingcai led the insect army and pushed forward.

At the center of the explosion, a radius of 100 meters has been reduced to a huge crater tens of meters deep, and smoke is still rising.

The surrounding trees and everything with a radius of more than 500 meters were shattered by the aftermath of the explosion and completely reduced to ruins.

What a powerful insect!

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Ming's mind.


Ming was immediately horrified and said something in response. Unexpectedly, a voice sounded directly in his head.

Human? It seems that you...are really not simple!

This voice sounded in Ming's mind again.

But now, Ming has calmed down a lot, thinking about who the other party is? He can actually understand the language of the Zerg race.

ps: Please vote...please vote...I feel like I can still save it and put it on the new book list. Thank you!

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