
Sir, are you sure you don't want to leave? I don't know when the next Chaos Ship will arrive...

But on the black ship of chaos, the old man still smiled and said to Ming, I don’t know what his thoughts were, or what other reasons?

It really doesn't work, please leave first! Ming said lightly.

However, Ming felt more and more that the old guy had bad intentions and was probably a trap. Maybe he would be sold out once he got on the Chaos Ship. After all, there were many creatures on the ship, and he didn't know. We know if they are from the same group. If so, wouldn’t it have been discussed?

However, at this moment, another person came into the dark space. Ming suddenly saw that this was the most powerful Zerg master today, the Queen of Blades!

Don't get on that mixed shield ship!

This Queen of Blades is extremely graceful, and Ming can feel the aura of a king and the aura of terror from her body. She is worthy of being one of the true overlords of the universe.


Ming didn't have time to ask other questions, such as why are you here?

Because to activate the Chaos Ship, a powerful creature is required as a sacrifice before it can sail to the abyss of hell below. The Queen of Blades said very seriously, as if she had experienced similar things before.


After Ming Yi heard this, he felt angry inside. It turned out that the old immortal who kept smiling all the time wanted to turn him into a sacrifice to activate the ship of chaos?

And the creatures on the Chaos Ship saw another powerful creature coming, and they suddenly looked at the old man on the ship.

At this time, the old man had a nervous look on his face. After all, after such an incident, he might directly become a sacrifice for the ship of chaos to be opened.

At this time, the Queen of Blades approached the Chaos Ship without fear. Her grace was simply powerful. She didn't know when she would be able to reach that level. Obviously, she was still unable to compare with the Queen of Blades.

Give you a choice. Kill the old man on the Chaos Ship as a sacrifice for us to enter hell this time. Otherwise, I will let you all die here to sacrifice this Chaos Ship together.

What? Ming couldn't believe her ears. What did the magnificent Queen of Blades say? He actually threatened to threaten all the creatures on the ship? You must know that each of those creatures is not weaker than him. If he arouses the anger of all the creatures, even if he joins forces with the Queen of Blades, he probably won't be able to kill them.

Why is the Queen of Blades so powerful? What kind of support do you have in your hands?

In short, Ming was a little confused, but looking at the behavior of all the creatures on the ship, he knew that this matter was not over yet.

Your Excellency, what virtues and abilities are you? Why are you threatening us? The creatures on the Chaos Ship were not angry. It seemed that at their level, they were no more than a threat.

Presumptuous! However, the old man who let Ming board the ship was immediately furious at the Queen of Blades. If you dare to fight, I will definitely kill you!

The Queen of Blades seemed to be very skilled in ignoring others on a daily basis, and she did not even bother with an angry old man. It seemed that everything showed that the old man was not worthy of being an opponent of the Queen of Blades, and the Queen of Blades did not take him seriously at all.

How can I be so virtuous? Just because I am powerful enough to make you fearful, shouldn't I? The Queen of Blades is proud of all the heroes, and does not flinch or fear at all. She looks very strong.

Yes? What if we still disagree?

The creatures on the Chaos Ship could not be easily frightened by the Queen of Blades, so they were not happy and hesitated to take action.

Don't waver. We can forcibly capture any one of them as a sacrifice to open the Chaos Ship. The old man was really a little panicked. After all, he had only just come into contact with these creatures on the ship. Who knows if it will happen? A sudden attack on him? Of course, the reason for all this is because of the request of the Queen of Blades?

It seems you are unwilling? The Queen of Blades raised her hands, and saw a world in her hands.


At this time, all the creatures on the black chaos ship became nervous, as if they had seen something unimaginable.

No way, this Queen of Blades is already so powerful? However, Ming's heart was depressed. Why can the Queen of Blades control her Zerg at any time? Obviously, there are hundreds of millions or tens of billions of troops in the world in the hands of the Queen of Blades.

What now? Are you going to kill an old man as a sacrifice for the launch of the Chaos Ship, or are you going to attack me or him? The Queen of Blades said calmly, If you don't want to, we will fight, who will go first? Death will naturally become a sacrifice to the Chaos Ship.

After the Queen of Blades finished speaking forcefully, the terrifying creatures on the black Chaos Ship suddenly looked at the old man beside them.

Friend, I think you are more suitable to make a sacrifice, what do you think?

Some creatures on the ship began to say this.

Hmph! There's no way to kill me! The old man snorted coldly. He couldn't go to hell, so why not take a hammer boat and just escape? At worst, we'll have to wait for the next Chaos Ship.

Jiejie, that old guy actually escaped? Among the creatures, there was a strong bird-like man who gave out a bloodthirsty smile, But please don't do anything, I will capture him.

The next moment, the bird disappeared directly on the ship and appeared somewhere unknown.

Hmm? Strong murderous intention?

But Ming suddenly felt a chill in the void behind him, and an extremely powerful killing intent froze throughout his body.

At this moment Ming knew that the old guy must be coming to attack him.

Hmph! You're looking for death. Do you think I'm someone who's easy to bully?

Ming didn't want to say anything anymore, and went straight to full combat power. The heart of the insect nest in his body had not been used for so long, and he had already accumulated a lot of power of the insect faith.

Suddenly, the entire dark space was filled with golden light. The dazzling light directly made all the creatures present feel uncomfortable, because this light was so sacred that it seemed to be invulnerable to all powers, even the power of the abyss. It's like being restrained.

But this is not the point, but a thousand-mile tall fighting spirit body appears in front of them.

At this moment, Ming's fighting spirit body was activated directly, and his defense was already very strong. How could the old man break through the defense so easily?

The next second, the old man appeared and punched Ming's fighting spirit body without shaking Ming at all.

It's my turn to take action? At this time, the soul body's hands were already slapping towards the old man.


After all, the old man was a step too slow and was directly hit by the giant hand of Ming's soul body, and the giant hand of the soul body grabbed the old man tightly.

Damn it, let me go! The old man resisted vigorously, but still couldn't break Ming's fighting spirit body. He only felt that death was approaching him, and he was extremely anxious and fearful in his heart.

You really want to die, how can I let you go! Ming said calmly in his soul body. As long as his fighting soul cannot be broken, the enemy will not be able to attack or harm him, and even if the soul body is destroyed , he will immediately condense the body of the fighting soul again. After all, the power of Zerg faith in the heart of the hive is very abundant.

And this is the kind of strong bird who followed the old man's previous disappearance and appeared in front of the body of the underworld war soul. Seeing such a powerful body of war soul, he also felt a little weird. He originally thought that This man is not very powerful, but he didn't expect to have such powerful means. What's even more incredible is that he was able to subdue the old man with one blow.

Fuck, it's so fucking scary. Are young people these days so low-key? The bird expert said something, then turned around and flew into the Chaos Ship. Unexpectedly, the old man had already been subdued, so there was no possibility for him to take action. .

Well, that's right, that's right, young people nowadays are really too low-key! A group of strong men on the Chaos ship were all talking about each other. I don't know if they are really modest or fake.

Leave him to me! The Queen of Blades came directly to Ming and looked at Ming seriously.


Ming did not refuse. After all, the Queen of Blades is also from the Zerg race. There is no need for the relationship to suddenly deteriorate in front of so many strong men from other races, right?

You come on board too!

The Queen of Blades took the old man, killed him, and threw him directly into the Chaos Ship. The old man's blood remained on the black ship plank and disappeared quickly, and the old man's entire body was disappearing, as if it was constantly being struck by something. The absorption is average.

After a while, after receiving the sacrifice, the Chaos Ship suddenly started up and shuttled through the endless darkness. There seemed to be countless dangerous places in the darkness, but due to the protection of the Chaos Ship, the journey was surprisingly safe. .

Ming Ming stood quietly somewhere in the Chaos Ship, without saying a word to other creatures, because everyone was silent and silent. I guess the strong ones are so aloof.

Do you know why I appear here? But not long after, the Queen of Blades walked over to Xiang Ming, looked at Ming and said calmly.

Looking at the Queen of Blades in front of her, Ming felt that she was asking this question as if she was here specifically because of him?

Oh...this, I don't know, could it be a coincidence?

After thinking for a while, he said, after all, he had heard his subordinates, the Tyranids, say before that they were often ordered by the Queen of Blades to go to the abyss to conquer, and they also said that it was to have something belonging to them in the abyss. The status of this clan of beings.

How could it be a coincidence? I have been paying attention to your movements. I came here to cooperate with you.

The Queen of Blades said lightly. Of course, the conversation between her and Ming was conducted using the spiritual power of the Zerg. No matter how strong the men on the ship were, they could not figure out what important things they were talking about. .

Always? But I don't know. What do you need to cooperate with me? You have the world in your palm, and your Zerg can be mobilized at any time. What else do you need me to do?

Indeed, we have been paying attention to your movements. I don't need to tell you the details. After all, our Zerg race has a huge number and masters a lot of biotechnology. Not all of us can easily pay special attention to someone we want to pay attention to. Can you do it? The Queen of Blades smiled and said, As for cooperation, this is not because you have the ability I need.

What ability? Ming was a little nervous. Could it be that the other party knew that he was a creature with a bug? That is, there is this system in the body.

Haha, it seems that you are a little nervous, but you can rest assured. I just want to cooperate with you now, and I have no intention of taking it away from you. The Queen of Blades still has a bit of feminine charm, talking and laughing, and also It's really full of attraction.

Then why don't I know what abilities I have that you need? Do you want to mate with me? To cultivate the strongest offspring? Ming boldly expressed what he thought was the most likely idea. After all, some things are really uncertain. .

Oh...getting this is not what you expected. The Queen of Blades was not angry, nor did she show any embarrassment.

Let's put it this way, the universe seems to have two sides, the front is our interstellar sky, the vast and endless existence, but in the endless time, countless races have reproduced in the interstellar plane of the universe, and the resources will one day will be exhausted, and the place we are in now is the opposite side of the universe, where there are also endless space worlds and endless resources, and many creatures are unable to obtain these resources, nor are they able to find them.

The Queen of Blades explained a lot, leaving Ming really a bit unresponsive.

Wait a minute, you said so much, what abilities do you want to explain about me? Ming interrupted directly and asked the Queen of Blades. Although it was a bit rude, Ming didn't think too much.

Where's your sword?

What sword?

The sword that controls darkness and communicates with darkness! Queen of Blades asked directly, Can that sword communicate with the abyss?

There is a sword, but I have never verified whether it can communicate with the abyss. As he spoke, Ming took out the Demon Bone Sword directly from his body.

Huh? At this moment, all the creatures on the boat looked towards Ming. Of course, they didn't know what secret was hidden in the Demon Bone Sword in Ming's hand. They just thought what did this kid want to do when he suddenly took out the weapon? Do you want to fight?

Oh, misunderstanding, I just took it out for a look! Ming took it out for a few seconds and then put it back into his body.

It's this sword. The aura of the abyss is hidden in this sword. I've seen the sword marks you made in many places, and I've found that the sword marks are spreading. There is a strong aura of the abyss in the darkness, and some even directly We have communicated with some edges of the abyss. Queen of Blades said seriously, If you cooperate with me, we can join forces to attack a certain level of the abyss and conquer an abyss level that belongs to the civilizations of our two races. How about it?

No problem! She agreed without even thinking about it. It seems that the Queen of Blades' cooperation can at least ensure her safety in the abyss. After all, the Queen of Blades' army can come to the world in her palm to rescue disasters at any time. In the abyss, a war of aggression was launched.

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