Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 149 Abyss Portal

Cenarius was eaten, for God's sake!

The night elves, who were already extremely frightened, could not look directly at the terrifying scene. Seeing the powerful demigod Cenarius being swallowed by the even more powerful creature, the night elves turned from fear to confusion, and it seemed difficult to accept that they too They will be swallowed up bit by bit by these powerful creatures, and begin to turn completely dark, evolving towards dark elves and demons.

Demons are terrifying creatures that only exist in the dark abyss. They are evil in nature, cruel, confused in thinking, and chaotic in power. Sometimes they even find it fun and will kill themselves, let alone their companions who will become their companions. .

In fact, to put it bluntly, the devil is like a guy suffering from depression. Other creatures are completely unable to predict what they are thinking in their hearts!

Therefore, the Titans in the heavy firepower force saw countless night elves suddenly laughing at this moment. This kind of smile seemed to have been seen somewhere before.

By the way, it's an abyss.

Soon, the Tyranids in the heavy firepower unit remembered these familiar scenes. This was not the distortion, blood evil, and chaos they encountered when they followed several lords to the bottomless abyss. guys? !

The lords once said that these guys are a group of interesting guys. Of course, what is even more interesting is that there should be the territory of their queen family in the abyss. So they still remember these clearly.

And then, the Tyranids saw that the powerful night elf was in the process of turning black, which was extremely terrifying and seemed to threaten their existence, because the wand in that guy's hand was also turning dark, and it was also turning dark. Accompanied by the release of a chaotic force that can distort the surrounding space.

Just like this, this chaotic scene and power made these Tyranids think, how could this guy look like the evil guys like Drows in the abyss?

So Tyron immediately reported the matter to Tyron Lord Evil who was devouring flesh and blood, and had to disturb Lord Evil's eating process, because after all, he had encountered similar terrifying and powerful demons in the abyss. The elves who call themselves Drows are also known as the fallen elves of the abyss, demons or demon elves.

But in short, if it is this group of guys, it is a very dangerous existence, because the last conquest of the abyss was when they encountered the elf calling themselves Drows, and had to withdraw from the abyss, enter a deep sleep, and accumulate more powerful strength. , preparing for another mission to conquer the abyss.

Lord, some of the creatures trapped by hunting seem to be evolving into demons in the bottomless abyss, especially the existence of Drows elves...

Hmph! Those guys are really interesting creatures, but this is not a bottomless abyss. They can't become a climate. You can attack them and even devour their flesh and blood!

And Tyran Lord Evil expressed his disdain for the elves who evolved into the demon Drows in the abyss?

Because this is an interstellar place, not a bottomless, dark, chaotic abyss, and it is impossible for those terrifying abyssal creatures to get out of the chaotic abyss.

As a result, the Tyranid bug that came to report retreated, and began to ask its companions to no longer hunt and surround this group of delicious food, but began to pounce on this group of delicious food crazily, tearing up this group of delicious food.

Hey, hey~~what are you doing?

However, suddenly a large force from behind caught up.

Evil, you're actually devouring it yourself? Why didn't you wait for us to share it together? If I had known, I wouldn't have given you a chance! Tyran Lord Mie Te said unhappily, It's a violation of yours to be so delicious. The food is something we discovered together, isn’t it?”

Don't say I didn't leave it for you. There is another delicious food like this. Although it is a little smaller, it is a bit more delicious than the one I am eating. I believe you can all feel it. Right? Tyran Lord Evil said, If you don't go, I can't guarantee that guy will self-destruct.


So Tyron Lord Mie and Tyron Lord Shang looked over.

That's, that's Drows in the abyss? At first glance, Mie couldn't believe his vision. He could actually meet him in the stars, and he could only meet him in the bottomless abyss. powerful demons?

No, that's just an ordinary fallen elf. It seems that it's itself and its power are a little chaotic, but the danger factor of that guy is too low. We can continue without paying attention to her, right? Tai Lun Mie While eating the flesh and blood of Cenarius, he said to Lord Tyranne.

That's right, it is indeed not the real Drows. After all, those abyssal guys gave us a very dangerous feeling and once prevented us from entering a deeper abyss!

Huh, but this guy is really annoying to me. I'm going to end her last life right now. Tyran Lord Shang had a bit of a temper. Seeing that guy really made it angry because it had been in the abyss. I have suffered devastating damage from the Drows!

You'd better save some legs for me, otherwise I'll fight you forever! Tai Lun Mie saw the already violent Tai Lun Shang and rushed towards the Drows-like creature without hesitation. I'm a little worried that Shang, that guy, is too involved and will swallow up his delicious food!

And soon, the powerful Shang came in front of the Queen of the Night. As the Tyranids' heavy firepower force, the Tyranid bugs could be said to be covered in horrific destructive energy damage all over their bodies.

But the Queen of the Night, who had completely turned dark, looked at Tyrann Shang in front of her evilly, and directly raised the black scepter in her hand. The scepter was originally green, but it had turned into a black scepter at this moment.

Huh? This is it?

But just under this move, the powerful Tyran Lord Shang felt a more familiar aura from it. It was startled and said: The aura of the abyss?

Tyron Lord Shang felt a little weird. Why did he feel the breath of the bottomless abyss from this scepter? That abyss of darkness, abyss of chaos?

So in order to continue to verify this familiar smell, Tyran Lord Shang did not rush to grab the scepter and tear it in half, nor did he rush to tear the arrogant creature in front of him, and dared to attack it The powerful Tyrannosaurus, with an evil smile?

So next, the powerful Tyran Lord Shang saw a terrifying power suddenly appear in the scepter, of course accompanied by a more familiar and stronger abyss aura.

This force was twisting the void, but the powerful Tyrann Shang was not afraid. It did not retreat, but fell directly into this twisted force.

What the hell is that guy doing?

The Tyran lords Mie and Evil on the other side were also attracted by the power of the Queen of Night, and they also felt the breath of the abyss and the power of chaos from it! So when I looked over, I saw Lord Tyran Shang desperately trapped in that huge range of twisted power!

But they didn't help, they just didn't understand why Shang didn't hurry up and destroy the creature?

As for Tyran Lord Shang, after falling into this twisted energy, he finally saw the source clearly. It turned out to be a black sphere, and the aura of abyss and chaos came from it!


After figuring it out, Tyran Lord Shang exploded with energy and stormed out directly from the twisted energy range.

Hmph! What an interesting creature! After Tai Lun Shang came out, he saw a black sphere appearing directly in the twisted energy range. Just above the sphere, there was a black hole with endless The dark power is released from it, seemingly endless.

This dark power, in the eyes of the Tyrans, is the breath of the abyss, the power of chaos, because they have been in the bottomless abyss of darkness!

The Queen of the Night, who has completely turned dark, does not know that the dark power she releases is such a familiar and exciting source of power for the Tyranids.

She only knows that this is the power of darkness collected in her chaotic prison world, and that this power comes from the power of darkness summoned by a master who calls himself the Hades. She just uses this power at this moment. It's just being released from the world of Chaos Prison. It's not actually her power as the Queen of the Night.

Soon, the power of darkness in a world continued to erode the empty space hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of miles around. Moreover, the space eroded by this darkness would no longer be restored, and seemed to be permanently reduced to Part of the dark abyss.

I see?!

And suddenly, the Queen of the Night, who had completely turned dark, suddenly received a certain call. Finally, she understood that the call came from under the darkness. It seemed that under the darkness in front of her, there was a new world connected to her. , where is the place she yearns for now!

You all wait for me, I will come back and kill you! The Queen of the Night smiled evilly, holding a black scepter in her hand, and walked directly into a place that was eroded by the power of darkness, constantly heading into the darkness. The drop disappears.

Hmph!! Want to leave?

Tyran Lord Shang saw this, how could he allow such delicious food to escape? He directly raised his hands and fired two heavy-fired energy light cannons, targeting the Queen of the Night and directly bombarding her.

But in the end, the Queen of the Night succeeded in disappearing into the darkness. It seemed that she had arrived in a dark world. Because the attack of Tyran Lord Shang was actually absorbed by the power of the Queen of the Night, the Chaos Cage, the Queen of the Night successfully sank into the darkness. under!

Shang, you let go of my delicious food? Tai Lunmie came to Shang, Why didn't you be more direct before? Why did you give her a chance to escape?

I just want to verify that power, haven't you noticed? The darkness in front of you is not an ordinary power of darkness? It comes from the darkness in the abyss, and I suspect that this place eroded by darkness has been linked to The abyss somewhere is connected!

Then you want to say that this land of darkness and erosion, which is thousands of miles away, has been connected with the kingdom of demon elves in Tables deep in the abyss?

Indeed, I felt the intervention of the power of the demon Desel elves on that cunning creature at the last moment and in an instant! Shang said with certainty. After all, they had been with the demon Zhuo in the abyss. The elves of Ersi have fought before, and that power is unmistakable!

Hmph! Damn it! Those guys dared to steal the delicious food that I, Mie, wanted! Lord Tyron Mie was very angry and wanted to rush into the abyss immediately, rush into the depths of the abyss, and destroy Tables' abyssal kingdom!

This matter needs to be reported to the great queen. Just say that a portal to the bottomless abyss has appeared here! Lord Tyran Evil, who had eaten the flesh and blood of the demigod Xanarius, came over and said: Enter the abyss. Without the order of the great queen, we cannot disobey the order and go down privately, this matter is very serious!

Hmph, our Tyranids' great conquest has not stopped. Sooner or later, the great queen will let us enter the abyss to destroy! Mie roared, The great queen said that in the depths of the abyss, there should be an abyss belonging to our Zerg race. The plane does not need to be accepted, but occupied. The great queen becomes the lord of the abyss plane, and we become her invincible subordinates!

Of course, the demons and demons in the abyss and hell are afraid of our invasion and destruction. Under the bottomless abyss, there must be an abyss level of our family! Evil also agreed.

Yeah, the abyss is really a beautiful place. It's a place where I can feel the meaning of our lives. It's so boring in this interstellar place. There are always some hypocritical and timid guys, which can't make me completely passionate. !”

Mie said with the same recollection, I remember that time in the abyss, the group of demons we encountered were really passionate opponents for us to fight. They were as violent and evil as us, but they were more chaotic and more complicated than us. He is also crazy, prone to self-destruction and self-destruction at every turn, and even kills his companions and his own leader without warning.

In the end, the Tyranids devoured all the timid and trembling food nearby, and then began to move towards the coordinates given by the queen.

During this period, Ming's sphere of influence has been continuously shrouded in darkness, but Ming still doesn't know that the darkness he summoned is actually a portal that can connect to the abyss, because the Demon Bone Sword only told him that it can communicate with The endless dark place at the edge of the universe can even mobilize the power of endless darkness at the edge of the universe.

If we say that the dark place at the edge of the universe is the place of the abyss, then all this can be explained, and the two are not contradictory.

But not long after, Ming discovered a strange thing. The dark insects of his Ming Zerg tribe actually went to another world in the darkness. The world there seemed very vast, but it was full of people everywhere. Killing rage and so on.

Where exactly is that place? Ming has been thinking about this question, because he still doesn't know where is a level of the abyss, and in Ming's memory and understanding, the abyss should be endless darkness, how can it exist? Touching heaven and earth?

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