Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 10 It only took two mouthfuls to make the gorilla lose its legs.

Yes, this is definitely the legendary mountain spirit - the original pangolin!

But at the next moment, I meditated and imagined that such a powerful beast should be the pangolin's older brother, the pangolin. Otherwise, how could it be a perfect match for such an excellent genetic species?

Because it is a thing covered in scales like stainless steel, and it is dragging a huge boulder on its back with great strength.

When it looked at the sudden appearance of Hades with calm eyes, it seemed to be saying that this little weight would put no pressure on its old armor.

And you have to know that this huge boulder buried in the soil is just part of the collapse of a stone peak outside. It is at least five meters deep and weighs about ten tons. In addition, there is a layer of soil and rocks piled up to a height of more than 20 meters. Countless locusts, the total weight must be over thirty tons, right?

But this strong and powerful mountain beetle resisted like this!

Good guy, this strength, this defense, and this solid tendon muscle are the genetic species that I have been looking for for thousands of miles!

Ming's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but want to pat his thigh, but he couldn't do it for a while.

correct? Have thighs? No! So fucking excited!

Brother Beishan, you know? You are the genetic species that this king needs!

He didn't care whether the mountain beast understood what he said, but he just said it when he was happy at the moment!

Now the mountain beetle holding the boulder on its back saw Ming's appearance, and its entire body remained motionless, as if expressing itself in a mute language.

Fuck... I won't move if I can't resist you. Do you dare to move?

In fact, the Golin is strange in his heart! Huh? Is this a bug? Are they locusts coming in from outside? Lao A, why do I feel like a legendary ant?

Evolve Titan insect body, all ten gears open!

However, Mingtu suddenly turned his back and took action. As a ruthless insect who never talked much, he would not give his prey any time to relax!

But the Golin was completely indifferent, watching Ming suddenly grow in size, with no reaction in his heart or eyes!

Prey...I'm telling you, the last time there was a group of jungle wolves like you who ignored me, they all entered my belly and reincarnated!

Now Ming couldn't stand this kind of creature that didn't give him face. He was obviously a bloodthirsty predator, so why weren't he afraid of his appearance? After all, I will be the one who dominates this world!

Hmph, would you like to calm down your stupidity with me again?

Ming's heart became more and more impulsive for some reason. Anyway, the blood all over his body was burning and boiling, and he even felt like he couldn't control the wildness of Zerg in his heart!

At this time, Ming's entire body size had increased tenfold, causing the surface layer with a radius of more than 20 meters to directly collapse and break.

Immediately after the collapse, a pair of black flames burst out, covering an area of ​​more than thirty meters in radius. With terrifying high temperatures, the ground immediately seemed to be burning with extremely hot black flames.


The giant locusts that were originally pressing on the Golin seemed to be under great threat at this moment. They scrambled to flap their wings. Some locusts were directly knocked into the black flames by their companions, and burned and turned black on the spot. part of the flame.

However, in the blink of an eye, a group of giant moths poured out from a nearby giant peak, like a large yellow waterfall.

The scene was so spectacular... It can't be described in words. Only when you experience it in person can you feel the majesty and trembling scene.

Each of these giant moths is several meters wide after spreading its yellow wings. They are bugs from another unit of Queen Tianjiang. Their status among the locusts is higher than those giant locusts just now.

The dense group of giant moths arriving now seems to have been ordered by a superior to use their own bodies to extinguish the black flames in front of them. They want to take away the light and heat from this fast land, and then completely uncover the destroyers. !

Moreover, these moths are the most veritable death squads of the locust tribe, and they are also the most unafraid of death and the bravest of all insect races. They are born with a powerful tactic called the moth-to-flame style.

Puff puff!!

Countless giant moths were seen swooping into the black flames and onto Ming's wings.

Burn, burn fiercely!

Whirring whirring!!!

At this moment, the fire became stronger and stronger, and the moths continued to turn into a wisp of fragrance in the air, dispersing between heaven and earth.

However, they are the bravest and most powerful death squads. Even if they know that it is a terrifying flame, they are still not afraid, so they keep pounce...push...push.

Under the soil, Ming could already feel that there were many insects attacking him outside, but he just shook his head and continued what he was supposed to do!

Because these moths and insects attacking him will never know the horror of this flame, and will never understand what the fire of the underworld is? How can it be extinguished like an ordinary flame?

Unless his power is completely exhausted and he withdraws from the blessing of the Titan insect body, otherwise this dark flame will always be an invisible energy, just displayed in the form of feather membrane.

The mountain beetle under the soil has not yet escaped, but has activated absolute defense for itself. It has shrunk into a huge ball, with its head and feet inside the ball, giving people a feeling of being watertight and unable to attack.

Then it depends on whether your shield is stronger or my sword is sharper!

Ming directly raised his ten-fold transformed hands and feet, which were like a ten-meter-long mountain-cutting sword, and slashed hard at the body of the mountain-moving mountain beetle.

“Clang, Clang, Clang!!!……”

There was a sound of metal colliding suddenly. It really could become the leader of the absolute defense world. It was indeed a good thing. After the back gorilla was turned into a ball, it was extremely strong, and bright sparks splashed out on the spot when it was struck.

Hui, it seems that the cold sweat scared me? Ming only felt that if he continued like this, his hands and feet would be broken first.

It seems I can only use my invincible large-nose pliers...

Although the hardness of this mountain beetle requires Ming to grind his teeth a little, he doesn't believe there is anything in this world that he can't solve with his mouth. If there is, then just two bites...

So Ming sharpened his two huge ring-shaped fangs, and sparks suddenly shot out from his mouth. The strength he could feel from it was unimaginable, as if this bite could really break iron and metal.


The next moment, Ming bit hard on the back of the mountain beetle, and the animal whined and screamed. However, it was very tenacious and did not struggle. It still huddled in defense and did not come out to run away.

But what about its confident pride? The scale defense that seemed to be covered with steel had already appeared countless cracks under Ming's mouth. Ming's big mouth was like an indestructible vise.

And at this time, Ming didn't let go, but continued to bite hard, and saw two huge teeth directly piercing the opponent's body.

Suddenly, a thick stream of donated blood spurted out uncontrollably, and even flowed directly into Ming Da's mouth.

The moment Ming tasted the blood, he felt the blood all over his body burning more intensely, and the bloodthirsty wildness in his heart became more urgent, as if he couldn't control his own power and was about to go berserk!

Woo!! Woooo!!!

At this time, the mountain beetle finally screamed in agony. It had lost too much blood and no longer shrank. It began to forcefully open its huge body and suddenly struggled out of Ming's mouth.

Ming was still savoring the delicious blood at this moment, and accidentally let the other party break free easily.

However, Ming quickly chased and stepped on it, biting the mountain beetle hard on its neck.

Kacha... There was another crisp sound, and the opponent's neck was forcibly bitten off. Then the two-meter-high and six-meter-long mountain beetle bounced off its legs and died.

Delicious, so delicious! At this time, a large amount of blood had flowed into Ming's mouth, and he couldn't help but reminisce. At the same time, Ming felt that his whole body was full of power, as if he was awakening.

Suddenly, the wings of Ming Yan that broke through the surface of the earth suddenly surged, and black flames rose into the sky, burning in the void three feet high.

ps: The author has the shamelessness to ask for votes...votes...and at the same time, I would like to thank all the book friends for their support. I have seen them all. Thank you very much!


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