On the way to work, Ding Qiunan sat in the co-pilot and turned to look at her husband who was driving.

"When Yueyue called my mother just now, it felt so strange."

"En." Li Chu nodded, affirming her feeling.

"When she called me in the morning, I also felt very strange, as if suddenly our relationship changed from father and daughter to father-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Ding Qiunan thought about her husband's words carefully, nodded her head and echoed: "Yes, I feel the same way, no, no, I will talk to her when I go back tonight, it is better to call me Qiunan's mother in the future, if you want Otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

I still like the feeling of mother and daughter. Once she changes her words now, I will immediately become a mother-in-law. I don't want to be an evil mother-in-law. "

Li Chu glanced at the daughter-in-law who was thinking about it with a funny face, what kind of messed up thoughts were these.

However, calling Papa Chu back, well, it's not bad after thinking about it.


The colleagues in the unit and the hospital were full of congratulations when they saw the couple.

Li Chu and Ding Qiunan also carried a bag, and the whole hospital went around to give them happy candies.

By the time they returned to their offices, it was already two hours after work.

"Leader, the Liaison Office of the Headquarters just called and said that Charles and his wife from that beautiful country will be here soon."

"Well, you go talk to the medical office and ask them to arrange a single ward in the internal medicine department, and ask them to arrange someone to wait outside. When the person arrives, arrange the hospitalization first, and I will go there later."

"Leader" Zhao Zhijun glanced at Li Chu's face first, and then said cautiously: "The foreign affairs department also called just now, and they said... said..."

"What?" Li Chu looked up at the assistant who was hesitating.

"They said they would let her go to the special-needs building."


As soon as Zhao Zhijun finished speaking, he quickly lowered his head. Knowing the leader's temper, he knew very well what would happen next.

"Who called from the foreign affairs department?"

"He said his surname is Wang, and he seems to be some kind of director."

As soon as the voice finished, Li Chu grabbed the phone and dialed out.

Zhao Zhijun is drooling with envy for the ability of leadership, which has a photographic memory.

Every time he makes a phone call, he has to take out his own phone book and flip through the pages to find it. It would be great if he could have this skill.

But on second thought, if he had this skill, would he still need to be an assistant?

Here, Li Chu's call was directly dialed to a deputy leader in charge of this aspect of the foreign affairs department.

"Leader Chen, you can now, you can arrange patients directly for the special-needs building of our hospital, and you are still arranging foreigners.

What exactly are you trying to do? Don't want to organize the program? The chief's safety is ignored? "


Zhao Zhijun couldn't hear what the other party was saying, but the big title of his leader was firmly put on by the other party. His little heart twitched when he heard it.

"You don't need to tell me who he is. I know better than you. He found me first through personal relationships. As for the conditions I told him, I also mentioned them. What's the matter, he wants to dip his fingers in salt now. What about me?

Otherwise, since it is the credit of your foreign affairs department, it will be easy to handle. There are many hospitals in Sijiu City, and there are many doctors who are better than me. You can hire another wise man for him! I don't serve anymore. "

As soon as "Kang Dang" finished speaking, he didn't wait for the other side's response, and dropped the phone directly.

"Zhijun, let Tian Jun get the car ready."

Even the corners of Zhao Zhijun's eyes started to twitch this time, the leader is going to hide!


"There is no need to say anything to the comrades in the medical office. After I leave later, if anyone makes trouble, it will all be blamed on me."

After speaking, he waved his hand and asked Zhao Zhijun to make arrangements.

These people are really crazy, no one dares to let them arrange for special needs buildings.

You can just touch your lips. If their hospital really dares to arrange it, if a leader wants to come to the hospital the next day, let's see who will eat it.

Take a step back and say, aren't you just a foreigner, and you are not the head of any country, so what qualifications do you have to live in it.

Picking up the bag hanging on the wall, he first went to Dean Shan and said hello to his wife, then got in the car that Tian Jun had prepared and came to the library.

Arrange for Duan Jianing and Liu Ziqiang some things that need to be learned by themselves in the past two days, and they just walk away.

An hour later, he showed up at the nursing home.

In the small courtyard where Uncle Wu lived, the old man thought he was dazzled, so he put on his reading glasses and looked at it again to make sure that he saw the right person.

"Why did you come here today, kid?"

The old man put down the newspaper in his hand and asked in surprise.

"I miss you, come and see you." Li Chu pulled away the chair opposite the old man unceremoniously, and sat down.

"Oh, I just met yesterday, okay? You miss me after only one night? You coax the children."

The old man didn't believe his nonsense at all.

"Who said you can't think about it after one night, I don't see you every day like three autumns."

"Hehe, do you believe what you say?"

"Uncle, where's my aunt? Don't let me miss you, can I miss my aunt?"

"She has a meeting at the consultation meeting this morning. Don't change the subject, tell me what's going on?"

"It's all right, Uncle."

"I don't believe it!" The old man shook his head, but he didn't continue to ask, but asked Secretary Zhang to pour a glass of water for Li Chu.

"Xiao Chu, I saw that Old Dong's complexion was not very good yesterday. Is he okay?"

"It's okay. Uncle Dong is suffering from vertigo, which is also called high blood pressure in Western medicine. It is very common in the elderly. It can be treated in a few days. I brought all the medicines for him yesterday."

"That's good! The medicine kitchen your kid made for the family is not bad!"

"That's..." Li Chu became proud when he mentioned this.

"Have you not looked at the sets of furniture in my house?"

"I haven't asked you yet, where did you get those sets of furniture and the floor tiles in your house? If I'm not mistaken, they should be gold bricks, right?"

"Well, the furniture was bought from a trust store. As for the floor tiles, I know a friend whose house seems to have worked for the palace before."

"Really? He can get that much with just a job?"

"No, Uncle, you don't think I've confiscated the Golden Luan Palace, do you?" Li Chu said with a big shout.

"Then you don't have the courage, kid." The old man waved his hands disdainfully.

Hey, is this despised?

"However, Xiao Chu! You have a different status now. You are already a senior cadre of the organization and the army. You must keep a low profile!"

"Yes, I will definitely follow the instructions of the chief!"

"Stop laughing at me!"

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