While listening to Chen Zhongguo, Li Chu picked up the materials on the table and looked through them.

After asking the doctor and taking the pulse, Li Wenxuan and Duan Jianing each gave their hands and expressed their own understandings.

The condition is very simple, and the cause is also very simple.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, stasis is the main cause, internal stagnation of blood stasis, chongren uterine block, poor blood flow, and blood clots in menstrual blood lead to blockage of fallopian tubes.

Li Chu couldn't figure out whether the medicines used in western medicine were right for the symptoms, but the several traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions were all right for the symptoms.

As for why there is no effect, it is only because the dosage of the prescription is a bit conservative. It is understandable for one prescription to be prescribed like this, but it is the same for four or five prescriptions. The reason behind this is worth pondering.

After Duan Jianing finished prescribing the medicine with some excitement, Li Chu looked at the couple and said, "I don't know what you told the doctor before, but I'm going to talk too much here to advise you, it's best not to show yourself casually in the future." background."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the few prescriptions they brought on the table: "These prescriptions are actually suitable for the symptoms. The reason why they don't work after taking them is because the doctors dare not increase the dose at will. They are afraid. If there is any problem, what should I do if I get troubled by others, so I can only try to be conservative."

Li Chu's words let Chen Zhongguo and Mu Fang see each other. They never thought that the illness that had dragged on for several years was caused by their own reasons.

Li Wenxuan and Duan Jianing, who stood aside again, glanced at the couple secretly.

"Okay, take the prescribed medicine for three consecutive days, once a day, there will be a small amount of bleeding during this period, after it is completely clean..."

He picked up another prescription from before on the table: "Drink this for five days in a row, once a day, and you will not have intercourse within a month."

Seeing that he was no longer talking, Chen Zhongguo asked cautiously: "Dean Li, is this the end?"

"It's over"

"Then how long will it take for my wife's illness to recover?"

"It's almost done after drinking the medicine, but if you want to ask how long it will take to get pregnant, I can't say for sure. Under normal circumstances, it will be three months to half a year."

"Thank you, Dean Li."

Li Chu waved his hands casually, indicating that they could leave.

"Go to the registration office in the hall to make up a registration form and bring it here."

Chen Zhongguo froze for a while when he was packing his things, then he turned his head and gave his stupid wife a wink, signaling her to register quickly.

Mu Fang was a little overwhelmed by what was said, she was not a savage and willful person, nor did she use her background to do some outrageous things.

But the tutor at home is strict, and her background really made her enjoy convenience in many small things. Over time, she took it for granted.

Before seeing a doctor, she really didn't register, and was taken in directly.

Today, she suddenly heard that she had to pay the registration fee, which made her feel a little bit at a loss for a while.

But she still did it obediently.

After the two of them left, Duan Jianing quickly ran to the opposite stool and sat down and asked, "Ms. Li, why did their background make the previous doctors choose to prescribe medicine conservatively?"

"When you meet a patient who you know you can't afford to offend, will you still maintain a normal mind? This is the same as when you treat your own relatives.

Just like when one of your close relatives is seriously ill and you need to prescribe medicine for him, you will be worried about gain and loss in your heart, and you will think more about it than other patients. "

Duan Jianing savored these words carefully, and nodded slowly after a while.

Li Wenxuan did not have this problem, but it was also brought about by his background.

"Xiao Duan, you don't have to think so much now. What you need to do now is to improve your medical skills and accumulate your own experience. When your medical skills reach a certain level, these problems will not be a problem."

"I know Teacher Li." Duan Jianing responded crisply.

"The patient will come next, you two."


The morning passed slowly, and due to the need to study, the two of them only received five patients in the morning.

Li Chu glanced at the time: "It's almost time, let's go eat first, it's still the same in the afternoon."

After speaking, he hung his white coat on the clothes hook on the wall, and then walked out.

Duan Jianing lay down on the table and finished sorting out his notes, then stood up and stretched.

"Brother, I'm fine, let's go." Seeing that Li Wenxuan hadn't left, she thought he was waiting for her to join him.

"Uh..." Li Wenxuan was about to tell her to go to the cafeteria by herself, but Wang Yueyue had already walked in bouncing around.

"Brother Xuan, I..."

Seeing a stranger in the consulting room, Wang Yueyue stopped talking abruptly, and looked curiously at this strange woman who was also wearing a white coat.

"Yueyue, you are here. This is my father's student, Duan Jianing. Junior sister, this is my fiancée, Wang Yueyue."

Li Wenxuan saw Yueyue, stood up and greeted her, took the cloth bag containing the lunch box from her hand, and introduced them to the two of them.

"Hello, Wang Yueyue, I'm Teacher Li's new student, Duan Jianing." She stretched out her right hand and looked at the pink and jade-carved girl in front of her.

As a woman, she thinks she looks so beautiful, and her senior brother is really lucky and has good eyesight.


After the two of them greeted each other, Li Wenxuan lifted the bag and said, "My partner is here to bring me food, so..."

"Ah, you eat what you eat, I'll go to the cafeteria." Seeing this, Duan Jianing said hastily, and said to Wang Yueyue again, then turned around and walked out of the consulting room, forgetting to take off his white coat.

After walking out, he looked back at the shaking curtain at the door of the consulting room, and smiled enviously.

In the consulting room, Wang Yueyue approached Li Wenxuan and asked softly, "Brother Xuan, why didn't you invite her to have dinner together?"

"You don't know, she's acquainted. If I invite her, maybe she can really stay and eat with us, then we won't be full."

As he said that, he talked to Wang Yueyue again, and Duan Jianing asked the hundred thousand why questions yesterday.

"Hehe..." Yueyue smiled and raised her hand to pat her fiancé: "How can you talk about a girl like that?"

"What I'm talking about is the truth, and I'm not making it up." Li Wenxuan said while taking out a lunch box from his cloth bag and putting it on the table.

The young couple were talking and laughing while feeding each other food, and the smell of the disinfectant in the consulting room turned sweet.

After eating in the cafeteria, Duan Jianing, who originally wanted to go back to the consulting room to read, turned around and walked to the dormitory halfway. She thought of her senior brother's fiancée, and she didn't know if she had left. If she didn't, she didn't want to go there. When a light bulb.

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